Defining Characteristics of Rainbow Children
Rainbow children are less known, and less common than Indigo and even Crystal children, because Rainbow children are almost all born after the year 2000. Born primarily to Crystal children who came as early as the 1980’s, Rainbow kids are from the ninth dimension of consciousness.
They're highly evolved and spiritually advanced souls who just like Crystal and Indigo children, are here to use their special skills and abilities to share and teach peace and harmony and to help raise the vibration for all of humanity.
Who Are the Rainbow Children?
To understand the Rainbow Children, let’s take a quick step back and look at who the New Kids are in general.
New kids are highly evolved souls who are incarnating on Earth with specific missions to help humanity return to love, and progress on the ascension path.
Learn more about the Star Children here
Indigo children arrived first and worked to break down barriers, Crystal children came next to lay a foundation and smooth the way. Rainbow children will use their strong wills to bring us closer to Divinity. As more Crystal children grow and start families, and as our collective vibration increases, Earth will see more Rainbow’s being born.
The most distinctive characteristic of Rainbow Children is that they are incarnating free from negative karma.
As a result, you’ll see that most Rainbows are born into loving and stable homes (most often being born to Crystal adults), as opposed to entering into dysfunctional homes where there might be lessons to learn or hardships to overcome.
Rainbow’s are more spiritually evolved that most people on the planet, and some are even spiritual avatars who have come to guide us forward.
As their name implies, these children have a strong connection to color. They are drawn to vibrant hues and often relate to the world through color. You’ll notice their clothes are always colorful and they are highly energetic and highly creative, expressing themselves through color. These fearless kids have complete trust in their intuitive abilities and spread unconditional love to everyone.
Their masculine and feminine energies are perfectly balanced and you’ll notice a well grounded sense of confidence within them. Rainbow’s are quite magical with strong psychic powers and move through life giving and receiving joy rather than navigating based on impulse or desire. Whatever love and positive energy they receive will be magnified and reflected back out into the world
It’s impossible to miss the Divinity radiating out from their enormous, deep, and loving eyes.
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Click HereTraits of Rainbow Children
• Fearless
• Focused on service to other beings
• Completely trusting
• Large eyes
• Bright smiles
• High energy or hyperactive
• Incredibly strong willed with large and extroverted personality
• Creative and able to manifest their needs almost instantaneously.
• Attuned to color and color vibration
• Passionate about almost everything in their lives
• They wear bright and colorful clothing and prefer environments, like their bedrooms, to be bursting with color
• High enthusiasm for everything they encounter
• They have healing abilities that work similarly to Reiki, pranic healing, and Qi Gong
• Telepathic abilities
• Can be quiet and non-verbal like their Crystal parents
• Easily able to express their wants and needs from a young age
• They have a personal power that is easy to sense and difficult to resist
• Potentially misunderstood as stubborn
• Open hearted
• Love unconditionally and are universally affectionate
As the second generation of spiritual beings, the Crystal children, grow they will become the peaceful and loving parents who bring Rainbows into the world.
Expect to see more and more Rainbow children incarnating between 2010 and 2030.
These spiritual beings embody our greatest hope for reaching our full potential and future evolution. Along with Crystal’s and Indigo’s, Rainbow will lead us toward a higher vibration and closer connection to the Divine.
Learn more about the Crystal, Rainbow and Indigo “New Kids” Here!
With love and light,
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Interesting article 🙂 Would be great if it was explained how many dimensions there are and what it means that someone came from the 9th dimension.. Also, who are spiritual avatars? Somebody knows?
I believe I am a rainbow child. I was born in 1998 and I am fairly sure my parents are both crystal. I can see the qualities of crystal in my mom, even though she is not “awaken” or acccepted this concept yet but I understand she will when she is ready. My dad has always been aware, he even slightly has rainbow qualities although he was born in 1968, but he surely is a crystal adult. He would buy crystals and hang them in the window and as I got older I would spin them to make the rainbows move around the living room. My room was literred in feathers, rocks, sticks, and flowers, my parents would let me paint my walls and they would move from pink to blue to green to white. Lol eventually they just hung up white boards to let me color. Anyhoo, I am almost 20 now and I just love that I am beginning to find my place and everything seems to be falling together beautifully. Just wanted to share an expirence, lots of love to us! Bye.
So wonderful to read this! You sound wonderful and so blessed to have parents who understood you. I have a 6 year old rainbow and she is absolute Joy!
Hi Melanie I strongly believe my 7 yr old daughter is a Rainbow
I’ve been doing my research since she was 3-4 months old trying to figure out how to help and guide and encourage these gifts at the same time protecting her.
She’s very smart ,reads my thoughts and angels protect her and she’s seen our deceased loved ones. She’s so loving to all and hugs and kisses her friends so much she can’t help it she says 😉 honestly I feel sometimes they get overwhelmed but then seek her again lol
She has been our anchor my husbands and mine and has kept us together in the not so hood times she senses quickly if there’s tension and makes us hug kiss and hold hands.
I just want guidance on how to help her and nourish this amazing gift she has or should I say gifts! She has so much energy it’s overwhelming sometimes and I catch myself to not loose control. Any tips or advise you can tell me would be appretiated
Than you !!!
I’m not an expert but I think something that will help is showing the stars in the night sky on a regular basis.