Surround Yourself with Cleansing & Protecting White Light
In this post, I’m going to share with you a simple and yet profound white light prayer.
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This is an incredibly versatile prayer that you can use for protection, to raise your vibration, to inspire healing or positive change in your life, and to change your point of attraction in an instant.
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This prayer is not just about speaking words… It’s about invoking, and really feeling the white light of protection all around you.
And so, to do this prayer, it just requires your focusing within.
You can light a candle or hold a piece of selenite in your hand if you choose, but you don't have to.
Just shift your attention inward to the area of your heart center, the center of your multidimensional being, and then begin.
“I now ask to be surrounded by Divine light, with my team of Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters, with the Archangels and Angels who can most support me now.
Surround me fully and completely with Divine White Light.”
As you speak these words aloud or strongly in your mind, feel the white light entering into your present time and space.
Continue to focus your awareness on your heart center.
And now, with each in-breath you take, imagine that you’re breathing the white light into your body.
Exhale and let go.
Breathe the white light into your mind and as you breathe out, let go of thought, worry or tension.
Breathe the white light into your spirit and feel your aura and your light body replenish with this brilliant white light and as you exhale, let go.
“I ask that the white light fill and surround me, completely cleansing and purifying my mind, body, and spirit. Protect me, allowing the pure Divine guidance of my Guides, Angels and Archangels to flow through and yet, block out any and all negativity, lower vibrational energy or entities.
I ask this according to Divine Will, for the highest and greatest good, in the highest interest of all. And so, it is…”
Take a minute to just tune into the Divine White Light that is all around you, that has entered into your present time and space…
And then imagine the orb, or circle of white light around you flowing forth. In a powerful burst like expansion, visualize the white light flowing out beyond you, rippling out into your future, into your surroundings, and across the planet.
“I ask that the Divine White Light fill my home, raising the vibration and cleansing out any and all negativity.
I ask that the Divine White Light clearly illuminate my highest possible path before me.
Help me to see the opportunities, to witness the blessings, to experience the miracles, joy and true fulfillment available to me on my path.
I ask that the white light pave the pathway for me to more fully embody and experience my highest divine self, being the divine embodiment of my higher divine spirit in the physical, according to Divine will, in the highest interest of all.
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Thank you to my team of Guides and Angels.
Thank you to the Divine White Light.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And so, it is…”
The Power of Prayer
The power of this prayer comes not just from reading or even speaking it. Give this bright light prayer a try, and as you do, really feel the light entering into your space as you keep your awareness focused on your heart center.
Any prayers you find on this site, including this one are meant for you to use, try, and make your own.
Change the words to align the prayer in a way that really works for you… But also remember that while the words are important… Following the light and energy is much more so!
Short and Sweet Circle of Light Protection Prayer
Once you’ve used the above prayer, and are able to really feel and experience the White Light, you can then compress it, so that you’re able to quickly, in an instant surround yourself with a circle of white light…
“I ask to be surrounded, filled and illuminated with Divine White Light to cleanse and purify my energy, uplift my vibration and support me in embodying my highest divine truth and potential. And so, it is…”
The most important thing with this or any of your prayers, is to ask with your heart open and then tune into and experience the divine white light that when called upon, flows into your time and space and has a powerful effect by protecting your being, lifting your vibration and re-centering you in this present moment with divine love and light…
Supporting you in more fully embodying your higher divine self and your true authentic spirit.
I hope you enjoy this prayer.
Comment below and let me know how it goes!
With love, light and gratitude,
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Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation.
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