A manifesto is quite simply a declaration of beliefs, intentions, and opinions. The word manifesto itself is actually derived from the Latin word manifestum, which means to be made clear, or visible.
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So what does a manifesto have to do with spirituality?
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I mean, usually manifesto's are put out by governments, groups, companies or political parties to describe their goals, objectives, and beliefs.
But, manifesto's are actually very powerful for those on a spiritual path too. Because manifestos communicate commitment, intentions and values.
In the simplest sense, a manifesto is like a road map. It's a way to make your motives, beliefs and intentions clear and visible.
So on that note…
Here is the Ask-Angels.com Spiritual Manifesto!
We Believe:
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To Nurture Spiritual Growth and Experience Greater Purpose.
To Live in Alignment With Your Highest Truth.
Keep Choosing Love and Happiness In The Present Moment.
Open Your Heart.
Know That You Are Loved, Supported and Guided.
You Are Safe and Protected By Angels.
The Universe is Conspiring With You!
Honor Your Truth.
Follow Your Bliss.
Listen, Trust, and Act.
Love And Approve of Yourself.
Express Gratitude.
Laugh Freely.
Release Fear and Return to Love.
See The Light In Yourself And In Others.
Fulfill Your Highest Potential.
Love and Kindness Always Make a Difference.
Celebrate this Moment.
Stand in the Light.
Be Here Now.
Our Mission:
Here at Ask-Angels.com our mission is to help Millions of people to connect with their Angels and Teachers in Spirit so we can all enjoy more vibrant, spiritually fulfilled lives.
We believe in the power of love and light, and that we can all live vibrantly well, present, aware, and filled with infinite peace, joy and love.
We teach and embody living the path of the open heart.
We believe in the power of living in alignment with authentic truth, with our true Divine nature, and with the highest possible potential for our lives.
P.S. Want a print of the manifesto? I'm considering having them printed… If you would be interested in one comment below and let me know!
about our creator: Melanie Beckler
Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind Ask-Angels.com. Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation.
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