Psychic Protection That Works!
And yet, with a few basic psychic protection techniques you can learn to energetically protect yourself so you're not adversely affected. Psychic protection will help you to stay in a positive state so you can progress on your spiritual path, and accomplish your highest potential without being weighed down by lower vibrations from others, or sabotaged from any sort of psychic attack.
And of course, your angels will be with you to help you each step of the way!
Psychic Protection – Creating a Psychic Shield with Golden Light and Help from Archangel Michael
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Click HereHow to Protect Yourself from Negativity and Fear-Based Constructs
The brilliant thing about using light to psychically protect yourself is that it blocks out lower vibrations of negativity, fear-based constructs, and lower fourth-dimensional entities.
If you've taken on any of these sorts of things, it also helps to repel them from your energy field. You’ll be filled with so much light, Christ consciousness, and truth, that lower vibrations are quite literally repelled. This releases them into the divine light, over to the Angels, and up and out of your energy field.
When to Use Psychic Protection
Psychic protection is something you can do when you're standing in line at the grocery store, when you are on the phone, out in public, or just at home. Whenever you sense negative energy entering into your space, thoughts, or vibrational field.
A key sign that there is negative energy is your mood. Are you in joy, in love, in positivity? Wonderful! Keep doing what you’re doing.
If you’re feeling depressed, fearful, moody, or you’ve snapped at someone, that is a key sign that you have taken on some harsh energy or there's harsh energy around. Psychic protection will cleanse you, protect your aura, fill you with light, and shift you back into alignment with the centered, empowered, awakened human being of light that you authentically are.
Invoke Archangel Michael and Your Spirit Team
Begin by focusing on your heart. Visualize light glowing in your heart center as well as light all around you. Invoke your Angels,
“Archangel Michael and my entire team of Guides and Angels, enter into this time and space to cleanse and protect my energy on every level. I ask this according to divine will, for the highest and greatest good, and so it is.”
Breathe light into your heart and as you exhale, let your golden heart light expand around your entire energy in an orb or an egg.
Create a golden sphere of light protecting your mind, body, and spirit. It protects you on every level from anything that is not in alignment with your highest integrity and divine will for your ascension into a radiant light being.
Visualize Golden Orbs Around Your Energy Centers
Visualize light from every direction to strengthen this shield. Now, focus on the center of your mind; on your pineal gland in the center of your head. Imagine a little spark of golden light.
As you focus upon this light in your mind’s eye, envision it becoming brighter. See it expand from a little spark to the size of a tennis ball. Vibrantly glowing with golden light like the sun. Breathe and relax and let this light expand further to the size of a volley ball – glowing brilliantly with pure source light, Christ light, divine light.
Let this orb of light drop down through your throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root chakras. All the way to your earth star chakra below you. Visualize this light clicking into place and spreading out like a disk of light. See it creating a base and foundation for you.
Call in More Light
Focus once again on your pineal gland. Visualize another spark of light, more quickly now; effortlessly growing into an orb. See it lower and sit just below your belly button. Let that orb of golden light expand around your legs, feet, and abdomen, protecting this energy trifecta. You are protecting your root, sacral and solar plexus with golden light.
Again, focus on your pineal gland, your third eye, calling in another orb of light. Let this one lower down to your heart center, expanding around you in an orb. Create a fourth orb of light that lowers into your throat. Then finally, visualize an orb of light in your pineal gland creating a helmet or shield around your mind, mental being, and head.
Focus on your heart, letting that orb of light grow and expand around you to once again fill this golden egg of light. Now you are protected on every level: mind, body, spirit, all of your energy centers, and your being are filled with crystalline consciousness.
Accelerate the Light
Imagine the light around you is becoming more vibrant. It accelerates, raising in vibration, increasing in frequency. The particles shine brighter and vibrate at a higher rate. Inside the orb, any lower vibrations you have taken on are pushed out and released into the light of the divine.
Ask, “Angels, please reach in and pull out any density, stagnant or stuck energy, fear-based constructs, and negativity.” Allow this to happen. Release into the light and then focus on the orb around you, shining vibrantly, protecting you. Allow love, guidance, and positive vibrations of awakening to flow in while protecting you against anything that does not serve.
This shield of light protects you on every level and empowers you to radiantly shine as the empowered, beautiful, spiritual being you authentically are. “Thank you, Angels for your help and support in crafting this light shield, and so it is.”
The Quick Version
You can also do this quickly.
“Angels, protect me psychically now.”
Then open your heart and let that golden light shield fill around you. Tune into the light in your pineal and let it drop down, creating your base. Tune into another light and drop it down to shield your lower chakras. Tune into the light around your heart, your throat, your head.
Call it forth with support, light, and frequency from the Angels. You are a powerful spiritual being, a conscious creator. So, step into this power, vibrantly shine your light, and protect yourself psychically so that you can stay in a state of love and joy and flow these positive vibrations forth. They make such a huge difference in your personal life. They manifest love in the greater field of all that is.
Scroll down to learn 5 more powerful techniques for Psychic Protection…
There are many more psychic protection techniques. I’ve posted those here. Check them out and enjoy. Shine your light, stand in your truth, and protect yourself. Remember, love and joy are infinitely more powerful than any darkness or
negativity. If you're dealing with weird energy, surround yourself with light, call in your Angels and know that you’re good. You’ve got this. You’re loved, supported, blessed, and so it is.
Then keep reading for even more insight and to learn more about why you need psychic protection in the first place.
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Psychic Protection Made Simple
1. Wear An Orb of White Light and Love
Visualize negative energy, entities, memories, and stuck or stagnant energy being released from your mind, body and spirit. Know and visualize the presence of your angels who take negativity in all it's many forms, and release it into the light.
Practice wearing the orb of light throughout your day, and before you encounter draining people, situations, or places. The light-orb will allow love and light through, while automatically repelling and releasing negativity or other dense energies into the light.
If you feel like your white orb of light needs a little boost in power, or a cleanse itself… Call upon Archangel Michael who will readily, willingly and effectively come to your assistance instantly upon your request.
“Archangel Michael Protect me now.”
2. Invoke A Purple Pyramid of Light
While perhaps less know and used, but just as effective as using white light, the purple pyramid of light is one of my personal favorite ways to shield. If you need help calling in the pyramid of light, ask Archangel Metatron to assist you in the process.
“Archangel Metatron, please protect my mind, body and spirit with a purple pyramid of light. Cleanse, and uplift my energy and release any and all negativity present into the light.”
Visualize and imagine you're completely contained within a 3D pyramid of purple light, with the peak of the pyramid above your head, and the base extending down below your feet, and into the earth.
The purple light, infused with the energy of the violet flame will effortlessly transmute any negativity real or perceived, into the light. The pyramid itself is also a powerfully healing, and protective form.
3. Mirrored Ball
Another powerful technique for psychic protection is to visualize you're surrounded by a mirrored ball of light, which effortlessly reflects any negativity away from you, while allowing love and well being to remain.
Although this mirrored ball technique may seem simple, it is extremely effective and powerful, especially when you are around large crowds, with multiple sources of negativity.
A slight variation of this technique is to visualize a mirrored light suit of body armor all around you… Kind of like you're the silver surfer!
4. Affirmations and Prayer
Thoughts, intentions, and prayers are useful psychic protection tools as well, because they can help you to build a field of positive energy around you.
Simply thinking or saying “All is well, I am safe, I am experiencing the love and light that is all around me” can be helpful in shifting your vibration away from fear, and back into love.
Invoke Archangel Michael, Archangel Uriel, or Jesus in a similar way by simply stating their name, and inviting their Divine presence and frequency to protect and uplift you.
Affirmations like “Only love remains in my presence” or “I am surrounded by love and joy which keep me safe” are powerful forms of psychic protection especially when you can say and feel and believe the truth behind these words.
5. Angels of Protection
Angels are always ready and willing to assist you in releasing your past pain, and protecting you from external negative influences.
Ask for help when you are in need, and be open to the angelic assistance available to you… when you ask, your angels, guides, ascended masters, and the divine will always come to your assistance in one way or another.
A simple mental request of “Angels, surround me with your love and light to shield my energy, now” is enough to invoke the powerful energy of your angelic team that is always waiting to serve you.
Use any of the above visualizations separately, or together often or as needed, such as when you're required to enter a busy public place, or converse with someone who is overly negative, or who just seems to rub you the wrong way.
A little effort in consciously shielding can do wonders to prevent you from becoming dragged into drama and lowered in vibration yourself.
Why Do You Need Psychic Protection?
Even if you have learned many of your life's lessons at this point, and have made the choice to walk a path of love and light in service of others, there will be challenges and negativity you'll be faced with.
For light workers and those committed to walking a path of love, light, and service, there may be some interference from negative entities whose intention is to disrupt the path of spiritual growth and evolution you're on. These sorts of “negative disruptions” are what some people refer to as “psychic attack” or “psychic greeting” and while I have definitely experienced my fair share of this type of energy, I can assure you it is nothing to be afraid of.
When the negative disruptions do come from entities, (whom I see no point in referring to by name here) their goal is to hinder your forward momentum. Negative disruptions or psychic attacks have over time caused many souls to become lost in self doubt, fear, and suffering… But many more have achieved even higher levels of love and light despite these psychic attacks.
Now this topic is very important to you on your spiritual path and this post can only go so far. If this topic is of interest to you, or if you are feeling intuitive nudges that you need to get better at psychic protection and spiritual self defense, you should check out the entire Psychic Protection Angel Course here!
Entities always start off small, by noticing a slight opening in the auric field, a small chip in the shield of light (like self doubt, anger, fatigue or frustration), which they are able to focus upon, influence and cause the compromised area within the natural light body to grow.
Keep in mind that drugs and alcohol weaken your natural auric protection… So if you do choose to partake, be sure you put on an extra layer of light and consciously maintain your energy field, which you'll learn more about shortly.
When thinking in terms of psychic protection, it is most common for people to think of needing to be protected from the intentions of other human beings, as well as other types of negative entities. While these are both real phenomenons, and it is wise to become versed in psychic protection from external energies, more often than not the feelings of “psychic attack” or “negative disturbance” are actually coming from within your own personality.
When you begin to lift in vibration and frequency and continue to experience new levels of love and light… Your energy body begins a radical transformation as well. These changes in the energy body demand that past pain, and limiting views of self be released. When this happens, and the pain comes to the forefront, it absolutely feels like you're being energetically attacked.
When past pain comes up it's not you're like tapping into a clear cut memory of the past event or feeling of fear. Rather, past density seems to morph in a manner which accurately reflects your current challenges and lessons, in a way which will trigger you now, bringing up resistance and distraction to be dealt with immediately.
The simple answer, and response to both of these psychic disturbances, is to simply respond with compassion and love.
In the case of negative entities love absolutely repels them. In terms of your self, and processing your own past issues, love will carry you through.
“Let Love and Joy be Your Shield.” ~Archangel Michael
Any sort of negative disturbance whether internally or externally triggered can be a scary event. Nightmares, a spiral of negative thinking (which is not really your own), feelings of fear, anxiety, and dread can be absolutely miserable. These emotions and experiences can even hinder your ability to be of loving service to others, preventing you from continuing to move along your path of accomplishing your life's work and mission.
While responding with fear, anger, or distress, is a natural response to a negative disturbance, this is exactly the desired result if the disturbance is indeed external. This knee-jerk reaction causes the heart chakra to close, and any forward momentum on your path of love to be temporally (and some times indefinitely) drawn to a halt.
This is one of the reasons why it is so important as spiritual seekers, to identify and release past pain and frustrations, as the very nature of these pockets of density, attracts more of the like (from external entities, situations, or challenges).
In addition to actively identifying, processing, and releasing past pain, there are numerous effective practices of psychic protection which can be utilized on demand, always, and as needed.
By maintaining a high level of light energy, you will naturally repel and protect yourself from negativity, density and psychic attack, and combined with the five psychic protection exercises listed above, you will be able to enjoy more sustained periods of love and light.
Ready for more?
One of the best forms of protection is shining with warmth and clarity within your own energy field:
Learn how to do this in the Aura Cleansing Course here >>
With love and gratitude,
Get A FREE Angel Message Now And Tap Into The Healing Power Of Angels!
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Hello, i believe i had this dream roughly 2 years ago;
I saw yellow and orange glow hoover on me, and then i woke up, but i felt some type of warm shimmering for a moment. I did not call for anything back then, it just happen.
It did not feel harmfull, felt kinda funky actualy, out of my body experience, just like an inch.
I been suffering from tinnitus like 4 years now, i just been avoiding pretty much everything now, trying to figure things out, and this awakening seems a possibility.
I see stuff now, like its a broken record.
I see patterns everywhere now.
Hello there.. thank you very much for this. It helps me a lot because I’m surrounded by negative energies. I’m so stressed, sad and feel unloved. Thank you
Thank you dear Melanie for sharing your valuable angelic love and wisdom. I am trying to restore my mind in a perfect way so that, I may able to open my inner eye (pineal gland). Please, help me always by your angelic prayer supports.
Thank you for helping me find you, needed this💕😘🍀
Wow! Your Voice is the Best..Soothing with the Presence of Love in it. I completely felt the Presence of the Angels Love accompanied by your Healing Voice release and cut cords, and ground me. Thank You..Thank You..Thank You for being Here Now Melanie!!!
You’re so kind… Thank you and blessings ✨💖😇
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Melanie… you’re my angel guide… Thank you so much
You’re so welcome! namaste in lak’ech ✨💖😇
Thanks very much for this, Melanie. I did already learn these skills on my own, from within. I think there are different ways of putting it into practice and applying it, yes, but getting to the right place is what really matters, and I do believe I am there. I recently came into contact with you because I have been seeing the numbers ‘444″ a lot, and I did recently make a comment about that, so I do believe I’m on the right track here. As far as protection is concerned, I do believe that I am well protected, but my problem now seems to be that I’m not connecting with anyone out in the world…but then I don’t want to connect with the WRONG people either. So I am willing to wait until that right person comes along.
I think I may be expierencing what you said ” This releases them into the divine light, over to the Angels, and up and out of your energy field”
Thank you Melanie, have been looking for something to get my focus back for some time, after difficulties. Your videos are helping immensely, and are bringing me back to the Christ light. Much gratitude x
So honored to hear that Pamela… Keep shining! ✨💖😇
Thank you Melanie so much for your Daily Angel Messages through my email I eagerly await every day to read them. I especially want to thank you for the Psychic Protection made easy with Archangel Michael I have been using this at least once a day if not more. It has really helped me to try to stay positive throughout the day. Many blessings to you so grateful to you to help me connect with my angels & spirit guides!
So glad to hear Stephanie! Sending many blessings of love and light back in your direction as well!
Melanie you are amazing kind beautiful person. You share so much and give so much freely. I hope you and your loved ones are well, happy and have a beautiful life.
I’ve never had peace or lasting happiness, I’ve had trauma and abuse physical and mentally my whole life. Cursed it seems but no I certainly do not allow myself to linger on that negative perspective. I’m blessed more than I could ever wish for. I was given many things and strenth senses, intuition and lots that give me the capacity to overcome survive love life and be a good mothe of my 5 biggest blessings. Life is wonderful and happy but Yes life is hard too and feels like battle after battle but I’m always ready to accept and face what comes at me. Growing stronger and wiser, and using the negative to bring positive solutions.
When life gives you lemons, make lemon drizzle Cake!
Thankyou for helping me better prepare and your guidance.
Sending you love and light.
Thank you so much for your kind comment. So much love, light and gratitude back your way. ✨💖😇
Thank you Melanie! This is exactly what I needed, and I will do it often. You are helping to save my life. I know it sounds a bit dramatic, but it’s true. Thank you so much!
I’m honored to be of service Rita. ✨💖😇 I get what you’re saying though… Having the tools to cleanse and shift your vibration really is life changing!
Thanks for sharing the meditation. It is a powerful reminder that we are loved. Namaste
You are so loved! ✨💖😇 Blessings
u r wonderfull, thay really work , i wanna just say thank you sweety
You’re so welcome Ramina. Thank you for your kind comment ✨💖😇 Blessings ~
Thank you, thank you, thank you Melanie for your guidance. I certainly feel elated after being in tune with your “Psychic Protection” you tube video. Best wishes always. Alwin, South Africa.
SO glad to hear! Brightest blessings ✨💖😇
thank you for the reassurance that you have given me…since my spiritual awakening 1 1/2 years ago I’ve been moving in such a positive direction….about 1 year ago I have been manifesting with the angels..and yes every time I seem to slip a sign of some sort reassures me that I am ok and moving in the right direction…I could explain in detail but it would take too long…..just know I totally trust in my journey…I always knew since I was a child that I was different and an old soul…now I know for sure that I’ve always been ok and the lessons I’ve learned in this life are about to bring me to complete happiness and love…some times I thought I was just a fool but the angels have let me know that the lessons needed to be learned..i am 67 and one is never too old to learn because time is just an invention of man….anyways that is all I have to say…just trust and believe from your soul
Thank you for your guidance my partner and I are going to enjoy it all
Thank you Melanie you are a inspiration to so many I thank you with love and gratitude fo helping through out my journey with love in my heart Thank You and God Bless You and all you hold close to your heart ❤️❤️
Greetings Melanie .. just wanted to take a quick minute to let you know you’re awesome and your Website is everything. Very insightful and inspiring! Thank you for sharing with me and everyone! Looking forward for my daily dose 🙂 THANk YOU FOR YOUR GIFT MELANIE
Thank you Melanie for this guidance knowledge much appreciated???big big hugs to you ????
I’ve been a widow since April 2015
And been havibg dream of a guy I don’t know and then I have a dream of my deceased husband coming back n he tells me I have been seeing this guy. What does this mean
There is definately a great deal to know about this issue. I love all the points you made.
Beautiful and inspiring. In the human condition we need more angels like you.
Thank you so much for the wonderful angel message protection.
Thank you for the wonderful message.
I was born and raised in a moderate Methodist church, but I always knew deep inside, that I didn’t belong. I know now that I was going through the motions to please my parents hoping that if I did that they would finally love me. Didn’t work. I’ve left organized religion behind and I’m trying to figure out where I do belong.
I think that working with you that I can learn how to use all these psychic and spiritual tools to fix a throughly screwed-up life.
Thanks for everything!
You are not alone I have a similar past. I’m lost but look forward to finding my way, and I know it’s going to be a wonderful journey. Good luck and kind wishes.
Dear Melanie, thank you so much for this wonderful message. I am enjoining a lot.
Kind regards
Thanks a lot Melanie for this wonderful post!
Hi There Melanie. Thank you so much for your guidance and directions on receiving and paving our way towards the angels. appreciate it and will certainly follow your guides.
Thanks for sharing this inward and self-transformational psychic practice with me and others.
AS the URL , so does the content, its very simple and appealing. Thank you madam, for your wonderful information and blessings..Thanks a lot..
Thank you for your help and advice. I have tried these various ways but due to my ex husband, his spells and attacks at times seems stronger and has been continual since before divorce in 2009! He became involved with a spiritualist medium gone bad. She taught him this and he also joined a cult. He is very angry and does not want me well, and specifically a leg ulcer to heal! Ive’ve felt and seen what his/they attacks do!
TheAngels are very important and helpful to me! They have let me see their light at times to let me know they are near and also warning me. I was taught some about using my pendulum to do clearing while being attacked, which has helped and being a blessing! The attacks have decreased, but still get them. I ame age 74 and this has been going on for too, too long! He won’t stop!!! Probably won’t till his health gets too bad to be able to do.
Thanks for listening and would appreciate any more advice!
Thanks for these recommended spiritual exercises. These experiments grant us hope and faith that we are not alone what is required of us is to practice and attune ourselves with the cosmic energy for our own good. excellent exeercise..i am interested to practice from today onwards…will keep you informed of the resuls as feedback to you,,dear Angel Melaine, thanks a lot for educating & enlightening us. Om Om Om…
It’s so accurate true if u only believe
Dear Melanie I realy appreciate. your readiness to help me no money no sweet dreams for a bright future.turbulent luck.frustrations.not sure of a quiting a less paid job and go into my dream business.please I am in a jam offer to me a solution out of these mess
Melanie, I appreciate this…thank you.
This email came at the right time for me.
Thankyou so much for the information that you give!! Bless you for sharing …this is so important!
Thank you so much for this priceless information. Abundant blessings.
The great things i love to knw what a life i like it
first and formost,i want to thank you for the good job you are doing…early this after reading your post on facebook i decided to invite my angel,i sat down on my bed,i take a breath and relax after a while,i felt slept although it a bed when i asleep i had a loud voice with 3 line of light with vibration on my head,sudden i woke up and i know it an angelic visitation,then i pretend as if nothing had happen and i slept again…the angel came again and there was a beaming and tiny appear like a star and spread every nooks and cranny of my room the angel rap me with some and i was also visualizing counting numbers with percentage on the wall of my room when it reach 100% the angek said it is finish and he a plasma television on my wall and he left and i was still see the lightening till i woke up and feel good with my self.thanks am Moses Akpah from Nigeria…
Thank you melanie happy new year l needed this information eagerly waiting to hear from you God’s blessing love n light
I would like all negative energy enemies are using against me be dissolved and bless me from any thing I drink,eat with strength,good luck and skinny attractive beauty of body
thank you
Very useful important information as past experiences I know that it is important to protect yourself. Thank you and many blessings
Very useful topics for the moment.Very grateful to you.
Love and blessings!
Thank you I knew everything but calling on Archangels Metatron AND URIEL -BUT PROBLEM IS I FORGET TO DO IT -WILL WEAR A SPECIAL PENDANT OR RING TO REMEMBER.THANKS SO VERY MUCH FOR SENDING ME THIS EMAIL. I shall strive to take better care of myself and by doing so help others too vicariously.Thank you Melanie
Excellent write up. Very simple and effective. Love thanks divine love.
Thank You for the post.I truly need the negativity removed from me and,where i am living .I feel it so strong that I don’t want to even enter t trailer. I need you by my side. thank You again .. Sincerely Peggy Sue Harrell 7/20/1958
Thank you Melanie. I have been going through this internal process this summer. Lots of things coming up for release. This is very helpful.
Hi Melanie Thank you for a present
I feel you are a Beauty full Friend.
I’ m sorry i don’t write well…
If there is to be great wealth coming my way I hope it’s very me Angeles. .help me now. .I don’t need anymore bad karma. …if u can hear..May hear the angels voice sing…I need to find that money Angele..please help me…I believe in u…
Thank you 🙂
Thank you Melanie!
I believe in the visualizations and affirmations!
My mom past away on 29 of Feb 2015 in am overwhelmed with grief and pain how I know my mom is ok o need help
At the beginning of the year I was extremely drawn and pulled to study Reiki. I will be going to Level III on April 11th. Since I started I have had an emotional war with my emotions and I fill blocked. I have struggled so much and I cannot figure out what I am doing to make this happen. I seek guidance from others that are all saying pretty much the same thing but don’t know who to trust and what to do. I just continue to struggle and I pray that this negative energy and bad luck I am having will go away soon. I literally like a wondering lost soul with obstructions and obstacle all around me. I have no clue what to do but to ride out the storm and ask angels for assistance.
thank u so much i love it
Thank your
All psychic vulnerabilities are places in ourselves where identified with already-existing wounds from the past.
If you set about healing those wounds — and there are many, many tools out there, such as psychotherapy, bodywork, and deep meditation, you will eventually reduce your vulnerabilities to zero and all the techniques in this article will be unnecessary.
Seek less to “surround yourself with white light” than to BECOME that light, identifying not with the contents of your mind and the stuff of your emotions, but the pure consciousness that animates them. When you become the most radiant thing in the neighborhood, no psychic attack or entity can affect you.
Thank you so much! Just recently discovered you on 5dacensionnow your articles are so helpful. I was very sad to see that site close, it was one of the few sites i follow. Will they be reopening or anything similar? It seemed like such good stuff, it gave me something everyday that seemed like truth to me. Thank you for todays very inspirational article. Kind regards, faith
I am having bone problems need desperate help please pray thank you. Golden halo Mel .
Melanie, earlier this week you sent me an email about learning to listento our Angels and to open our minds and hearts. I have followed you instructions a few times since. Yesterday before going out I did this again, I just had a feeling I had to. Well driving I felt my steering wheel turn a little for no reason, just then a fool came out of a parking lot driving very very fast. If my wheel had not turned I wouyld have been hit and maybe seriously. I felt the wheel being turned and I know I felt someone in the car with me. I believe with all my heart that It was my Angel. Thank you Melanie and bless you.
Melanie…Thank you SO MUCH! I needed this information. I just finished a prayer to the Angels asking for help regarding a difficult person. Thank you Angels!
Thank you. The psychic attacks that I am sometimes subjected to usually come from family members. I do not react and try to get out of the situation as quickly as possible. Sometimes my energy is affected by unbearable heat or low blood pressure. Financial decisions can make me real nervous.
After my daughter passed away from a car accident. I felt like I was protected from harm. But one night I was alone in bed and the room lite up like it was day time. I saw a tall man almost to my cieling he took one of my hands and knelt down and placed his bearded face into my palm. He then took his other hand and insert his index finger halfway thru my head at the base of my neck. I then started vibrating which seemed to me like an hour. At first when it started I grabbed his beard roughly then when the vibration started I remember telling myself to just go for it. I had already been thru the worst experience of my life so I was afraid. I relaxed my whole body until the vibration stop. I looked at the foot of my bed and their was a black curtain that dissolved I front of my eyes. The room still looked like it was daytime in about 6 seconds the room darkened and I feel back to sleep. I have never known if it was a good or back experience
I love this post! Very insightful and helpful. There are many times when I feel like someone has said hurtful things and it will get stuck in my head and I have had the hardest time letting it go. I only recently am learning this can be seen as a physic attack and it can be released. Thanks Melanie! – Nicole @mindovermessy
Thank you. Very grateful to you.
please protect my son in his hour of darkness, angels, be his guiding light amen
Wow! Well this is how my angels chose to bring me my message….. by reading this page I already feel more positive and uplifted. ..I must remember to use the tools the angels have given me xxx
Love it thank u
it was more than i could understand to day and i am grateful for this information.maby i need help another time.
thank you so much angeles.
sinsearly from bjørn inge
Thank you