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The Gift of Psychic Dreams – Do You Have it?

3 Types of Psychic Dreams You Might Be Having

Psychic Dreams- The 3 Types Everyone dreams! This is true whether you currently remember your dreams, or not!

As you may already know, it is your subconscious mind that guides you as you enter into the REM (rapid eye movement) phase of sleep… This is the deepest level of dreaming.

Research shows that your brain is far more active during sleep than in waking hours. If you’ve ever struggled to silence your mind from the anxiety, stress, and worry of your thoughts, just imagine all that must be going on in your sleep for your brain to be even more active!

But just because your brain is active during sleep, it doesn’t mean all of your dreams are psychic ones.

Most of your dreams are just your unconscious mind processing the places, people, experience and events from your waking life.

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But have you ever awoken from a dream and felt like there was more to it than meets the eye?

Have you ever felt like you just had a dream that was actually a psychic premonition?

Or a dream that was somehow that much more than just your subconscious mind sorting through the sounds and images of the day?

In many cases, you may be right.

Psychic dreams are dream states in which you attain information or guidance psychically while you sleep rather than through your ordinary five senses.

Psychic dreams allow you to access information from beyond the physical, by connecting to a deeper, multi-dimensional spiritual realm.

Psychic dreams vary from the norm in that, instead of revolving around yourself, they tend to revolve around something or someone external like an event, an individual, situation, or place.

Psychic dreams are incredible, but they’re nothing new, and been documented for generations in all sorts of different cultures.

So how do you tell the difference between a normal dream and a psychic dream?

To start… Let’s take a look at the 3 basic categories of psychic dreams.

Which of these have you experienced?

1. Precognitive Dreams

Precognitive dreams are when you see future events before they unfold.
Thanks to Hollywood, when most people hear about precognitive dreaming, they assume it’s about forecasting tragedies, disasters or other dark scary subject matter right out of the movies. This can and does happen, but just as often as not, precognitive dreams are completely positive and tied to seeing positive future possibilities.

Psychic Dreams Have you ever seen the future in one of your dreams?

If your answer is “no” just because you’ve never solved a crime, predicted a natural disaster, or foretold a death while dreaming, that doesn’t mean that you’re not dreaming about future events…

I often have a type of precognitive dream where in my dream; I am suddenly in a new place.

The dream is really just me being there, looking around, and experiencing the new location.

This is so much different from the rest of my normal dreams, which tend to have elaborate story lines and multiple dream characters.

Now that I’ve had so many of these location based precognitive dreams validated by ending up in the exact location I’ve dreamt about, I can now recognize when this type of dream when it occurs.

Other precognitive dreams are simply about basic life events.

Have you ever had a dream about a family member that you hadn’t seen in a while only to get a call from them shortly after?

Precognitive dreams like this happen all the time and can help to illustrate how deeply connected our souls really are.

But, even so, sometimes precognitive dreams can be hard to identify from “regular dreams”.

For this reason, one of the best things you can do is to keep a dream journal. Writing down your dreams will not only help you to remember them more clearly, but it will offer you the ability to check back and see which of your dreams have indeed become a reality.

This will help you to learn your common dream types, symbols and patterns, so you can better understand and decipher your language of dreams.

Additionally, precognitive dreams may be repetitive, so if you do find you keep having the same dream, this is usually a good sign to pay attention to it!

Maybe it’s forecasting your future, or maybe it’s simply telling you something about your life in the present, either way… Don’t you want to know?

2. Telepathic Dreams

Telepathic dreams are another form of psychic dream where direct communication takes place. Telepathic dreams are different from dreaming about talking to someone, but really you’re just talking to an aspect of your own subconscious in the form of the dream character.

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Yes, this does happen and dreaming about other people and having conversations is a completely normal way for your unconscious mind to work through something.

But telepathic dreams are where you actually telepathically communicate with your guides, angels, deceased loved ones, pets, or another person while you’re in a dream state.

Telepathic dreams are vivid, impacting, and incredibly real.

Visitation dreams are a variation of a telepathic dream where your loved one in Heaven reaches out to you during your dream time.

Click Here to Learn More About Visitation Dreams.

But for now, let’s look at telepathic dreams can that occur between two living people.

Usually telepathic dreams happen when one person telepathically reaches out (consciously or unconsciously) to call upon the other while they’re in a dream state.

In cases where both souls are very emotionally connected, they’re then able to telepathically communicate through images, emotions, and even more direct conversation.

Usually one person “pings” the other, through focused energy.

This is something that can be psychically done by certain people while they’re in a conscious state. Other times, one person may unconsciously reach out through their dream state to “ping” the other in the dream and thereby connect.

When I’ve had telepathic dreams in the past, the other person was able to verify we had communicated after the fact.

3. Clairvoyant Dreams

Clairvoyant Dreams Clairvoyant dreams are another powerful kind of psychic dream. They are vivid, realistic, and captivating dreams that feature symbols, metaphors and events.

Clairvoyant dreams can offer guidance for the dreamer in the present, as well as insight into the future.

Having very vivid and active dreams is actually a strong sign that you have clairvoyant abilities in your waking life too.

And clairvoyant dreams are a passive, and natural way for your clairvoyant abilities to begin awakening.

Click here to learn more about developing your Clairvoyance.

If you think you might be having clairvoyant dreams but you’re not sure, the best thing you can do is to start a dream journal to track your dreams. This will help you to begin to learn and decipher your dream language.

Spirit, your guides, angels, and your higher self will often use clairvoyant dreams where they offer guidance through symbols and metaphors. By learning the nature of the symbols that appear, you can better understand, and decipher the psychic meaning of dreams.

A slight variation of a clairvoyant dream is the past life dream, where you actually tune into past life experiences through your dreams.

Click here to learn more abour Past Life Dreams. 

So have you experienced any of these psychic dream states?

As you’ve read, psychic dreams can be hard to pinpoint, even, at times for those that are highly experienced.

If you’ve ever questioned that one of your dream states was more than merely the workings of the subconscious, though, you’re probably right…

The symbols, themes, and insights from psychic dreams offer valuable insight and guidance into life.

The key, is to pay attention!

Learn more about spiritual dreams and how to remember them here here.

Or, for deeper insight into Visitation Dreams from loved ones in Heaven, click here!

And finally, learn how you can Invite Angels Into Your Dreams here!

Sweet Psychic Dreams!

Melanie Beckler

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about our creator:
Melanie Beckler

Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation.

Ready to elevate your spiritual journey? Immerse yourself in the premium meditations and angelic activations inside of the Angel Solution Membership.

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  1. My husband who has left me for 7 months because of his new found mistress is back, We have been married for 14 years with 3 beautiful kids. I love my husband so much but I could not stop him. I need our marriage to work, I have read countless books on how to please your husband but none worked.
    I suffered alone with our kids until someone tweet on twitter about how she got his cheating boyfriend back and now they are married. I contacted her on twitter and she told me that I should give(w w w . l o v e s ol u t i o n t e m p l e. c o m) a chance to help me bring back my husband using spell casting. I am not a fan of things like that but just for the sake of my marriage to work, and I also do not want to raise our kids in a broken hope home as a single mother. I used the spell service to bring back my husband. I wrote to the love solution temple to seek for help on how to release my husband from the charms of the other woman.
    I could not believe it when I saw my husband back with his parents to beg me. This was the next day after the spell has being done. My husband Peter was crying on my feet begging me to please forgive him for abandoning our family.
    From that very point I knew the spell was working. This same temple has don the same thing for my best friend who has being divorced for 2 years, but now she is happy with husband because she used same love spell to bring back her ex husband. This temple is the greatest solution temple on earth. I am happy I got my life back on track and everyone is happily living together in love just like the way it was before that witch appeared in our marriage.

    1. I’m scared of my dreams they are warnings but I feel like I’m going crazy I’ve had them since I was 7 they disappeared but they are back again… I’m 15.

  2. Can a spirit enter my dreams and put me in a life experience that is theirs and actually make me see it as if i am seeing it through their eyes…someone i do not even know, but a person that they know that I have had a brief contact with, or have a personal relationship with and they are trying to get a message to their friend…JustMe…Shelley…😌😌😌

  3. Hi I’m 25 years young black woman live in Chicago a regular girl I have dreams that often comes true I hate the fact that I know so much no I dnt think I’m going crazy just hate the fact that I know what’s going to happen just by the dreams I have it scares me just want to talk with someone who is going through the same is it a gift and or curse

  4. so i have these dreams where i see things before it happens and it usually happens with people i love

    i keep having dreams of my ex who always decides he wants to leave my life but everytime i get constant dreams about him he comes back into my life days later. Same kind of thing happened when i had a dream of my boyfriend at the time cheating on me and leaving me for someone else days later he left me but everytime i had constant dreams about them they come back? what does this mean?

  5. this guy I like said something about his ex wont leave him alone and he told me he love me in that way and I had nightmares about him and his ex getting back together and we were talking in the dream and it came true by a another friend telling me so what kind of dream is that ?is it like a psychic dream?

  6. I have had 3 dreams about people that had already died. The dreams made me feel different when I woke. I still remember great details about dreams. When I woke from each dream I felt it really happened. That the person had come to let me know something. I can go into detail if you want.
    I also had a dream one night but the only thing I remember is that I had something in my eyes. Something was constantly irritating them. Don’t know what that means.

  7. Ive just awoken in a cold sweat.. This has happen threw out my life that i can remember.. Its not about the past.. And its not my future…

    When i have these dreams i loss track of time.. Seemsnim asleep for hours and hours.. But in reality its only been 1 (one) hour..

    The dreams all have the same people ( whom ive never meet and some names ive never heard) the settings can vary but i can tell its the same place.. Its not the past.. Unless we had a more advanced technology era then we live in today..

    I can picture everything clearly in my mind.. Describing it is another story thou.. I find myself lost on words on to describe it.. I know in the dream im on some kind of mission.. Its like its a war and im apart of resilience… The clothes are beat up and bulky on most.. Others are tight fighting but we all have hoods on…

    The dreams are natural nost time that they seem to be an ordinary day.. Doing ordinary things.. But we talk about events and upcoming events that have never happen in any historical period we have on records.. Theres some that are action packed…

    The one i just woke up from was a new one.. Ive seen the past dreams multiple times repeating every detail… This one however i did not remember.. I also have a sick worried feeling when awoke… It started out normal like the others.. In a city with massive towers.. Walkways up the side of buildings… In side the buildings the designs are so bizarre and unique… ( i am however found of the layouts more so of the ones i see today..)

    In the most recent dream the last bit.. I ( ever dream i see threw the same persons eyes.. Its like its myself but its not me… Its not mt relfection… Not my voice.. And not my name…) Was worried someone compromised myself.. And that i was at serious danger… It ended with myself and 6 people around a table talking hushly about who it maybe.. I remeber seeing a face ( a face again ive never seen but felt i could never forget that face..) And slammimg the door… One of the femals around tge table questioned it ( as if it was we were in a safe place and everyone could be trusted..( even when awaken i feel like i cant trust the one man) we argue for a few min and then i reluctantly open the door and bark he comes in.. We were talking about some big plan that had to go threw perfectly… The strain on everyones else faces said it all.. It was life or death…

    The man i called in was about to start saying something… When the sidewall is blown inward ( when my ears ring, and my bodt flitches, and i start coughing in the dream.. Transpires into reality) which usually startles me awake with the cold and wetness of sweat…. Its a cold sweat that leaves my shivering ( +20c) for about 45 min regardless of what i try to warm myself up…

    Everytime i have onw of these dreams ( its becoming more frequent) i always wake up in that cold swest… This time its been an hpir and still cant shake the chilla…

    Also note that i do have other dreams side from these of future events.. Mostly useless like seeing a sign.. Or seeing a certian car at a certian timw at a certian location… Theae dreams come reality with in the week… Never seen anything negative with that yet..

    I believe ive had past dreams before aswell as the attire is in history books and on display in some museums.. The surrounding are foreign to myself and camt find anything the remotely looks like it…

    I need help in figuring out what im dreaming about in the vivid dreams that seem to be futuristic or of another world…

    They say theres parallel universes out there.. Is there a way im seeing what myself and this world has gone threw in anorher universe or?…

    Also they have gotten more vivid and more detailed as i get older… I cant recall when they started but it was before i hit puberty… The dreams stay longer vivid after awake.. The details in faces and the surrounding are more vivid as before they would fog up as if i wasnt suppose to see what i did…

    Thank you for your time.. Im hoping someone can give insight on what they mean.. Or can Help me find a path to figuring it out.. If it helps when ever i awaken and think about these particular dreams i always have goosebumps when trying to recall as much detail as i can… Which the harder i focous the foggier it becomes…

  8. I’m not quite sure if this was a psychic dream or just a coincidence it’s quite scary now that I think of it so I need some help.

    So it was around 10.30am and I wanted to take a nap. Now I wanted to add this in because I DONT dream or some of you might say I do dream but I just don’t remember them. This is the first dream I’ve had for around 2 years. Basically my dream wasn’t about me infact in this dream I was kind of just hovering above everyone and everything.

    It’s was about my brother and cousin in a black car im pretty sure it was a Suzuki swift car and the driver was my brother and my cousin was in the passenger seat. I was kind of hovering above them like a birds eye view and long story short the car flipped and my cousin survived but my brother had died. Now we were attending his funeral his funeral was held in a forest but all the trees were burnt down and there were only dead grass and shrubs around.

    I was looking around and saw my brothers girlfriend and her family whom I have never met and know nothing about what they look like. In the dream I was crying.

    I then woke up with my heart racing and tears falling from my eyes. I knew it was a dream but I couldn’t stop crying I don’t know why. I went on my phone to distract myself and I stopped crying.

    No this is where it gets weird. When I woke up it was around 1.10pm My mum walks into my room on the phone at 2.40pm. She finishes talking and hangs up. She tells me my sister was just in a car accident?! Now that’s when I thought maybe it was just all a big coincidence than I started thinking about my dream and what type of car it was. A BLACK SUZUKI SWIFT. And guess what type of car my sister ownes. A BLACK SUZUKI SWIFT!!! Now I know this may just be me being paranoid but I grew up believing in witchcraft and all that mysterious bullcrap but anyways

    I don’t know tell me what you guys think

  9. I’ve had quite a few weird things happen in my life I could use clarification on if you dont mind!

    First of all I’ll start when I was a kid I use to have deja vu on the normal, when i was 9 i believe i heard my first spirit. Let me explain I was 9 and saying my prayers as per usual when I said “Dear God” something in me that still hits me to this very day (as im writing this im getting goose bumps) said “FUCK GOD” I was young I dont even think I knew that word back than but I felt the unease I felt like someone was watching me the whole time before I had started saying my prayers. To this day I dont have an explanation but I know what I heard and felt.

    When I was about 15-16 (cant remember exact age) I was having a dream in which my uncle game me a ride to hockey. When we got to the stadium I said “thank you so much for everything” and he replied “Ill always be there for you Robert remember that” I immediatley woke up to my mom knocking on my door crying telling me that this uncle had just passed away in his sleep. Is this communicating with spirits is it a psychic ability is it both?

    Flash forward to when I was 18, I was on my way to a party ( I was driving at the time) when all of a sudden I felt not only sick to my stomach but a deep depression. I looked down at my phone to see my mom was calling me this instant (I couldnt answer as I was driving). In my mind I knew what had happened, I knew my nan who was my best friend and helped raise me had passed away. Sure enough before i got to the party I called my mom to find out my nan had passed away a minute or two before she had called me.

    Is there any connection there or coincidence?

    Flash forward to 2 days ago (I am now 21) I had a dream of a girl I havent seen in about three years. In this dream i noticed she had a new tattoo on her neck when I asked when she got it she said today. I didn’t understand this and woke up shortly later. I found out today she got the exact same tattoo hours after I had dreamt about it.

    I could really use some explaining if it sounds im psychic or if its coincidence and would also really appreciate to know if theres a connection between spirits and having psychic dreams as I have been feeling paranoid lately as I just moved into a new house I always feel like I’m being watched and just last night I thought i saw a shadow figure right beside my bed the same time I felt a coldness and had goosebumps.

    If you could please explain to me what you think I have been experiencing my entire life psychic abilities or coincidence and please please let me know if I’m just extremley paranoid or if I may actually have a sense feel/communicate with the deceased I would greatly appreciate it as I am extremley concerned about if I am going crazy or not!

    Thank you so much for your time and I am very sorry for my life story but I don’t know who else to ask for answers.

    Sincerley, Robert Dalrymple

    1. Those are full on premonitions. Always listen to yourself. You should look into your abilities more. A woman told me knowledge and understanding will help. I have premonitions as well as strange feelings and recently started seeing shadows. I also saw a face when cloaing my eyes one day. I have also been hearing whispering. Which is not something that normally happens to me. This woman told me to learn about my abilities. Denying and pushing them away isnt going to help and may makes things worse. Fear of the unknown is always confusing. Once you learn you may be able to see things more clearly and actually understand what is happening.

  10. I have a question. About 2 or 3 weeks ago after waking up from a nightmare I got a flash image of an illustration drawn on what looks like a papyrus. It was an illustration of a male angel. He didn’t cover his muscled torso and he wore a knight helmet. He was standing with his angelwings wide open holding a sword with his handpalms, kind of leaning on the sword. I tried to research what it meant but all I could find was a wikipedia page about archangel Michael. I feel like this flash image is a clue of finding the guidance towards the key of knowledge and a happier life. Of course, I’m not certain and I would like to ask you if this means anything or not. Was it a clue or just imagination?

  11. The other day I had a dream something was pulling me by the feet trying to separate me from my body. Any idea what the meaning could be.

  12. Melanie, from this article I think I have given a name to a “Telepathic” dream I had a few years ago, which I found disturbing and puzzling.
    In reality I was staying over my son’s house and about 4am I dreamed that a small brown shadow figure with long skinny arms took me by my hand and was pulling me with him. I woke with a start and was quite annoyed by it. I even remarked to myself; What was that!? It was VERY real, I felt my hand being pulled. Later that morning, my DIL remarked that she had a bad dream at 4am and proceeded to tell me the exact dream I had. She had more detail, she said there was a woman in her dream that was trying to help her, but the shadow figure broke her neck and then she helped him. Later that day she told it again to her mother and said she had had that dream a few times when she lived at home with her parents.
    Do you have any insight into this?

  13. I often have dreams where I’m jerked awake, and realize it wasn’t over yet? I can ask myself to go backwards and fall into the same dream at the exact moment ileft

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