Morning prayer is such a wonderful way to prepare for a brand new day.
I am excited to share with you a simple morning prayer that you can use to start your day off now.
This beautiful morning prayer will allow you to link up with the light of the Infinite, the love of Source, and the presence of your guides and angels so you can invoke their support, help, guidance, and assistance to help you in making the most of a brand new day.
Best Time to Say A Short Morning Prayer
You can do this prayer right when you wake up, when you're still laying in bed as a way to start the day off with gratitude and connecting with the Divine.
It could also be done mid-morning or really whenever it feels right to you, but essentially it's always best before you pray, to center your energy and focus your awareness with.
Then when you pray from a solely stream of consciousness mode of mind, your prayers are valid and will be heard to some extent, but you can elevate the vibration of your prayer by connecting with an open heart, a clear mind, and a willing spirit.
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Click HereHow to Use This Daily Morning Prayer
By connecting and praying from a place of elevated vibration, your prayers are more easily heard and your experience of prayer actually becomes something that shifts your energy, connects you with the divine, raises your vibration, and aligns blessings into your life.
So a simple morning prayer that I like to do is to begin by closing your eyes and shifting your awareness within focusing your awareness on your heart center, tuning into divine light and life force energy within you.
A Beautiful Morning Prayer to Say Each Day
Let your heart open to the divine light and then aloud or in your mind think or say:
“Beloved Divine Source of All That Is. The One.
Beloved Christ. Light. Solar Logos.
Beloved Guardian Angels, Holy Spirit.Thank you for another day of being alive on the earth plane.
Thank you for this opportunity to be alive. To cultivate an inner connection with divine light and to progress on my path of embodying my highest divine light.Beloved Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, beloved Archangel Uriel, beloved ascended masters, Holy Beings, guides and guardians of the middle path of highest light.
Thank you for all the blessings in my life. Thank you for your support and guidance, for your encouragement and for your love.
I ask that you assist me this day in staying open to the blessings of divine opportunity, in staying positive and centered in gratitude and love.
Help me to maintain a love vibration throughout my entire day.
Help me to stay centered, positive and aligned with the highest divine perspective and outlook for whatever happens in my life.
I ask that you clearly guide and assist me today. Align me with the miracles of divine possibility.
Bless every area of my life. Bless my energy, help me to show up fully shining and embodying divine light through all that I do so that my life is of service to others so that my light creates waves and ripples in the field of all that is, helping others to brightly shine.
I ask that you bring me clear guidance to keep me on track with my highest direction today and helped me to see and receive, to know your guidance, wisdom, and love.
Bring me miracles and blessings of divine possibility and help me today to embody, shine and thrive, living in alignment with divine love and light.
I think you, I love you.
And so it is.
You can use the exact words above to complete a morning prayer yourself, invoking your guides and starting your day off with a morning prayer of positivity, of love, and especially, inviting in Source light blessings, divine guidance, and miracles of divine love into your life.
These things are available to you, but you are a human being and you have free will. So if you want guidance, assistance, and higher divine intervention, it's up to you to ask for assistance, and then be open.
Make it a Habit to Say a Morning Prayer for Blessings of Peace and Positivity in Your Life
Once you say a morning prayer and ask for assistance. Then be open! Stay open in a place of having a clear mind, your heart open, willingness within your core and willing to receive the guidance and inspiration of spirit and the willingness to act upon the guidance and inspiration you receive.
With this, you can make today, and make this moment now the very best yet because you are centered in love and open to the miracle, the blessing of divine light that is all around, that simply takes tuning in.
Remember that each new day is an opportunity to cultivate your direct link with the light of the infinite, with the love of source, with higher divine consciousness to embody it through you and to shine.
As always, the light in me is a reflection of the light in you. Keep shining because it is beautiful.
With love and bright blessings,
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