Guessing you've noticed? So many people are stressed out, and tensions, fears and tempers are running high…
I wanted to remind you of the immense power of holding the field of love.
I was reminded of this today when I recalled an experience from years back.
It was around 12 AM, close to downtown in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Miles (my husband) and I were walking home from a show we'd gone to see.
We'd reached a dark and particularly shadowy street, of course…
When a group of three guys approached us.
One of whom was absolutely hammered.
He started aggressively talking trash, and trying to get Miles to fight him.
I remember him actually saying: “Fight me bro, fight me” while getting up in Miles face and pushing him with both hands.
Miles kept saying, “I don't want to fight you, I don't want to fight you.”
But the guy would just not stop and was getting more and more aggressive.
Suddenly Miles had a change of tone. He spoke with power… And from his heart:
“Bro, I love you. I don't want to fight you. I love you man.”
And with this…
The guy stopped. He staggered backwards, looked Miles in the eye and then said, “We're cool man, I love you bro…”
He gave Miles a hug, and then turned and starting walking the other way down the street.
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How can you hold the field of love in your life right now?
It's not always easy, especially when you encounter someone or something who pushes all of your buttons…
But it is so powerful!
And we have help!
When those guys approached us, I immediately called in the angels… Hello Archangel Michael
I think most people could use a little Love reinforcement right now…
So I wanted to make sure you knew about this free Angel Meditation of Love and Relaxation.
With love and bright blessings,
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