In fact, it often involves doing the hard thing.
It requires making the change that's a bit uncomfortable in the present moment…
But that deep down you know will best serve in the long term.
It requires you to push through your own doubt and resistance…
That comes from the lower ego self that wants nothing more than for things to stay as they are.
It asks you to trust yourself and your intuition…
And to claim your power to create, by taking that step…
Doing that thing you've been putting off…
And acting on the guidance you've received.
Really… Actually listening to your intuition and inner guidance is the more difficult path.
It's the road less traveled, but as Robert Frost so eloquently said:
“Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”
Listening to inner guidance is NOT always easy… But when you listen, trust and act… The guidance grows.
With so much love,
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Click HereP.S. If you're not confident in the guidance you're receiving…
Check out this guided Guardian Angel Guidance Meditation here!