What Is Automatic Writing?
Automatic writing is a spiritual practice of accessing a stream of wisdom from beyond the ordinary mental consciousness.
Typically accessed in a trance-like-state, or altered state of consciousness, automatic writing became quite popular within spiritualist circles in the late 19th century, who believed it to be a way to access the supernatural.
Today, automatic writing continues to be a popular divination practice, but psychologists and spiritualists hold differing beliefs about the origins of the content produced with automatic writing.
Some say that what is written with automatic writing process emerges from the unconscious mind, while others say that automatic writing channels messages from higher dimensional spiritual beings such as spirit guides and angels.
Personally, I believe that automatic writing can operate in both of these ways, and that in both instances, even if only accessing the unconscious mind of the individual, there is a great benefit in this, as the unconscious mind is a gateway or access point to the soul and Higher Self.
If you're looking to learn automatic writing to channel spirit, I highly recommend this Learning to Channel Course here! >>
How to Learn Automatic Writing
The reason that it's fairly easy to learn to do automatic writing, is because the very act of sitting down to do some writing opens your mind up to receive inspiration, ideas, and messages.
When you have a pen in your hand (or you're sitting in front of a keyboard), and you place it onto paper, your brain automatically thinks there is going to be some sort of information, message or concept coming through.
This is a natural process which happens when you place a pen to paper to write, and so receiving messages from the unconscious mind, or from spirit guides and angels in this way does not feel scary, or weird, or out of the norm for the ego mind, and so it allows the guidance to flow though.
So with a pen in your hand, and a notebook or some paper to write on, you're ready to allow communication from the realms of spirit to flow through.
Note, that when you put in the focused effort to develop automatic writing, it's likely your supporting psychic abilities will kick in to help you receive and interpret the guidance from the spiritual or angelic beings you're connecting with. So don't be surprised if you feel, sense, hear or see the angel you're automatic writing messages from, just stay present and aware, and enjoy the connection.
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Click HereHow to Do Automatic Writing
When you're ready to begin an automatic writing session, start by taking a deep breath as you consciously relax.
In addition to having your pen and paper, you also need a safe and quiet location where you can connect without distractions. It doesn't have to be quiet for this to work… and in fact, playing relaxing ambient music, or instrumental music in the room can help you to relax and open. The key, is that especially when you're learning, a peaceful, serene and calm environment will help.
I then highly recommend you call in the protection of Divine light, as well as your team of spirit guides and guardian angels.
Once you're surrounded with the light of the Divine, ground and center your energy, open your chakras, and connect with Divine light.
Here's a simple little process I use to do just that:
- Visualize your energy grounding to the earth.
- Feel the light at the core of the earth, and feel your oneness with earth and all.
- Breathe deeply.
- Imagine light begins to flow up through you.
- Allow the light to flow up along your spinal column, opening and activating your chakras.
- Go up into the light into direct presence with Source.
- Feel your oneness with the Divine love and light of All That Is.
From this place, open and aware, put your pen to your paper and write…
“I now invite my highest, best, and most loving angel guides (you can also invite your soul wisdom and guidance), please write automatically through me now, a message which will most help me on my path. I ask this for knowledge wisdom and truth, according to Divine will for the highest and greatest good. And so it is.”
Now simply relax, breathe and open your heart, place your pen to the paper, and allow the message to come through, receiving it from your angels, or from your own subconscious mind …
Just allow yourself to relax, open, and receive and write a message.
Your pen may seem to start moving on its own, but far more likely for the vast majority of people… You'll simply be inspired with a thought, a sentence, or you'll receive one word in your mind. Write it down.
Write down whatever comes into your awareness and keep writing. Don't judge, don't worry about sentence structure, writing coherent sentences … Consider this to just be a sort of experimental writing practice where you just allow yourself to let go, and write without thinking, allowing the writing to flow, remember you're just learning and exploring here.
So How Do You Know If You're Really Automatic Writing Or Just Making It Up?
Like all things concerning connecting with Spirit, automatic writing takes an element of trust and belief that it will work, because at first, you won't really know if you're doing it right.
But one thing is certain, if you sit down to automatic write and you think “this isn't going to work” or “I can't do this…” Then you're right!
But if you believe your angels will come through, and that you can learn this (even if it takes a few tries) you can have profoundly positive experiences.
Don't filter yourself, and don't stop to let your mind judge whats coming through (this will block your connection) Just connect with your guides as you've learned to do above and write! The more you practice and the more you write the stronger your connection will become. If the writing seems to slow, try asking a question. It may help to write your question down… and then keep writing to allow the answer to appear.
Don't force yourself to keep going when the session seems to be coming to a close. Just thank your guide, angel, or higher self, and feel your energy coming back into your physical body. Feel your chakras seal, and allow your energy to once again ground to the earth.
The cool thing about automatic writing is that once your session is complete, you can read the message which was conveyed.
Just remember, that for most people, a bit of practice is required to get the hang of this, and if you really want to unlock this or other spiritual abilities, commitment and practice is key! Commit to a daily writing routine where you are consistently practicing, even for just a couple of minutes every day, as this consistent practice is the surest way to open to an improved ability, much more than longer 30-45 minutes practicing on a more sporadic and irregular basis.
Give yourself some time to really dial this in. I recommend keeping all your automatic writing in one place (like a journal) so you can look back and see how the messages have become clearer and how your skill has progressed.
Don't worry if you're not getting super specific or life-changing information, or experiencing what you see as automatic writing magic… Especially at first just getting comfortable writing and allowing yourself to access a trance-like flow state through writing is a powerful step.
Even when you are truly automatic writing channeled messages from spirit, much of what your guides may convey will be simple, uplifting, and filled with love. Your guides may have reasons for withholding certain information you want to know as well… Sometimes we have to learn our lessons firsthand, and yes, I have asked questions and received the answer that I am not meant to know that information at the present time.
Automatic writing has been very helpful for me on a number of occasions, especially when I was first opening psychically, so give it a try.
With love and bright blessings,
P.S. If you're interested in automatic writing as a vehicle to channel messages from spirit guides and angels. I highly recommend the Learning to Channel Course: