Receive Angelic Guidance Through Angel Cards
Angel Cards are quite simply Oracle Cards, a free form version of Tarot Cards that have angelic imagery, messages, or an angel based theme.
Angel Cards are a wonderful way to begin connecting with angelic beings and tuning into their guidance and insight. Then going deeper, they can provide a structure and foundation you can build upon to further open to direct angelic communication channels and expand your intuition.
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Angel cards are beautiful, inspiring, and have great messages in their little guidebooks… But ultimately they are just tools. The real magic is intuitively reading them with the intention to communicate with angels and receive their messages. Through this you can directly receive guidance, and insight to answer your questions so you can bring real healing and blessings into all areas of your life.
How to Use Angel Cards?
I'm going to share an overview of how to use angel cards with you now, but to dive deeper check out my Ultimate Guide to Angel Card Readings here now.
How To Do An Angel Card Reading…
Clear Your Energy & Set the Space
Angels are high vibrational beings, and so to tune into their guidance and presence, you need to raise your vibration too.
For starters, make sure your mind is clear… I do not recommend reading angel cards under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or even right after you’ve eaten a large heavy meal as this will fog your mind and distort the insight you’re tuning into.
Tarot cards and angel cards are just a tool… So while yes you can draw a card and just read the little message in the guidebook, there is much more available to you when you become skilled with the tool!
Your angel cards can act as a bridge for you to reach the angels at any time.
The reality is that you’re always connected to your angels… But it’s likely that you’re by default blocking a great deal of their guidance and wisdom. Your angel cards will act as an amplifier of angelic wisdom by altering your conscious and subconscious mind to the fact that you’re about to receive angelic guidance, and if you’re clear and open to receive you can tune into accurate, powerful, even life changing insight, wisdom and healing.
Clearing and creating space for your reading is important too. If you’re in a cluttered, or messy room… This will clutter your mind and make it more challenging for you to hear the crisp clear guidance of angels.
So before you start a session with angel card readings, give yourself some energetic support by taking a few minutes to clean up your space… Take the trash out, put things away, eliminate clutter, and let in some fresh air. If it’s not too cold outside, open a window. You may also want to put on some uplifting music, light a candle, burn some white sage or another clearing incense, or you can diffuse an essential oil like frankincense, lavender, or peppermint to help get your vibration ready to connect with the angels…
When you’re ready, choose a comfortable place to do your reading and lay out your cards, or open your angel card reading app.
Ask the Angels to Connect
You can also say something like; “I now call upon my team of Spirit Guides and Angels of healing, love, light and protection who can most serve… Please come in, lift my vibration, help me tune into your presence, healing and guidance through this Angel Card Reading now…. “
You can then ask a question… Ask how a situation will unfold, or just ask the angels to help you tune into what you most need to know now.
Then take a deep breath… Relax your shoulders, tune into the energy of light and love… Open your heart and draw an angel card.
If you’re working with a physical deck, you can spread the cards out in front of you on a table like a fan… Or shuffle them back and forth in your hands, or even like playing cards until you’re inspired to stop.
If you’re using an app… Use the shuffle feature, or scroll back and forth on the screen.
Don’t think too much about which card to draw, just choose one you’re drawn to, and then either click the screen, or pull the card out from your deck.
Remember the cards are just a tool, and what you're really striving for here is a direct connection with the angels. To start, just draw a single card… Then later you can learn more about different card spreads, and ways to look further with more cards. But even then, keep it simple. Too many cards will only clutter your message and really aren't necessary. Card spreads can of course be fun, so I'll be talking more about them soon!
For now, keep it simple and just draw a single angel card.
Honor Your Intuition
Pay attention to any immediate insight you receive as to its deeper meaning before you look it up in the guide book or click to read the expanded meaning.
Take a few deep breaths, clear your mind, open your heart and tune into your subtle feelings. Notice the love, light, and presence of your angels in the moment… And listen for any inner nudges, validations or feelings.
Guidance may appear in the form of mental images, movies, thoughts, feelings, sensations, or impressions. Don’t think too much about what you receive, just pay attention.
Next, read the card description in your guidebook, or within the app. As you read, again notice additional insight you receive for your subtle senses (often this is more important than the actual description in the book).
Honor your intuition as to the exact interpretation of the angel card. Remember that angel card readings are just a bridge, and the real guidance you’re after comes from the high vibrational, loving spiritual beings who are always with you… Your angels!
Asking Questions in an Angel Card Reading
An important thing to remember when connecting with your angels directly and through Angel Card Readings, is that they offer guidance in response to your questions or life situations.
Asking questions is the perfect way to focus your readings with the angels.
You may choose to simply draw an angel card without asking a question to see what insight the angels have for you in the moment. But I recommend at least part of the time that you focus your angel card reading with a question to gain specific guidance pertaining to certain situations or scenarios in your experience.
Here are some examples of well-phrased questions:
- What do I need to know or do to improve this situation?
- If I follow this course of action, what is the likely outcome?
- What guidance can you give me which will help me to improve my health?
- What do I most need to know about my relationship with (person's name)?
- Tell me about the energy surrounding my trip/ day/ job/ relationship/ health/ etc…
Rather than asking yes/ no questions in your angel card readings, ask for guidance, insight and information from the angels.
Think of a question you want the answer to.
Shuffle the cards the way that is most comfortable for you as you focus upon your question and trust that the angels will guide you to draw the right card for right now.
Choose a card. Whichever card you choose is perfect as there is no wrong way to choose. The angels will guide you to select the right card, so don't worry too much about how to select your cards. You can look for cards which seem to stick out a bit as you shuffle, or you can randomly choose a card.
When you do draw a card, notice the card image and title, and pay attention to any immediate insight as to its deeper meaning. Clear your mind, focus within and open your heart to tune into the love, presence and guidance of your angels available for you.
Next, read the card description in the guidebook, or within your angel card app for clarity. Be sure to honor your own intuition as to the exact interpretation in response to your question, as you will often receive additional insight directly from your angels.
Give yourself an Angel Card Reading FREE… Try the Ask Angels Oracle Cards Online Here!
Or Click Here to Learn More About How to Receive Angelic Guidance Directly with card readings!
With many blessings of love and light,
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Every time I draw a card I look at it see what stands out to me. Colors, text, parts of the image etc. But I don’t get anything. I’m currently doing Doreen Virtues Certified Angel Card Reader Course, but I still on lesson 1 because of this reason. I’m trying to not use the guidebook(s) and just get my answers from my own intuition. Again I’m not getting any messages or feelings or anything like that. Do you have any suggestions I could do to help me work on that. I’ve recently been listening to a hypnosis file on developing my ESP, and off and on listening to an audio file on developing my intuition by Lynn McKenzie. They haven’t helped yet. I see Doreen meditates a lot maybe that could work? but I have never meditated before and don’t know what to do. Any help in this reguard would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much.
Blessings, Anton
How can i connect with my guardian angel and what message is for me