Spiritual Cleansing Prayer to Eliminate Negativity and Bring In The Highest Vibrations of Light and Love
It releases stagnant or dense energy, negativity and even entities. You'll then fill your home with love, light and angels to elevate the vibration. This allows you to create a supportive, nurturing, safe place for you to live, thrive, and spiritually grow.
This allows you to create a supportive, nurturing, safe place for you to live, thrive, and spiritually grow.
The great thing about this house cleansing prayer is that it can be done by itself and you don't need any tools.
You could choose to use the prayer in conjunction with White Sage, Palo Santo, or any other cleansing incense or tool you like. Sound healing is also a beautiful, powerful way to cleanse your space and raise its vibration.
Know that this prayer works in conjunction with external tools or cleansing rituals, but it's also effective on its own.
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House Cleansing Prayer
To begin, close your eyes, take a deep relaxing breath, and begin to shift your awareness within. Then say:
“I now call upon my team of Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, and my higher self. Please enter into this present point in time, enter into my home, filling my home with the highest vibration of love, light, and divine frequency.
I call upon Archangel Michael to usher out and release into the light any lower vibrations of fear, negativity, or stuck or stagnant energies. I call upon Archangel Azrael to release any earthbound attachments, lower vibrational beings, and anything that does not serve in creating a safe, happy and harmonious environment for me to live in.
Angels, please fill the entire building with light, bringing in love, joy, peace, and harmony. Raise the vibration, release all that no longer serves.
I ask that you surround my entire home (or building if you're in a condo, hotel, or attached unit) with an orb of light. I ask that anything inside of this orb that is not in alignment with unconditional love or that does not have the highest interest of humanity and all beings be released into the light of the Divine.
I call upon love, peace, harmony, well-being, and Divine presence to take its place.
Thank you, Angels, for filling my entire home with light. Flow light into every corner, crevice, and cabinet. Under and around the furniture, clothes and my belongings… Under the floors, in between the walls, and above the roof… Cleanse the energy and elevate the vibration… Above, below, behind, beside and all around.
Thank you for filling my entire home with light, cleansing all that no longer serves, and raising the vibration in the way that will most serve me and the highest and greatest good of all.
I ask this according to Divine Will. Thank you for your support and love and frequency, and so it is.”
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
When Called Upon, Your Angels Will Answer
Know that when you call Angels into your space when you call light into your space, that light and Angels appear. You may visualize lower vibrations leaving and higher levels of love and light pouring in. Open your heart, let your light expand, and know that it is well within your power to call in the Angels, to call in cleansing and create a powerful shift in your home environment.
I've written about more methods you can use to energetically clear your home here!
Remember when you ask your Angels for help they will answer because you are loved, supported, and guided by Angels right now and always.
With love, light, and gratitude,
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Hello I wanted too say thanks for the prayers for the last year I have weird things happening around my apartment I have had doors held so I couldn’t get in then they open in a rush I had something touch my leg while I was laying down and when my girlfriend comes over it seems we always argue over little things lately I have been more into God and his greatness but every time im alone it seems that this energy or Entity gets too me just a gross feeling in my home like something is watching me i am 21 years old and in my past I have had crazy things happing too me like bread flying off of a shelf at the store its happend more the 1 time and a lot more stuff it sounds crazy too think such things can happen any advise too clearing this Entity out of my life thanks
Thank you Melanie you’re very inspiring inspirational may God bless you
I’m not sure what’s going on or even if there is any bad in my home .it’s just things haven’t been going so great and then my hair has started falling out my best friend was over one day and she was taking a shower alone I was out in the flower bed.Now we have been beat friends for 26 yrs.im 39 so is she well she was hollering for me when I went in she said she asked it to show itself if it was there to harm me and her hair fall out a hand full like mine has been doing.Sge seems to believe it’s not a good thing well we haven’t spoken since this day.we hot it to it do now my bff us gone I think my BH boyfriend of 12yrs is cheating.pkease help me
Leave the boyfriend….Turn to God.
Prayers from angels for uncoinditionall love and faith and protection guiduance&healing for me our kids granddaughter family and friends
Thank you, Melanie!
This is very helpful, I love Angels
and good vibes/energy!
Much love and blessings to you🙏💖💖
Hello Melonie
Thank you so much for the house cleaning process. I was wondering if it could be modified to clear vacant land as well. I have land that has not sold.
Thank you I beleive in Angels I really needed needed this thanks for sharing.
Thank you for information & instructions on how to cleanse my home, I’ve been really depressed and dealing with severe anxiety, illness and financial problems , so I really needed this house cleansing prayer thank you
Thank you so much for this message. It came at the exactly the right time…
I appreciate you and am thankful for this powerful gift of protection and love. May love and light surround us all. 💕In Gratitude ❤️🌹
Thank you very much ! bless you .
Thank you so much for posting this prayer. I have always used sage to cleanse my space and it has worked well but when I first watched your video and repeated the words as you said them, I felt a shift in energy come over my home and body. I liked it so much I felt a pulling to do it again, this time reading the prayer aloud myself. I am filled with peace and clarity which I have been struggling to find ever since I unexpectedly lost my fiancé, the love of my life, Michael (Mike) two years ago at only 36 yrs old. Just maintaining a normal daily routine has been a challenge even though losing him is what awakened me to the light of spirit and all that is Divine. Tonight, as I write this to you in expression of my thanks, my new found clarity from your beautiful prayer has cleared the space in my home and my body to finally put the last few pieces in order and fully realize something very profound to me. I have known that Mike and I will always be connected and I am lucky to have a new kind of relationship with him as he has become an honoree guide. Just in writing this thanks to you, i have finally been able to solidify this truth in my awareness. This truth is that while there will always be a void without him here, he left behind the most precious gift. It’s the awakening to light and love that I can learn to love myself completely and fully on my own as a Divine being. The acceptance that I am whole in and of myself and I don’t need anything outside of my being to complete me. It’s a statement I have pondered before but tonight it has actually taken root. I can’t thank you enough for just being you and for putting yourself out there so that others may receive your healing and all you have to offer. I can’t wait to experience more of your incredible work as you now have a loyal follower in me. I hope that my words make sense to you and that my excitement didn’t overwhelm my message. Thank you thank you thank you.
Thank You so much. I just discovered your website today and I did this one for my home. It was desperately needed. My home felt much better afterwards. I will be visiting your website more often from now on. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Much love.
Thank you Melanie this was much needed to cleanse my home and help bring in Devine light to all that enter it. Love and light to you too.
Thank you very much for this prayers ..i needed this everyday on my daily living special when it comes to finances and peaceful harmony with my husband… God Bless!
Thank you Melanie! This is very powerful and so needed today. We are in a very stressful time with finances right now and a lot of anxiety and worry filled our home today. My son is our main provider right now and very stressed. I feel so much better and he will have a relaxed home to come home to after work tonight. I will say this prayer again tonight. Much love and thanks to you for everything you do.
Thank you Melanie I really needed this… thank you so much
Thank you Melanie. This is a powerful prayer. I couldn’t stop smiling during the prayer, because I felt the presence of my guides and angels at work. I also said the prayer for everyone I am connected to. Blessings and Love to you and your loved ones.
Hi my name is Sylvia and I loved this thank you. Would you be able to guide me on how I can ask the Angels for help in finding a job? I left my job recently because of negative conditions and treatment from management. I worked there for 4 years and got continually worse.
Thank you Melanie
thanks Melanie! amen and blessings x
Thank you, Melanie! Is it okay to clear spaces that others occupy? Like your boss’s office, a train car or your neighbor’s apartment. I don’t want to impose on their free will, but the energy does affect me, too. Thanks. <3
Thank you! Just the tools I needed to create a light filled home.
Amazing! I could feel the change immediately!
Thank you Melanie!