Many consider Friday the 13th to be an unlucky date, perhaps without really even knowing why. Viewed through another lens, Friday the 13th can be seen as a lucky and sacred date of honoring the Divine Feminine rising on Earth and within us all.
I sense and feel there is a powerful opportunity available here and now, to reclaim Friday the 13th as time to honor the Divine Feminine – Divine Mother God. A time to experience Aliveness, Oneness, Unity, Love with the One Stream that is Divine Mother God Consciousness Shakti and Light.
Why Friday the 13th?
There are very strong correlations between Friday the 13th and the Divine Feminine.
Throughout the course of the year there are 13 Moon cycles and a female on average experiences 13 periods each year.
The moon itself represents feminine energy and is connected to, and can have a pull on the emotions and sensitivities of humanity.
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Click HereIn ancient times, when a woman was bleeding she was seen to be deeply connected to the goddess, with direct access to the magical powers of intuition, and the forces of rebirth. When ovulating, she was honored for her body’s ability to create new life.
When a woman’s cycle is in sync with the moon (which was largely the case before the advent of modern times and artificial light) she bleeds on the New Moon (representing death) and ovulates when the moon is Full (rebirth). The midpoint in this cycle? Day 13 (transition).
13 has a potent spiritual, yin, and feminine energy. In patriarchal times, feminine energy is often feared and perceptions of the feminine distorted. In my opinion, this is really what’s at the root of the superstition around the number 13 and why Friday the 13th is often seen as ominous if not outright feared.
We are largely taught to fear the power of the feminine as being destructive, dangerous and evil, rather than to hold it sacred. These are just programs though and can be updated and transmuted.
Rather than seeing 13 an unlucky number, I see the number 13 as holding a potent Divine Feminine energy. It’s a number of the Divine Mother, the feminine, goddess and of transition, death and rebirth, fertility, blood, power and life.
Why is Friday the 13th feared?
In doing some digging, no one knows or is in consensus as to exactly why 13 is considered unlucky, though there are a few theories as to the origin.
One theory states that the superstition around 13 has to do with there being 13 disciples at the last supper the night before Jesus’ death on Good Friday. Mary Magdalene being the 13th apostle.
Another theory revolves around a Norse myth, where 12 gods were gathered for a dinner party. The trickster god Loki came uninvited to make for 13. Loki killed Balder (son of Odin and Frigg), and the whole world went dark, the Earth mourned, and it was a bad and unlucky day.
What is really interesting though, is that there are also references to ancient times, where 13 was actually considered to be a good and lucky number!
The Egyptians for example considered 13 to be a lucky number, representing 13 rungs on the ladder leading towards the spiritual completion of the soul.
In astrology, 13 is associated with transitions, and with points of death and rebirth. This could be one of the reasons why its feared, because as humans we tend to fear and resist change. But death and rebirth are natural phases of life. A great example of this is when a child turns 13, its the death of childhood, childhood is now over, but that means the teenage years begin.
In numerology, number 13 signifies upheaval… The destruction of the old, and the beginning of a new cycle. Each season lasts 13 weeks.
Why Friday?
Another layer to symbolism of this date, and insight into its spiritual meaning can be found in the origins of the name: Friday.
The name Friday comes from Old English and literally means “day of Frigg”.
Frigg is the Norse goddess of love, fertility, and motherhood. She is often seen as the same being as Freya, goddess of beauty, fertility, sex and war.
Friday is also associated with the planet Venus.
Friday’s are the perfect day to relax into a feminine flow of creativity, beauty, and receptivity.
Friday the 13th and the Divine Feminine
Friday the 13th holds wisdom when you’re receptive to it. It is a powerful day to plant the seeds of intention in the womb of the infinite Divine Mother. A potent time to honor the feminine forces, and celebrate the wisdom, beauty, and challenges faced by us each as we journey as souls.
Will you hold Friday the 13th sacred?
Read my post about the difference *and similarity between scared and sacred here.
Not an unlucky day at all, but rather a day of the Goddess, a day connected to the Goddess Venus, Mary Magdalene (the 13th disciple), Freya, and a day to celebrate life and to honor the Divine Feminine energy within and around us all.
With so much love and bright blessings,
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