Falling Asleep During Meditation? Here Are 4 Ways to Stay Awake When Meditating With The Angels…
Meditation and listening to Channeled Angel Messages has so many benefits!
However, are you finding that when you start to listen to the angel messages and channeled meditations on this site you're falling asleep?
Dont worry! This is completely normal, and it's actually something many people experience due to how much light and energy is transmitted through the channelings!
When you first start to tune into the high vibrational messages, the higher levels of energy can literally knock you out and put you right to sleep!
But the good news is, even if you fall asleep, you're still gaining benefit from listening to the angel messages!
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Integrating the higher levels of light and frequency updates happens on many levels including the levels of your Unconscious, Subconscious, Conscious and Super-conscious mind.
Especially when you're first beginning to lift into the higher levels of light, activation on the unconscious level is required before conscious integration. And then, as you progress, there are subconscious and superconscious consciousness activations that can only be integrated from a sleep state.
…. This is why the high vibe light sessions may put you to sleep! Sometimes sleep is exactly what is required to allow in and integrate higher levels of light.
The Dali Lama was actually quoted to say that “sleep is the best meditation!”
And while there is a clear difference between sleeping and meditation… Both have incredible healing, and restorative properties!
Sleeping Through Angel Messages? There Are Still Benefits!
So yes, you still get benefits from listening to channeled angel messages, even if you do drift into sleep…
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Here's why!
Often times the light is working on your unconscious (sleeping) mind which is a delta brainwave state and is one of the deepest levels of meditation and the slowest brain wave state that we experience while sleeping.
There's also a chance you're not fully sleeping during the channeled meditations, and rather you're just getting to a really deep theta brainwave and then deep delta brainwave state meditation… What seems like sleep may actually be a healing trance like state from being in deep Theta/ Delta brainwaves.
The Delta and deep Theta brainwave states are great for receiving healing and integrating spiritual frequency.
There are of course some of the channeled angel messages which will allow you to have beautiful and powerful conscious spiritual experiences like meeting your guides, and lifting into the realms of spirit which is so amazing to consciously experience.
Staying conscious and awake will also help to integrate much of your spiritual gifts into the conscious state.
And so while falling asleep during the channeled sessions is in no way “bad” … I did want to share some tips with you on how to stay awake while listening to the angel sessions!!
How to Stay Awake During Angel Messages and Meditation!
1. Meditate On An Empty Stomach
You're more likely to fall asleep when meditating on a full stomach because your energy will be used for digestion, making less available to stay conscious during meditation. Waiting a couple of hours after a meal may help you to remain alert throughout your channeled angel session.
2. Sit In An Upright Posture
When you lay down or recline to meditate there is an association with the sleep state, which may make it more likely for you to fall asleep.
Try sitting up straight in a chair, or on the floor cross legged for some of the “Meet your guides” meditations, and other sessions.
3. Repeat each word that is spoken aloud or just in your mind.
When you listen to a channeling, one thing can help you to stay alert is to repeat the spoken words in your mind. This is almost like using a mantra with meditation and helps to retain consciousness and remember more of the teaching while also reaching an incredibly high vibration.
Repeat the spoken words mentally while maintaining inner awareness and listening for additional inner guidance.
4. Pay Attention to Where and When You Meditate
Where and when you meditate can play a huge role in your experience. If you meditate late at night, when you're already sleepy, or laying down in bed, your consciousness naturally associates the relaxation experience with heading off to sleep. Another thing you may want to try is getting your energy up before meditating by talking a brisk walk and getting some fresh air before you start.
Also, choosing a special chair to meditate in can help you to stay conscious as there is a energy of mindfulness and presence which will be build up, versus the energy of sleep in bed.
Meditating sitting up outside in nature is another good way to retain more conscious and awake!
Let it be okay!
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The good news is… There's no “right or wrong” here…
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And honestly listening to a channeled meditation is one of my preferred ways to relax in bed and drift off to sleep, so it depends on your goals, and the purpose of the guided meditation.
If you do really want to stay awake during a meditation, and you use the above methods and still fall asleep, let it be okay!
Trust that the angels are helping to bring you exactly what you most need, which in our busy and chaotic world is oftentimes a good healing sleep!
With love, light, and gratitude,
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PS. Have you tried any of these methods? What helps you to stay awake during meditation and listening to channeled angel messages?
I love hearing from you… Leave a comment below and let me know!
about our creator: Melanie Beckler
Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind Ask-Angels.com. Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation.
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