14 Crystals For Travel
Crystals can be such incredible allies while traveling (or all the time really).
Some stones offer energetic protection, others stress relief, and others bring such a gentle soothing calm that’s so lovely to connect with on a cramped flight or long train ride… One even works to support you in being in the right place at the right time! Who doesn’t want that?
But, with a seemingly endless variety of crystals to choose from… You might not know where to begin!
And so… Today I’m going to share with you my favorite crystals to bring with me while I’m traveling.
This is going to be fun because while traveling in Mexico recently, several people asked me about my recommendations for crystals that offer support while traveling.
Rather than logically come up with a list, I decided to be totally transparent and just share with you the crystals I actually selected to bring with me on my trip!
And so believe it or not, I have 13 stones to share with you today… Including one stone I couldn't believe I forgot to bring with me!
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Click HereCrystals For Travel – My Top 14 Picks
Indigo Gabbro
Indigo Gabbro is also one of the few crystals that is apoptogenic, meaning that it's able to bring you the energy you most need in the moment. So essentially, if you need uplifting and comforting energy, that’s what it brings you. Need soothing relaxing energy? It’s good for that too.
Indigo Gabbro is also highly programmable, so you can adjust its protective energy to best suit your needs while traveling and all the time really. And finally, due to its Indigo and Violet energy it is able to transmute much of the negativity and detrimental energy it absorbs so you don’t have to remember to consciously cleanse its energy for it to keep working for you!
Learn more about Indigo Gabbro here.
Larimar is a stone I’ve actually started to wear every day. I bought a right hand Larimar Ring over a year ago now, and haven’t taken it off since because I love having its peaceful soothing energy around me so much!
Larimar is known as the Dolphin Stone due to its incredibly blissful, peaceful, calming, soothing energy. It promotes peace and clarity and radiates healing love and is said to promote inner wisdom and outer manifestation… Larimar brings incredible energetic support while traveling!
Moonstone is commonly known as a traveler's stone, and is said to protect you and your belongings while traveling. It also offers a beautiful peaceful, tranquil light to help support you in staying positive and optimistic during your travels.
Moonstone also supports the female reproductive system, and so it is especially supportive before females promoting health and longevity. I LOVE it.
Shungite does need to be energetically cleansed fairly often… It absorbs, absorbs, absorbs… But then you do need to go in and consciously clear out the negativity and detrimental energy its protected you from by taking in, in order for it to continue working.
Learn more about Shungite here.
Kyanite is also spiritually grounding and restoring while supporting the expansion into higher divine consciousness.
So Amazonite is definitely a great stone to have while traveling.
In addition to it's soothing and protective energy, Amethyst, dispels, negativity and any aggressiveness you might encounter. It also promotes heightened awareness and intuition so you can clearly hear your intuitive promptings and be led as you embark on a spiritual journey is through traveling.
Labradorite is also an incredible bringer of light that supports expanded consciousness and opening to real magic and to your true spiritual nature and divine being.
Shop Labradorite Jewelry here.
And really, tourmaline in all its forms and colors is powerfully protective of your mind, body, and spirit. I especially like Green and Watermelon Tourmaline which is uniquely attuned to Archangel Metatron.
Learn more about Tourmaline here.
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz also helps to promote a clear mind that is free from negativity and as far as stones go, it's one that is also highly programmable so you can infuse your specific intentions into the stone so that it then holds that intention and radiates it out in order to further assist you.
So it's great for clarity, which of course is really supportive in traveling as you're navigating new places and situations.
Turquoise also helps to our emotional wellbeing and it said to bring good luck and good fortune.
Just be careful when purchasing Turquoise as sometimes Dyed Howlite is called Turquoise, but is NOT the same energy… I always try to avoid dyed stones as they just don't carry the same beneficial energy and vibration.
You could also use rose quartz for this, but I personally am even more attuned to Kunzite
It's also connected to the awakened heart, to the higher galactic realms and it supports rapid spiritual evolution and ascension.
This is the stone I almost always have on me… And yet somehow I didn't have any with me on my trip. I did have Scolecite, which is a similar vibration, and in some ways an alternative to Selenite… But with how readily available and inexpensive Selenite is… I recommend it! 🙂
Learn more about Selenite here.
Do You Really Need to Bring This Many Stones With You?
Well… There you have it… The stones I love to bring with me while traveling. Now, I get that this is a lot! One of the reasons that I have so many on me, is that I've made a few bracelets that have multiple of my favorite crystals in them so that I can have them on me at all times.
As someone on YouTube told me… I'm like a walking crystal grid, which is really quite true, and awesome!
I also love wearing crystal jewelry, because it makes it easy to keep crystals in contact with my skin. Bracelets, pendants, and earrings are a great way to do that … And when I wear crystal jewelry its easy to always have crystals on me, especially when I wear outfits without pockets.
You, of course, don't need to have all of these crystals on you at all times by any means.
Honestly, starting with just Indigo Gabbro and Selenite for travel is a great place to begin, or as always, go with the crystals which you really resonate with, love and enjoy.
Where to Buy Crystal Jewelry and Crystals For Traveling?
I recently came across a great online shop for Crystal Jewelry…
They have a great selection of so many of these crystals for travel… Plus they ship fast and their prices are great.
So much love and gratitude for you
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