Meet the Crystal Children Soul Group
Star children, also known as crystal, indigo, and rainbow kids, are souls who have incarnated at this time to help Mother Earth and all of humanity to transcend duality and ascend to higher levels of light and love.
These soul groups arrive here able to maintain a higher vibration during this life thanks to the increased vibration of the rest of humanity. You can recognize them by how closely they embody their true and divine selves and by their strong sense of purpose.
They have come to spread light and love, increase the planetary vibration, and help us to move away from the delusion of duality.
Who Are the Crystal Children?
Crystal children are often quiet, empathic, and have heightened telepathic and psychic gifts.
As a group of souls, one of their main defining characteristics is the gift of psychic healing at either the physical, mental, emotional or on every level. They're often powerful and generous spiritual teachers as well.
Crystal children also have a deep connection with nature and are often incredibly clear about their purpose for being here.
When clear and connected, they have an innate trust in following their hearts, confident that this is the highest and best way to help.
They can, however, become disconnected. Things like processed food, environmental toxins, and chemicals have a strong and negative impact on this group of sensitive souls. In addition, they often get grumpy or feel out of sync when they're not getting enough outside and nature time.
These children (and adults) are generally laid-back, though highly sensitive to the emotions of others. These and other sensitivities are meant to show the rest of the world what to pay attention to and ultimately change (like sensitivities to pollutants, chemicals, and such).
Many people are unnerved when crystal children look directly into their eyes. Their large and deep eyes are penetrating and others are left with the sense that their soul has been seen and read, which it has. Crystal children can easily tell if someone is being truthful, and living with their heart open.
If you encounter a crystal child (or star seed adult) and you’re left feeling unsettled or uncomfortable, this is a prime opportunity to look within and assess where these feelings come from. It can be a sign that you're cut off from the light of your heart, or that you are out of alignment with your purpose or true self.
Crystal children and adults are perhaps the most forgiving generation. They don't see the point of blame, and deeply yearn for peace, and restoring peace on the planet is on of the huge overarching goals of this soul group.
They're also quite fearless, and seem to see past the limitations of the physical realm… Seeing and believing at a deep level from early childhood, that who they are as a physical being is a small portion of their full truth and vibrant soul power and light.
The next generation after Indigo children, Crystals function more with a group consciousness, as opposed to individual consciousness. From a young age they seem to embody the understanding that we are all One. They have an authoritative air about them and often seem more like sages or teachers than young people. Love emanates from every word and action. They are evidence that humanity is evolving and role models for a life lived with the higher self as center, and not the ego.
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Click HereTraits of the Crystal Children
- Vegetarians, often from a young age, they prefer fresh fruits, vegetables and juices of all kinds.
- They are natural healers who have few, if any, material needs.
- They are fascinated by crystals and can spend hours playing with and talking with them.
- They love nature, animals, trees and plants and can often communicate with them.
- Sometimes mistaken for autistic children because they often don’t conform or fit in with other children.
- They're empathic and able to sense when someone is in need of love, attention, or caring, and quickly respond with the most appropriate means of giving all that is needed.
- When in balance and energetically clear they are even tempered, blissful, forgiving
- Deeply connected to the Earth and all living creatures preferring to be outdoors in nature than anywhere else.
- They have an intense stare and large penetrating eyes.
- Highly affectionate and magnets for people and animals.
- They sometimes use a self-created sign language when communicating.
- Forgiving with unprecedented kindness and understanding.
- Exhibit a wide range of healing abilities.
- Artistic and highly creative.
- They have vivid memories of their past lives, and can communicate with their angels and spirit guides.
- Uncomfortable in large crowds or loud, rowdy places; they do not thrive in chaos.
- They resist falling asleep at night… And even as adults may dislike going to sleep.
- Sensitive to extreme temperatures.
- They dislike clutter and disorganization.
- They're highly sensitive to loud sharp noises, and vibrations.
- They have a strong sense of adventure; pioneering.
- Incredible sense of physical and emotional balance.
- The aura of Crystals tends to be composed of multi-colored pastel shades.
- They often have a soul path number (numerology) of 11, 22, 33, 44, or 7.
- They're resourceful and energetic.
- Crystals need a nurturing and loving environment in order to thrive. As they grow they tend to develop very stable and healthy relationships with others.
- They can often see their angels, deceased loved ones, and spirit guides… Parents sometimes recognize these relationships as children's “imaginary friends”.
- They can easily tell when someone is lying or trying to hide something.
- They sometimes have difficulty playing with other children, but play easily with animals and other crystal children.
- As adults they can be prone to addiction, feel like they don't fit in, and even look or act unsociable.
- They intuitively know when people's hearts are open, and are drawn to those whose hearts are.
Why Are They Here?
Crystal children are loving and powerful old souls who have come here now to answer humanities collective desire to evolve.
They have come to spread light and love, increase the planetary vibration, and help humanity as a whole to ascend, access the higher dimensions and to move away from the delusion of duality.
Their mission is no less than to save the world.
If you know a crystal child, be sure to encourage them in exploring their own nature and feel free to use them as role models for raising your own vibration and joy.
And if you are a crystal child, or star seed adult… I invite you to take reading this post as an open invitation to step into your light… And start taking steps towards accomplishing your unique soul purpose of raising the vibration of the planet, restoring peace, love and making a difference one moment and one step at a time.
With love,
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Click HereP.S. Click Here to Learn More About The Crystal, Indigo, and Rainbow… Star Kids.
It's so weird, I was getting to the end of your lists here about Crystal Adults, and it said we play easy with other crystal children. That made me think of my oldest and dearest friend for a split second, then I moved on and kept reading. Then, almost the next line, was your name "Melanie." That's her name! Lololol It made me smile and want to tell someone ♥
Thank you very much, Melanie. This explains so much including my 33 life path number. As a kid, I loved collecting unique rocks, and still have that collection. Sending you lots of love and sparkly light. 💖💖
Hey Brenda! I didn’t realize this comment was from you until I read: “Sending you lots of love and sparkly light. 💖💖” hehe your calling card! I love it. Awesome to hear you’re a 33 life path #! I’m 11.
that's why i used to think why i am very odd.
Now i know why!!!
Thank you for your article Melanie, it’s been very helpful! I have to say your doing a great job! Keep up the good work and take care!
This is a beautiful description and very very accurate!!
If I may add something which I think is also important, crystal children are also here to help humanity to rebuild the earth after the shift… we bring the vision of the future for humanity to help creating a world with love, peace and unity.
We come from higher realms, we have seen how beautiful this planet can be and we understand the potential humanity has.
The numbers you are talking about are from your personal numerology numbers, right? I have two 7s and two 11s on my basic report. At first I thought I was an indigo, just from my basic inability to follow orders that seems stupid, and because I was born in the 70s, but after reading this article, I am now convinced I must be a crystal person. I must have been in denial because my dad is a quartz Crystal miner. Oh well, they don’t have to know. It’s not like it’s a crippling condition or anything!
yes from your personal numerology! 🙂
melanie? lol i just seen syncronicity, theres two comments at the end of the monthes, interesting?
Hi really like reading about crystalline people wondering do u have more information on crystalline child and parents
Hello Melanie !
I believe i am a Crystal child and after reading this it felt like WOAH! there is aalot here i can relate to and at first i thought i was a Indigo but this truly hit more home. I am born May4th , but its says 11, 22, 33, 44, or 7. does it have anything to say? thank you <3
i think she only put in master numbers, theres more numbers. in safe regards 😀
Melanie, I am a crystal child born on 4.4.97 .This article’s content suited me very well than other websites. I also love your way of speaking that makes my heart light.💙💙💙💙.But my heart etching I can’t find a person who believe me and even my parents aren’t aware and they don’t even aware of what is crystal children.I am feeling alone. Now I am somewhat relieved because of you and persons posting here.thankyou………💚💚💚💚💚
Is it possible for myself who is a crystal adult , to be able to have an indigo child and then my second child I think is a crystal child as he is very much like myself in alot of ways. Any info on this would be much appreciated. Thank you so much.
I am a crystal adult – 7/7/71. I have only just begun to discover my psychic abilities – I feel intensely and somehow know – especially women who are carrying or who want to become pregnant. My awareness can make me feel uncomfortable – its a bit like being hyper connected. I long to breath fresh air in a dense wood connected to nature. There is so much pain in this world – the angels are crying
I’m an indigo. I feel like everywhere I go there is always a lesson learned by everyone…Sometimes I feel I’m. Just born to start or change the thinking and behavior of others. I don’t know how I survived . I am a 7. Since being in touch with spirituality all I do is send light through out the whole world from every corner I go to or live in . I have finally found myself . I know now im a natural healer and I have learned to channel. I talk to stones,crystals and plants. Thank you Melanie please post more about crystal children to motivate us and keep us going ! I love you .
I’m an Indigo born in 74, and I’m a natural energy channel and healer, also I have been attracted to crystals for years. It’s it possible to be more than one type at the same time? My daughter who was born in 99 is also an indigo.
Yes absolutely Lisa!
Thank you for sharing this I know I was different when I was a young girl I recently did a numerology test I’m a 7 thank again Melanie brightest blessings
Thank you for sharing this I know I was different when I was young girl I recently did numerology I’m a 7
This article vibrated in my heart, this is why I have survived. I am overwhelmed by the depth of feeling, this article has stored in my soul. I can only sit here and cry. To be allowed to be a part of this new vibration, wow. It humbles me, it convicts me, how can I waste anymore time being self absorbed?
Dear Teresa, I feel and love you so much it makes me cry. I love you. I love you and can not wait to meet again, whatever that means, its how I feel, deeply. Im born in Bosnia and Herzegovina where I decided to live and spread my infinite love and appreciation, beacuse this place is so full of sorrow. I feel empowered by this article and all of you beautiful souls in the comments…I am so grateful for all of you…I love you so much.
Loved this 🙂 I am a crystal adult and have struggled through life feeling out of sorts and not really understanding the world. Recently I found am amazing healer and have come back to myself and re-found my light. I just wanted to say this was an amazing article as there is not much out there about adult crystals and made me feel very happy that I am not the only one and that we are all coming together 🙂
I believe I am a crystal child. Though I do not have large eyes at all haha but I was born in 92, I was always different from others. I could always feel what people and animals and childrens energy emotions thoughts etc.
My siblings were my only friends who knew what it was like to be like us. So i didnt come in contact with anyone similar to us.
Though I have been told that I am highly energetic, sage like, and have a warrior spirit.
But I do not resonate much with indigo.
I can heal,i told people i could talk to animals but they all laughed at me, I saw amazing things as a child, i could quickly predict with accurqcy what type of person someone was, what type of relationships they would go gor and how long in tgeir relationship it would last.
It was fun to see in highschool how long people would last in relationships, I was able to preduct how many months they would last. I could see what fears people had, what pains they had, and say the right thing or do the right thing to help them inside.
But the older I get the more clouded I get and become more unhappy because i remember how it felt as a child and I can see myself slipping so I try not to be this way.
I was stubborn, willful, warriorlike, sensitive, kind, and empathetic.
Maybe im a crystal that has some warrior in them. Haha
Thank you for sharing this! This resonates down to my core! I have known since I was very young that I was a little different, but that has always been ok with me! =) I’m a 7, and both my daughters (oldest is 13 & youngest is 9 years old) and their numbers are 11 and 22, respectively. We have the HUGE eyes you speak of and can smell a lie from miles away. This valuable information you have shared will certainly come in handy! Thanks again Melanie! Brightest of Blessings!
So glad to hear Wendy! Brightest blessings flowing back your way too! ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks for your comment!
considering numbers youve listed, and the time spent looking at these posts, im a 11 hmm. considering other possibilities 😛