Being clairsentient means you receive psychic information through sensing or feeling subtle energy.
Do you have this psychic sense?
In other words being clairsentient allows you to clearly sense energy from beyond the physical.
You can tune into the energy of places or situations and people, through feeling and often in the form of a gut feeling.
Clairsentience is a psychic sense, so it's not that you're feeling energy in the same way as when you physically touch something. Rather, clairsentient ability is more subtle where through your heart and energy body tune into the energy around you, so that it can be perceived, felt, and understood.
How do you know if you're clairsentient?
As is the case with all psychic abilities, anyone can learn to develop clairsentience.
Honestly, many people are receiving psychic information through clairsentience and they simply have no idea they're tuning into a psychic ability.
Clairsentience is often confused with intuition, or labeled as just a ‘hunch', an ‘inkling' or a ‘gut feeling'. But with awareness, practice, and focus your gut feelings can become a reliable psychic ability… Clairsentience!
Are you Clairsentient? Here's 23 Signs You Are!
How many of these signs of clairsentience do you have?
You’re a highly sensitive individual, especially when it comes to the energy of your surroundings.
You tend to get overwhelmed in large crowds or places where violet acts have occurred.
When you walk into a room you can quickly tell if people are relaxed and enjoying themselves, or if there’s tension hanging in the air.
You’ve been known to describe places or buildings as feeling “heavy” or “light”.
You have strong initial impressions about people that almost always prove to be spot on.
You’re able to easy relate to where others are and understand their perspective and where they’re coming from.
You experience spiritual chills or get goosebumps as a sort of validation of truth.
You can feel when there are angels, ghost or other spirits present in a location or around you.
When speaking, you tend to use the language “I feel that” rather than “I see” or “I know”.
You can easily read people, and perhaps even feel their pain or feelings of elation within your own body and energy.
You feel somewhat nauseous around violence, or when there are dark or negative entities present.
The presence of angels feels light, uplifting and joyful to you.
You’ve noticed temperature changes, or breezes in a room without any physical explanation for “why”.
You have a keen sense of smell and taste that works to tune into subtle energies, as well as physical items.
You can sense when two people have been arguing, are angry with each other or when there’s something between them.
You sometimes feel tingling sensations on the top of your head.
You’ve felt there was someone in the room with you, at times when you’ve been completely alone.
You've thought of someone in your life and gotten the sense you could feel what they were feeling.
You’ve experienced the sensation of being patted on the shoulder, your hair brushed, or your hand held with out anyone being there.
You feel tingly sensations at times that have a way of bringing you to a full alertness, for no apparent reason.
Your mood seems to fluctuate depending on who you’ve talked to, or who you’re surrounded by.
Out of no where you’ve experienced your vibration lifting, and strong energy sensations in your body.
You can feel in your gut when someone is telling the truth or lying.
Wait… Are Your Gut Feelings Really Clairsentience?
Yep! Gut feelings are a common way in which clairsentience manifests.
Are you supposed to be going somewhere and you get a ‘gut feeling' of excitement? Or do you get a sinking feeling of dread and anxiety?
If you feel dread about your upcoming event, there is likely a reason why, and you may be best to skip the outing or event. If you feel joy, bliss and excitement… You're receiving validation that you're on the right track.
You don't have to act on the gut feeling you receive, but after a few experiences of ignoring it, and then looking back and seeing your gut feeling was warning you about something or someone, you'll likely start to listen and act upon the clairsentient information you receive (I know I do).
More than just internally sensing energy, you may have physical symptoms which suddenly manifest out of no where to further validate what you're sensing, such as a dull ache in your stomach (gut feeling), chills on one side of your body, the hair on the back of your next standing up, or an overall feeling of heaviness, or lightness depending on the vibration of the event, or entity you're tuning into.
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Through clairsentience, sensing energy manifests in a number of additional ways.
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You may receive an inner feeling that something you have scheduled is just not going to happen, and although in that moment you have no way to verify it, you know it to be true.
Clairsentience also allows you to communicate with Spirit, animals, angels, ascended masters, your higher self, and even with the souls or higher spirits of other people.
It allows you to sense auras, and feel the presence of your angels, guides, and ascended masters, or you can even feel your direct presence with the Divine and All That Is.
When I first felt the energy of Jesus as a fully awakened clairsentient… I was completely overwhelmed with the unconditional love and presence of this amazing spiritual being, that I was brought to tears. Beautiful, inspiring, healing tears.
Clairvoyance (clear seeing) is often more glamorized, well-known, and celebrated than clairsentience… But, being able to feel the energy of Christ, or Mother Mary, or even your Guardian Angel when you're in their presence, is a completely magical, validating, and inspiring event.
Clairsentience is within the same spectrum of abilities as being empathic, which is the ability to feel the emotions and feelings of others.
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Clairsentience uses your body, and your inner feelings to bring you information and knowing. To develop this ability, increasing your overall awareness is key. You need to learn to listen to your body, and to your heart, while quieting the constant chatter of the mind.
People who think they have no psychic ability, are often simply stuck in their heads, and are solely focused on interacting with their ego mind.
This is really quite common today.
Learning to quiet your mind, and increasing your awareness to become familiar with your natural responses and feelings, will help you to recognize and develop your ability to understand the world around you (including the realms of spirit) through your psychic feeling sense.
Observation and awareness is the natural place to begin. Then with practice, hindsight, and keeping a journal, you can learn to decipher and interpret your subtle senses and feelings.
I would love to be able to give you a guidebook of what each and every feeling means and how to tell them apart, but the simple truth is my feeling sense is different from yours.
Pay attention to the gut feelings you receive, ask your angels for help, and you will be able to learn to sense, and interpret your clairsentience.
For more assistance developing your psychic senses…
Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation.
Ready to elevate your spiritual journey? Immerse yourself in the premium meditations and angelic activations inside of the Angel Solution Membership.
Just lookinga this website. My mother does meditation and when she does she take all the “junk” out of her body and it leaks everywhere spiriutally. When she touches me I can feel that its very dirty energy and I am very uncomfortable. I don’t really like it and I don’tk now how to describe it when I have this sense and what it means. Don’t know if your book will address this or waht it s.
It’s what I have been working towards finding out my whole life.
It’s finally materialised it’s finally understood it’s finally clicked.
– It is me
– This is all I am
– This is what I am
My awareness heightens the feelings of energy to me. I just know what people feel and I see things differently. I am very much aware of how other people are perceiving at any momentary time.
For me It’s been the unknowing for a long time and only now I understand.
Tuning into my own body and meditation always allows me to feel energy around me or on me.
I feel blessed and I thank you and your site for showing me
I “know” I’m a highly sensitive empath and an INFJ/OLD SOUL. I only realized this back in 2016. I’m 65 now. I took care of my mother for 5 years (she lived with me); as she had many health issues. It took it’s toll on me; as well; and there was times when I could literally FEEL HER PAIN, to the point where I would spend days in bed; because my body would completely SHUT DOWN. When she was admitted into an adult foster care home (this past January 2021), and her health has slowly declined; by the time I got home; I could feel the energy leaving my body; as if I had taken in ALL OF ‘HER’ PAIN, emotions, etc., into my own body. This past week; I spent 3 days in bed, because my body has completely shut down. This has also affected me mentally. I can’t stand this anymore!!! I wish I knew what I could do; to NOT take on everyone’s pain. I also believe I’m Clairsentience.
Thank you for sharing this information. I’ve always felt different and more of a loner because I could read people. For this reason I am quick to either make friends or not. This has not helped me per se. I’m an Aries and what I don’t say shows on my face.
For a long time I could feel peoples sprirts. It’s a shame that you have no one to talk to about these things. Because everyone thinks you are crazy. I remember when I first started walking as a baby. I can feel when someone has passed on that I know. Even some I don’t know personally but have been around them but can’t tell you who it was if that makes any sense. I just be knowing things about people when I first meet them. Like if they are good or bad. I feel peoples sprirts and their energy when they not even around me. I knew when this person I know was going to jail and the time he went. If I’m a Wal-Mart around crowds if people, I get anxious and need to leave. Sometimes in Wal-Mart I like I be hearing a thousand voices like people calling my name or something of that sort. All I know is I have to go. When I walk in a room all eyes are on me. Not the person I’m with just me. Also, I can uplift people when I speak to them if they are troubled. I could go on and on. Oh, oneday a friend came over my house and when he came in the house I felt confusion in his presence. His energy wasn’t right. I asked him were you just in an argument? He said yes, I said it was a woman right? He said yes again. Then I told him that that same woman was going to have a baby and it’s going to be a girl but it’s not going to be yours. He asked how do you know that? I said I see her sitting in a chair holding a babygirl with 2 pony tails in her hair. Plus, I described the woman as well. A year later that same person told me that same woman had a babygirl and it wasn’t his.
I am clairsentient and I would like to understand this ability in a positive way. Yes I am over sensitive. I feel people and group’s moods. I can’t go out to the mall when it is crowded. On and on. But, over all, it is a negative experience. What are ways to use this ability to the positive? I did connect, this summer, with the energy radiating from a bean plant and it was beautiful. What other positive applications are there? I don’t like this ability always pulling me into the negative, painful spaces.
Hi, I’m Shanell and I’ve got the same gift my body is super super sensitive to everything,I wasn’t born like this, Jesus did this to me, when I was about 22 years old, I’m 29 now, he came into my room I couldn’t see him but I could feel his presence. I was reading my bible for about a week straight. I fell asleep and I was completely sleep and he woke me up so elegantly and soft I sat up in the bed and he entered the left side of my body and he started to move my arm as if you were telling someone to come in body language, once I noticed my arm was moving I looked at it and I said to myself its moving by itself and then I tried to move my arm I tried to control it but I couldn’t I felt a masculant presence he was strong I could fell him inside of my arm and I could feel me trying to control my arm also but even though he was strong he was moving my arm in such a elegant peaceful soft manner.Once I realized that I couldn’t move my arm I got scared and I could feel the fear from the tip of my toes rising my mother was in the next room I begin to fix my mouth to say Mama! I was gonna yell for her but before I could the M sound out Jesus turned my fear off like a light switch and instantly I wasnt scared any more and it was as though what was going on was completely normal there wasn’t an ounce of fear in me so as all of this was going on after he turned the fear off my attention we back to my and as I was looking at my arm I said that means come so I became curious I who do you want to come to I look in front of me I looked left and the right, I didnt know who he was talking to so that night I never figured it out he left my body and I laid back down and went to sleep as if nothing happen but as time passed I wanted to know so bad what the message had ment it to me 3 years to figure it out he was talking to me he was telling me to follow him and every since then I have been able to feel spirits and I can feel people’s pain when they hurt I’ve felt Jesus pain for the people who dont believe in him (hell) I’ve felt my sister’s pain,I can feel the holy spirit all the time, I’ve felt my friend’s mother when she died,I’ve felt homeless people pain I feel it all the time I can smell almost anything like a dog,I dream alot but yeah Jesus gave me a gift a wonderful gift
There is so much here that i can relate to (and thats not something i can say in most crowds )…maybe someone can give me insight on this strange phenomenon…when i touch dead people (and once a recently deceased horse and once a very strange cat )i get an almost electric sensation in my chest …i cannot tell if its a push or a pull but it feels as though something has ahold of my soul (but physically ) …even thinking about it now i have an urgent uncomfortable ness in my sternum . I have touched many other dead creatures and not experienced it. Lol its not what you are thinking …i grew up on a farm,things die, anyway .. I have asked many others and they say that they dont have this sensation …has anyone here had a similar experience or any thoughts on what causes it ?
What a wonderful gift you have been given. As time goes by, more and more gifted children are coming into the world from this and other galaxies so that you, and those with such abilities will become the norm. I won’t live to see this in its fullness but it will come, I feel sure. At the moment, many of you are so lonely because the rest of us seem so backward. It must be so hard. We “normal” people must be thankful for you, with so much respect and gratitude for what you are bringing to Planet Earth.
I can feel everything. I’m different. Help me. People tell me they can see “it” on me. I don’t know what to do. I can literally feel what people are feeling when theytey touch me. Like a wave. It hits me
I swear I have the same thing but now I’m using it to help people and help myself
when I touch someone I can tell if they want to hurt me or want to be good with me I can help my friends when they r lost
try using it to help urself don’t hate it its really helpful
You are the future of Earth. The frequency of this planet, and those on it is rising, and people like you are brought in here to help show the rest of us what humanity can be. Pray to the Creator for guidance and you will be given help to encourage, support and show you how to use this gift to help humanity adn the Earth itself. You may seem weird because the frequency of most of us is too low. This is a gift – this is who you are. The world needs you, even if they don’t know it. You, and people like you, are the future and the hope of “New Earth” that you are helping to birth.
I have never been a spiritual person, and didn’t have to develop the gift I have been given. I initially thought that this gift was a part of clairsentience. But it is more in some ways, and less in others within the definition. For some reason, this non spiritual, 46 year old man of sound mind, who doesn’t do drugs, not on any scripts, and also had a very thorough MRI (Just for defensive reasons), can feel the very real physical touch of unseen entities. It is the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me, and I am now so happy to know there is so much more to our world than what can be seen. Not to mention these entities touch me in very comforting ways. It is a little spooky to think how things would be if they touched me in a negative, angry, abusive way! But they don’t thankfully! What is this ability called? I have had them in my life now for a year and a half, and hope they never leave. They feel like humans, I have also felt what feels like cats and possibly a dog. Also sometimes, I feel someone who doesn’t feel quite right, like an alien or something. (very long arms and fingers). I can also feel their approach, (footsteps), on whatever furniture I am on like the bed or couch, before they even come in contact with me. This happens anytime of the day or evening, when I ask for them, and just as often when I am not thinking of them at all. The feeling of their touch is as real as the feeling of the touch from a person in this realm. If anyone can shed some more light on this, and can tell me their opinion on who these entities are, if they are “stealing my energy” (whatever that means), or if I should be pursuing something to contact them beyond just touch, maybe find a way to communicate!? I swear I am not crazy, I am a father of 4, not overly emotional, no serious life problems, not stressed out about life at all…And yet somehow, a year and a half ago I was introduced to something absolutely amazing!
I always knew something was different about me, just never knew exactly what. I have a very heightened clairsentient gift that I am just now being aware of. I’ve always known the presence of spirits and emotions of others, just never had the understanding of how, why, and what to do with these gifts. Thank you for your insight!
I have inherited ESP, Telepathy and Clairsentient from my mothers side of the family. I went through a traumatic event back in 2007 before I became aware of these gifts. I was moved from my home in 2007 and soon after my ESP went Dormant. Currently I am very telepathic and I feel blessed and yet it can be invasive and I don’t like that feeling. I also can see …its hard to describe…people riding in their vehicles while I am at work. I can see people writing notes. I work in a nursing home and can see people on a street behind the nursing home. I see them making gestures, I see eyes…its very odd. Is it normal for a person with ESP for it to go dormant when they don’t live in a home? I have no one to discuss this with because people are scared of me. Truly, many people are scared of me….I struggle with this….I pray for strength and friends to share this with….and there are people who hate me and text people terrible things to ruin my life and I have no control over it. My life…I have a good job and am respected for my hard work but I have no one to share my feelings with.
Hello i have the same energies .I feel like i am in another spirit dimension.Since am writing a book my heart is opened and i also feel like there is someone in my heart a voice or someone in my head in controll .I feel like my level of spirituality is amazing honestly it sounds weird
I’m pretty sure I have this. I think my potted jasmine vine just requested to come indoors. ,😂😲 I had this thought like ‘its getting too cold for the jasmine now’, and I was like, huh ok. So I went, and turns out the sprinklers were getting half of it wet with really cold water. I brought it inside, but I think it still needs sunlight, because I just had the sense that it is still cold. I feel a little weird about this, but it’s cool at the same time. I’ve also noticed animals really like me, and so do babies and elderly people.
Hi leah, I can totally relate this and your comment about the plant has made me giggle 😂 you sound exactly like me! I sometimes think it’s hard to explain things to some people without them thinking I’ve gone crazy 😜🤣
I experience extreme head rushes where I feel overwhelmed by energy. They usually pass fairly quick but ever since I was a child I could sense and see/hear things others cannot. Any suggestions on how to get these to stop or how to handle them better?
I’m beginning to sense outwardly or in massive groups. It use to be in small groups like one individual or two together. It’s beginning to sense massive emotional and mentally atmosphere of a whole and can be very very strong to the point of seeing the end result of a negative or positive vision of the end. See as I sense smaller groups ending results become fact. I’ve have always had this gift since a very small child but I feel like a sore thumb on this planet. It is growing manifesting to something I have no ideal to what. I don’t feel harmed by it but I do sense harm from a whole of certain massive groups that is growing in a subconsciously form. I always look at the stars at night almost like expecting something to pick me up or see. I’m not sure if I’m asking for help but I’m asking, am I the only one that sense these groups that are growing that don’t seem to be slowing down and it’s purpose don’t seem to promote life rather then self, and beyond the self opening a back door into subconscious darkness? Anyway have a wonderful week.
Ma’am, I have quite a story for people if they are interested. Like something powerful came to me and strengthened a lot of my psychic senses back in 2012. I also just wanted to let you know that you have 2 typos in your article. The story is incredible to me, but I’m not so incredible really.
definitely recognize myself in this, for a week now i am receiving signals from my radio every night, it’s pretty freaky but it’s my guidance’s message that they are with me
I close my eyes and see mist of colors and it seems like lightning in the distance. I see Huma figurines also. With my eyes open at times “purple” always shows up. My hand tingles and vibrates and I’m wondering if that is my angles letting me though there here. I don’t know what this is the beginning of but it is enlightening. I would like feed back on books I may be interested in. Who am I and why me. It’s exciting to see what’s next
Soooooooo ok can someone please tell me about the tingling sensations that I get on my head??? Is that just to let me know that a spirit is present??? Is it a confirmation of sorts??? Is it my guides trying to tell me something??? Please tell me the truth!!
that is Jesus ,we need to know this , he is with you, , us ; as if you were his only child. relax you are chosen. He knows who you are , not the person society tries to shape you to be . I have to scratch my whole head or I’d go insane , (am I already ) ? it feels so strong…..even in public .
I am clairsentience . What a great name for something that’s just feels so emotional…that voice in your head that says don’t go in there it’s bad news and you step away to see moments later what was ment by what was said…I am not going mad…lol…I hope to use this to help others in the future …with the angels help all is possible…miricals can and do happen but not in the way we think they should always…lol
You’re so right about miracles happening… But not always in the way we think they should! LOL
I think the key to using your clairsentience to help others is to keep taking it one moment at a time… Keep shining your light, and keep asking yourself and the Universe “How may I serve?”
I deal with gut feeling almost everyday .. I have told those of my feelings and then these feelings happen ..I see signs and always follow them ..I’ve had many times I’ve had to go somewhere and gotten a sick feelings shaking and panic and walked right into exactly what I’ve felt and my son was with me twice where I begged him to turn the car around and take me back home this has been going on for yrs also I feel presence of my guardian Angels and how they have been protecting me along with the Holy Spirit .. I don’t claim to be a pyshic but I truly do know deep inside with the experiences I have and had they are by no means coincidences I’m not looking to be a physic that get paid I want to help others in my circle like I have done with many I just need to learn how to focus on a gift I believe deep inside God has blessed me with for good of others .. My mom’s oldest sister was a genuine Medium she’s passed but she never took a penny from anyone because it was a gift from God
Lately I have been very sensitive intuitive and aware of my surrounding. I notice peoples mood actions and movements. I able to react and correct myself if needed.please help to keep my emotions in check. Cool calm and collected. At work the air is thick and energy is negative I need to protect my mind body and soul from the stale air which surrounds me.Arch angel Michael and Raphael keep me strong healthy and wise.
I always have this feeling I am being watched or someone is near me or I thought I could see someone In the corner of my eye but when I look there is no one there is this the same thing as being claresentience?
Just lookinga this website. My mother does meditation and when she does she take all the “junk” out of her body and it leaks everywhere spiriutally. When she touches me I can feel that its very dirty energy and I am very uncomfortable. I don’t really like it and I don’tk now how to describe it when I have this sense and what it means. Don’t know if your book will address this or waht it s.
At age 44 the moment I realised I what I am!
It’s what I have been working towards finding out my whole life.
It’s finally materialised it’s finally understood it’s finally clicked.
– It is me
– This is all I am
– This is what I am
My awareness heightens the feelings of energy to me. I just know what people feel and I see things differently. I am very much aware of how other people are perceiving at any momentary time.
For me It’s been the unknowing for a long time and only now I understand.
Tuning into my own body and meditation always allows me to feel energy around me or on me.
I feel blessed and I thank you and your site for showing me
I “know” I’m a highly sensitive empath and an INFJ/OLD SOUL. I only realized this back in 2016. I’m 65 now. I took care of my mother for 5 years (she lived with me); as she had many health issues. It took it’s toll on me; as well; and there was times when I could literally FEEL HER PAIN, to the point where I would spend days in bed; because my body would completely SHUT DOWN. When she was admitted into an adult foster care home (this past January 2021), and her health has slowly declined; by the time I got home; I could feel the energy leaving my body; as if I had taken in ALL OF ‘HER’ PAIN, emotions, etc., into my own body. This past week; I spent 3 days in bed, because my body has completely shut down. This has also affected me mentally. I can’t stand this anymore!!! I wish I knew what I could do; to NOT take on everyone’s pain. I also believe I’m Clairsentience.
Thank you for sharing this information. I’ve always felt different and more of a loner because I could read people. For this reason I am quick to either make friends or not. This has not helped me per se. I’m an Aries and what I don’t say shows on my face.
For a long time I could feel peoples sprirts. It’s a shame that you have no one to talk to about these things. Because everyone thinks you are crazy. I remember when I first started walking as a baby. I can feel when someone has passed on that I know. Even some I don’t know personally but have been around them but can’t tell you who it was if that makes any sense. I just be knowing things about people when I first meet them. Like if they are good or bad. I feel peoples sprirts and their energy when they not even around me. I knew when this person I know was going to jail and the time he went. If I’m a Wal-Mart around crowds if people, I get anxious and need to leave. Sometimes in Wal-Mart I like I be hearing a thousand voices like people calling my name or something of that sort. All I know is I have to go. When I walk in a room all eyes are on me. Not the person I’m with just me. Also, I can uplift people when I speak to them if they are troubled. I could go on and on. Oh, oneday a friend came over my house and when he came in the house I felt confusion in his presence. His energy wasn’t right. I asked him were you just in an argument? He said yes, I said it was a woman right? He said yes again. Then I told him that that same woman was going to have a baby and it’s going to be a girl but it’s not going to be yours. He asked how do you know that? I said I see her sitting in a chair holding a babygirl with 2 pony tails in her hair. Plus, I described the woman as well. A year later that same person told me that same woman had a babygirl and it wasn’t his.
Thank you for sharing your experiences. Reading what you have experienced has helped me to understand and make sense of my own experiences. x
I am clairsentient and I would like to understand this ability in a positive way. Yes I am over sensitive. I feel people and group’s moods. I can’t go out to the mall when it is crowded. On and on. But, over all, it is a negative experience. What are ways to use this ability to the positive? I did connect, this summer, with the energy radiating from a bean plant and it was beautiful. What other positive applications are there? I don’t like this ability always pulling me into the negative, painful spaces.
Hi, I’m Shanell and I’ve got the same gift my body is super super sensitive to everything,I wasn’t born like this, Jesus did this to me, when I was about 22 years old, I’m 29 now, he came into my room I couldn’t see him but I could feel his presence. I was reading my bible for about a week straight. I fell asleep and I was completely sleep and he woke me up so elegantly and soft I sat up in the bed and he entered the left side of my body and he started to move my arm as if you were telling someone to come in body language, once I noticed my arm was moving I looked at it and I said to myself its moving by itself and then I tried to move my arm I tried to control it but I couldn’t I felt a masculant presence he was strong I could fell him inside of my arm and I could feel me trying to control my arm also but even though he was strong he was moving my arm in such a elegant peaceful soft manner.Once I realized that I couldn’t move my arm I got scared and I could feel the fear from the tip of my toes rising my mother was in the next room I begin to fix my mouth to say Mama! I was gonna yell for her but before I could the M sound out Jesus turned my fear off like a light switch and instantly I wasnt scared any more and it was as though what was going on was completely normal there wasn’t an ounce of fear in me so as all of this was going on after he turned the fear off my attention we back to my and as I was looking at my arm I said that means come so I became curious I who do you want to come to I look in front of me I looked left and the right, I didnt know who he was talking to so that night I never figured it out he left my body and I laid back down and went to sleep as if nothing happen but as time passed I wanted to know so bad what the message had ment it to me 3 years to figure it out he was talking to me he was telling me to follow him and every since then I have been able to feel spirits and I can feel people’s pain when they hurt I’ve felt Jesus pain for the people who dont believe in him (hell) I’ve felt my sister’s pain,I can feel the holy spirit all the time, I’ve felt my friend’s mother when she died,I’ve felt homeless people pain I feel it all the time I can smell almost anything like a dog,I dream alot but yeah Jesus gave me a gift a wonderful gift
There is so much here that i can relate to (and thats not something i can say in most crowds )…maybe someone can give me insight on this strange phenomenon…when i touch dead people (and once a recently deceased horse and once a very strange cat )i get an almost electric sensation in my chest …i cannot tell if its a push or a pull but it feels as though something has ahold of my soul (but physically ) …even thinking about it now i have an urgent uncomfortable ness in my sternum . I have touched many other dead creatures and not experienced it. Lol its not what you are thinking …i grew up on a farm,things die, anyway .. I have asked many others and they say that they dont have this sensation …has anyone here had a similar experience or any thoughts on what causes it ?
I am Clairsentient, but not so much clairvoyance. I can detect buried minerals from a photograph and identify each mineral.
What a wonderful gift you have been given. As time goes by, more and more gifted children are coming into the world from this and other galaxies so that you, and those with such abilities will become the norm. I won’t live to see this in its fullness but it will come, I feel sure. At the moment, many of you are so lonely because the rest of us seem so backward. It must be so hard. We “normal” people must be thankful for you, with so much respect and gratitude for what you are bringing to Planet Earth.
I can feel everything. I’m different. Help me. People tell me they can see “it” on me. I don’t know what to do. I can literally feel what people are feeling when theytey touch me. Like a wave. It hits me
I swear I have the same thing but now I’m using it to help people and help myself
when I touch someone I can tell if they want to hurt me or want to be good with me I can help my friends when they r lost
try using it to help urself don’t hate it its really helpful
It may be that you are an empath.
You are the future of Earth. The frequency of this planet, and those on it is rising, and people like you are brought in here to help show the rest of us what humanity can be. Pray to the Creator for guidance and you will be given help to encourage, support and show you how to use this gift to help humanity adn the Earth itself. You may seem weird because the frequency of most of us is too low. This is a gift – this is who you are. The world needs you, even if they don’t know it. You, and people like you, are the future and the hope of “New Earth” that you are helping to birth.
I have never been a spiritual person, and didn’t have to develop the gift I have been given. I initially thought that this gift was a part of clairsentience. But it is more in some ways, and less in others within the definition. For some reason, this non spiritual, 46 year old man of sound mind, who doesn’t do drugs, not on any scripts, and also had a very thorough MRI (Just for defensive reasons), can feel the very real physical touch of unseen entities. It is the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me, and I am now so happy to know there is so much more to our world than what can be seen. Not to mention these entities touch me in very comforting ways. It is a little spooky to think how things would be if they touched me in a negative, angry, abusive way! But they don’t thankfully! What is this ability called? I have had them in my life now for a year and a half, and hope they never leave. They feel like humans, I have also felt what feels like cats and possibly a dog. Also sometimes, I feel someone who doesn’t feel quite right, like an alien or something. (very long arms and fingers). I can also feel their approach, (footsteps), on whatever furniture I am on like the bed or couch, before they even come in contact with me. This happens anytime of the day or evening, when I ask for them, and just as often when I am not thinking of them at all. The feeling of their touch is as real as the feeling of the touch from a person in this realm. If anyone can shed some more light on this, and can tell me their opinion on who these entities are, if they are “stealing my energy” (whatever that means), or if I should be pursuing something to contact them beyond just touch, maybe find a way to communicate!? I swear I am not crazy, I am a father of 4, not overly emotional, no serious life problems, not stressed out about life at all…And yet somehow, a year and a half ago I was introduced to something absolutely amazing!
I always knew something was different about me, just never knew exactly what. I have a very heightened clairsentient gift that I am just now being aware of. I’ve always known the presence of spirits and emotions of others, just never had the understanding of how, why, and what to do with these gifts. Thank you for your insight!
I have inherited ESP, Telepathy and Clairsentient from my mothers side of the family. I went through a traumatic event back in 2007 before I became aware of these gifts. I was moved from my home in 2007 and soon after my ESP went Dormant. Currently I am very telepathic and I feel blessed and yet it can be invasive and I don’t like that feeling. I also can see …its hard to describe…people riding in their vehicles while I am at work. I can see people writing notes. I work in a nursing home and can see people on a street behind the nursing home. I see them making gestures, I see eyes…its very odd. Is it normal for a person with ESP for it to go dormant when they don’t live in a home? I have no one to discuss this with because people are scared of me. Truly, many people are scared of me….I struggle with this….I pray for strength and friends to share this with….and there are people who hate me and text people terrible things to ruin my life and I have no control over it. My life…I have a good job and am respected for my hard work but I have no one to share my feelings with.
Why do I feel a certain persons energy stronger at night time?
Hello i have the same energies .I feel like i am in another spirit dimension.Since am writing a book my heart is opened and i also feel like there is someone in my heart a voice or someone in my head in controll .I feel like my level of spirituality is amazing honestly it sounds weird
I’m pretty sure I have this. I think my potted jasmine vine just requested to come indoors. ,😂😲 I had this thought like ‘its getting too cold for the jasmine now’, and I was like, huh ok. So I went, and turns out the sprinklers were getting half of it wet with really cold water. I brought it inside, but I think it still needs sunlight, because I just had the sense that it is still cold. I feel a little weird about this, but it’s cool at the same time. I’ve also noticed animals really like me, and so do babies and elderly people.
Hi leah, I can totally relate this and your comment about the plant has made me giggle 😂 you sound exactly like me! I sometimes think it’s hard to explain things to some people without them thinking I’ve gone crazy 😜🤣
I experience extreme head rushes where I feel overwhelmed by energy. They usually pass fairly quick but ever since I was a child I could sense and see/hear things others cannot. Any suggestions on how to get these to stop or how to handle them better?
How do you learn to open up? Also, can it be dangerous? Sometimes the feelings I get are very overwhelming, I get fearful.
I’m beginning to sense outwardly or in massive groups. It use to be in small groups like one individual or two together. It’s beginning to sense massive emotional and mentally atmosphere of a whole and can be very very strong to the point of seeing the end result of a negative or positive vision of the end. See as I sense smaller groups ending results become fact. I’ve have always had this gift since a very small child but I feel like a sore thumb on this planet. It is growing manifesting to something I have no ideal to what. I don’t feel harmed by it but I do sense harm from a whole of certain massive groups that is growing in a subconsciously form. I always look at the stars at night almost like expecting something to pick me up or see. I’m not sure if I’m asking for help but I’m asking, am I the only one that sense these groups that are growing that don’t seem to be slowing down and it’s purpose don’t seem to promote life rather then self, and beyond the self opening a back door into subconscious darkness? Anyway have a wonderful week.
Ma’am, I have quite a story for people if they are interested. Like something powerful came to me and strengthened a lot of my psychic senses back in 2012. I also just wanted to let you know that you have 2 typos in your article. The story is incredible to me, but I’m not so incredible really.
Thank you. I’ve finally validated what I knew alll along.
My Mom has this…
I’ve been this way since birth…my earliest memories are clear from the age of 9 months & I have always avoided events or people based on my senses…
definitely recognize myself in this, for a week now i am receiving signals from my radio every night, it’s pretty freaky but it’s my guidance’s message that they are with me
I close my eyes and see mist of colors and it seems like lightning in the distance. I see Huma figurines also. With my eyes open at times “purple” always shows up. My hand tingles and vibrates and I’m wondering if that is my angles letting me though there here. I don’t know what this is the beginning of but it is enlightening. I would like feed back on books I may be interested in. Who am I and why me. It’s exciting to see what’s next
Soooooooo ok can someone please tell me about the tingling sensations that I get on my head??? Is that just to let me know that a spirit is present??? Is it a confirmation of sorts??? Is it my guides trying to tell me something??? Please tell me the truth!!
that is Jesus ,we need to know this , he is with you, , us ; as if you were his only child. relax you are chosen. He knows who you are , not the person society tries to shape you to be . I have to scratch my whole head or I’d go insane , (am I already ) ? it feels so strong…..even in public .
I am clairsentience . What a great name for something that’s just feels so emotional…that voice in your head that says don’t go in there it’s bad news and you step away to see moments later what was ment by what was said…I am not going mad…lol…I hope to use this to help others in the future …with the angels help all is possible…miricals can and do happen but not in the way we think they should always…lol
You’re so right about miracles happening… But not always in the way we think they should! LOL
I think the key to using your clairsentience to help others is to keep taking it one moment at a time… Keep shining your light, and keep asking yourself and the Universe “How may I serve?”
When will I ever get out of this trap in in with a awe full man
I deal with gut feeling almost everyday .. I have told those of my feelings and then these feelings happen ..I see signs and always follow them ..I’ve had many times I’ve had to go somewhere and gotten a sick feelings shaking and panic and walked right into exactly what I’ve felt and my son was with me twice where I begged him to turn the car around and take me back home this has been going on for yrs also I feel presence of my guardian Angels and how they have been protecting me along with the Holy Spirit .. I don’t claim to be a pyshic but I truly do know deep inside with the experiences I have and had they are by no means coincidences I’m not looking to be a physic that get paid I want to help others in my circle like I have done with many I just need to learn how to focus on a gift I believe deep inside God has blessed me with for good of others .. My mom’s oldest sister was a genuine Medium she’s passed but she never took a penny from anyone because it was a gift from God
Lately I have been very sensitive intuitive and aware of my surrounding. I notice peoples mood actions and movements. I able to react and correct myself if needed.please help to keep my emotions in check. Cool calm and collected. At work the air is thick and energy is negative I need to protect my mind body and soul from the stale air which surrounds me.Arch angel Michael and Raphael keep me strong healthy and wise.
I think this is really hard. Sometimes when my fears and ego takes over it feels like a bad gut feeling. How can I work with this?
I always have this feeling I am being watched or someone is near me or I thought I could see someone In the corner of my eye but when I look there is no one there is this the same thing as being claresentience?
Loved this I am clairsentience