A Little Bluebird Told Me To Tell You…
I've always loved seeing wild birds in nature, and bluebirds particularly have a special and gentle energy that the heart and spirit tend to recognize.
Just yesterday, I was hiking to one of the lesser known, and yet still incredibly powerful vortex sites in Sedona Arizona.
As I carefully stepped along the red earth trail, a little bluebird swooped down from above and landed in a tree just across from where I was standing.
My heart fluttered with joy when I realized the bluebird had a message..
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Click HereThe message from the little bluebird.
It's a good one for us all…
Bluebird brings the reminder that happiness and fulfillment are well within reach.
It's easy to get wrapped up in the details of day-to-day life…
Where things like stress, and obligations keep us busily darting from one to-do to the next.
But the little bluebird?
It always finds the time to gently dance through the sky, patiently making its way through life, and sweetly singing the song of it's own truth.
The bluebirds song is filled with joy and playfulness.
It gently reminds us lighten up, let go, to stop taking life so seriously and start taking the time to simply enjoy.
They actually go out of their way to avoid confrontation, though they are scrappy and will confidently defend themselves when it's needed. I like that.
But perhaps the sweetest thing of all.
Bluebirds carry the same peaceful, gentle, and loving energy of the angels…
Their presence gently soothes our souls, and brings the message of hope and the energy and lightness needed to lift our spirits and rekindle our inner spark.
Are bluebirds angels?
They very well may be angels in another form…
And they definitely are their sweet companions.
Each chip of the precious song of the bluebird is the magical reminder of just how special, beautiful, and loved you really are.
The symbolism of bluebird?
It's a symbol of the angelic realm… It's meaning one of happiness grace and delight.
And seeing bluebirds?
A reminder to sing your unique song… To stay present in the moment, count your blessings, look for the silver linings in your life and tune into the many blessings of life that are all around you.
With love, light, and happiness,
(and our little bluebird friend)
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