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A Simple Autumnal Equinox Ritual

Celebrate the Autumn Equinox!

Celebrating the Autumn Equinox For eons, cultures around the world have honored and celebrated the changing of the seasons including the point of time that is the Autumnal Equinox!

The Autumnal Equinox is of course when the wheel of the year turns from summer into fall.

Learn more about The Wheel of the Year… Or the Spiritual meaning of the Equinox.

With the Fall Equinox, it’s not only the weather that’s changing… But also, our own personal lives, activities, and plans. We’ll likely now spend more time indoors with family, and with ourselves.

With the weather going colder outside, we’re encouraged to turn inward. This is where we can face our hidden doubts and fears … And through reflection, and healing we can embrace and cultivate our highest authenticity, aspirations, and dreams.

Many different ancient cultures had powerful ceremonies, rituals, and feasts to honor and celebrate the Equinox…

So how do we honor this powerful time of the Autumnal Equinox and tap into the blessings and opportunities it presents us now?

A Simple Autumn Equinox Ritual

Autumn Equinox Ritual

Celebrate your authenticity, reconnect with your inner light, and cultivate a powerful sense of balance and presence during the Autumn Equinox with this simple ritual!

This can be modified to be used in both Fall and Spring, or to celebrate wherever you are in your soul journey through life.

A formal ritual or ceremony is not required, but it can help you to adjust to the changes happening within and around you. It marks the end of one season and the beginning of the next!

Set the Stage for Your Equinox Ritual

Find a peaceful, quiet space to take some time to celebrate the Equinox…

You may also want to create a little Equinox altar to “set the stage”…

Create an Autumnal Equinox Altar

An Equinox altar is just essentially a sacred space you create that’s representative of your connection with the Divine, with nature, and with your inner light.

To create an Equinox altar, find a special place to decorate with colors representative of fall, balance, and harvest.

Incorporate symbols of fall found in nature (like pinecones, fall leaves, and a pumpkin, squash or gourd).

You may also want to include something to represent each of the elements: earth, air, fire, water, ether.

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Crystals, incense, fall essential oils, and anything else that is high vibrational and inspiring to you is a great addition to your sacred space!

Remember that the Equinox is a time of celebration, balance, and gratitude. Create your altar in a way that personally reflects this for you to help you to celebrate the new season of life you're stepping into.

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Getting Started

Light some candles, burn some sage or diffuse an essential oil to begin.

Call in the presence of your personal team of guides, angels, and Ascended Masters of the Light.

Put on some relaxing music or listen to High Vibration Meditation…

Breathe, relax, fully enter into the present moment… And focus your awareness inward.

If you're not listening to a guided meditation… Go through every part of your body, feeling yourself filling up with light and deeply relaxing.

Imagine light all around you. Breathe it in and feel your inner light is growing crisper and more vibrant.

Breathe light into each and every cell as your vibration raises, and you become enveloped in light and love.

Just breathe, relax, and be…

Enjoy connecting with your light, with your team of guides and angels, and enjoy the magic of tuning into the infinite possibility available to you right here and now.

After your meditation…

Take some time to reflect on the cycle of growth that is coming to a culmination now.

Internal development is one of the core Autumnal themes, and a great way to honor this is through reflection and journaling.

Journal Prompts for the Autumn Equinox Journal Prompts For the Autumn Equinox

Write out the following questions and answers in your journal.

What were the intentions you set this past spring?
What did you do to cultivate them?
How are those intentions manifesting now?
What are you harvesting in your life now?
Were these the wisest seeds you could have sown?

What challenges appeared for you in this last cycle?
How did you navigate through them?
What could you have done differently?

What can you change now to stay in greater love, peace, and balance?

Release Into The Light

While writing out the answers to the above questions… Pay attention to how you feel.

If strong emotions, fear, or sadness arises… Love what appears!

Meet your feelings with honesty, love, and compassion…

And then be willing to forgive, release, and let go.

Make Three Lists


Put into writing three lists of things.

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  1. The things you are grateful for in your life. These are things that will be renewed, replenished, and enhanced as you move forward.
  2. Write down the things you want to call forth in your life. What do you want to create and manifest? These are your highest intentions moving forward and can be anything from new levels of authenticity, spiritual gifts, exciting new opportunities, prosperity, and abundance, or new levels of joy, peace, and inspiring creative ideas.
  3. Write down the things you're willing to let go of to create space for your dreams. What do you want to release from your life to make space for the new? Think- Fears, doubts, insecurities, and limiting patterns.

Thank your team for their ongoing love, guidance, and support in your life.

And then… Keep the celebration going!

Blow out your candles, make a warm mug of tea

Or even better, cook up a healthy Equinox feast!

Healthy Fall Equinox Feast

Celebrate autumn equinox will a fall harvest feast. I love kicking off the start of fall with something like a warm and hearty veggie stew, roasted squash or a comforting potato leek soup (vegan version of course) …

What is both healthy, nourishing, and tasty that just screams Autumn? Go with that!

Crisp apples, fresh figs, pears, nuts, pomegranates, squash, sweet potatoes, beets, and pumpkins… Just typing that has me excited about the many delicious flavors of fall!

While you're prepping or cooking, and before you eat, imagine your meal completely filled with the most vibrant light!

(Or snack… You can totally do this with just an apple or pear)

Set the intention for your meal to nourish and support you in heading into the new season renewed, refreshed,  filled with vitality, and connected to your highest level of light!


With love and gratitude,

Melanie Beckler



P.S. Join the Equinox Gateway of Balance Immersion On the September 2024 Autumn Equinox here >> 


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about our creator:
Melanie Beckler

Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation.

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  1. Wow! That was great, it really helped me!
    It was very very nice to do.
    Thank you so much for creating these journal prompts.
    Happy Equinox to you too!

  2. My Dear Melanie, your are loved dearly, we thank, honor and appreciate immensely, your devoted SERVICE of Love; which is just being your Own Authentic Self!! 💯💐🍇🍎🛑 Shalom! Namaste! 🎆 👏

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