Connect with Archangel Gabriel, the Archangel of Divine Communication
Archangel Gabriel is an Archangel of Expressed Love and Divine Communication. The name Gabriel literally means “Hero of God” and by cultivating a connection with Gabriel she can be an ally for you in your life, as she is already for many people.
But just how to you cultivate a connection with an angel of God?
- Start by asking for guidance and support.
- Then remain open, relaxed and willing to open a connection.
This simple prayer I am about to share with you will support you in calling on and tuning into the incredible strength and illumination of Gabriel who can then assist you in:
- Directly hearing and receiving clear guidance
- Stepping into more of your authentic truth
- Aligning with the highest possibilities for your life.
Gabriel is an angel of God who appears in the Bible…
She appeared to Mary, guided the wise men and more!
Learn more about Gabriel, Angel of Communication and Strength of God here.
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Think Or Say Aloud:
- Begin by relaxing your body and mind.
- Focus your attention on your breathing and on imagining light all around you.
- Imagine that you’re breathing in light and raising your vibration.
- As you exhale, let go.
- Focus on the center of your being.
- Allowing your heart to open.
- Then think or say the following:
“Beloved Source of All That Is. God. The One.
Beloved Solar Logos. Christ Light.
Beloved Holy Spirit. Guardian Angels. Archangels…
Beloved Archangel Gabriel…
Thank you for your presence and for so many blessings in my life.
I call upon you now and invite you to connect with me directly.
I pray that you please step forward with your wisdom and presence to help me to raise my vibration, so I can tune into your guidance and frequency now.
Guide me and help me to hear and know truth and wisdom in my life.
Help me to more fully stand in my truth and follow the guidance I receive to bring blessings in my life and in the lives of the people around me.
“I pray that you help me to know my next steps to align with the most vibrant possibilities for me in my lifetime.
Support me in aligning with the Will of God, and show me the actions I can take to align with my highest soul purpose.
I pray that you show me the path of living in alignment with the highest, best and most loving possibilities.
Give me the courage and power to not only know, but to also act upon this guidance.
I ask you to help me to release and let go of any lower detrimental energies or entities in my field that are weighing me down so may more vibrantly shine with Christ light, golden crystalline light from within so I may be of service at a higher level in my life.
Let this light fill my being and shine out beyond me creating ripples of blessing and benefit for All… Far and wide.
“Thank you for guiding me, supporting me, and helping me in to stand in truth and in alignment with my highest nature.
I ask this according to the will of God, in the highest and greatest good, and so it is.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
When You Ask, There Will Be An Answer
As you call on Gabriel … Stay relaxed and allow your energy to expand. Know that when you ask, you will receive an answer, though not necessarily in the way that you expect. Where people sometimes get tripped up when it comes to prayers is by asking for a very detailed and specific outcome and then getting disappointed when things don't unfold the way they expect.
Raise Your Vibration First
It's important to know that spiritual beings of power like Gabriel, Archangels Michael, Uriel and so many more are incredibly powerful light beings. This means that for you to even comprehend their presence, it takes first raising your vibration and elevating your consciousness.
- The more you then raise your vibration and become a match for the incredible beings of God that are the archangels, the more effortless, and the more possible it's going to be for you to tune into their presence.
Ready for more?
Learn more about how to raise your vibration here!
With gratitude,
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Click HereP.S. Are you interested in more prayers… Or curious if you should be praying to God directly instead? Click Here!