While spirit guides and angels do offer their guidance directly, often times it will come in the form of a gentle nudge, a sudden inspiration, or they may show you a sign.
One of the most common signs, especially for those on a spiritual path, is seeing numbers.
One way you can know if a number is indeed a sign from the angels, is if you keep seeing it, as angelic guidance is often repetitive until you get the message.
The angels want you to notice that you keep seeing the same number, so that you'll pay attention to it, and take a look into what it means.
When you do keep seeing a number, pay attention! Ask the angels to give you additional information to determine what they're telling you, and be observant of what you were thinking, feeling, or doing around the time you see the numbers, as this often holds additional clues to the specific message the angels are communicating to you through numbers.
If you keep seeing 999, it's likely the angels are drawing your attention to the closing of a cycle. You may soon, or already be experiencing endings, and a sort of clearing or cleaning up of old friendships, connections, and even employment which doesn't really serve your Divine life purpose.
999 signals that a cycle of your life is ending and making way for a new one to begin, so don't resist if it seems like multiple things are all falling away at once. The angel message within 999 signals that this is all happening to more fully align you with your souls mission, purpose, and with your authentic truth.
999 calls for you to embrace the changes happening within and around you, and to get to work on your life purpose. If you don't know what this is yet, don't worry, just start taking small steps to love and serve others and to live a healthy, happy life yourself.
Seeing the 999 angel nimber is a clear sign from the realms of spirit that you are a lightworker, and that it's time to commit to this, and to take steps to live in alignment with your authentic soul purpose.
You're being asked to let go of the old, and to leave the past behind. 999 is a sign of completion and with completion the opportunity for something new.
In this case, it's time for you shine your light, live in love, with a positive outlook, and in alignment with your hearts desire. You are to teach by example, embodying more of the light that you are, shining brightly and living in alignment with Divine love.
Your unique purpose is needed on earth now… So get started, and take your next step! Your angels and guides will be there to guide you each step of the way. Pay attention, and follow your heart as you walk your authentic path in alignment with love.
What Does 999 Mean?
I've just shared the most common layers of spiritual meaning, but what does 999 mean for you? If there is some personal significance the number 9 holds for you … like you were born on the 9th, or your grandmother's house address was 999, this can certainly bring additional layers of meaning.
Awareness is key!
When you see 999 or any angel number, ask yourself, what does this mean? Then pay attention to your inner intuition and inner guidance to gain insight into the deeper meaning for you in your life and on your personal spiritual journey.
Maybe 999 carries insight into a twin flame relationship, or a message about cultivating more compassion in the relationship you have with yourself.
Learn more about the meanings of numbers, and what the numbers in your name and birth-date say about you with a Free Numerology Reading here!
Curious about the meaning of other angel numbers? Check out the info below!
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With love and gratitude,
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PS. Do you see 999 or other angel numbers? Was this post helpful? Leave me a comment below or on facebook.
about our creator: Melanie Beckler
Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind Ask-Angels.com. Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation.
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