The number 666 in our world today is definitely seen as a bad omen. For many people, seeing this number, or even saying it evokes fear, uncertainty, and mental images of the darkest of forms.
You are probably thinking to yourself right now; “What Does 666 Mean?”
666 as mentioned in the bible, in the book of Revelation does say in Chapter 13:18,“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
Based on this verse in Revelation, the mind empowered by religions and media has run completely wild, and now 666 has become one of the most recognized symbols for the antichrist.
So does this mean 666 is always associated with darkness? Is it a bad sign if you keep seeing 666?
The angels assure us that the answer is no, when they show us 666, they do so to convey a much different meaning. Seeing the angel number 666 isn't a bad omen or sign at all, and it's not a number you need to be afraid of. Its just a number!
With that being said vibrationally, numbers do carry meaning and are often used to drawn our attention to messages and insight from the Angels and from the Divine. Depending on what numbers you're seeing, like 11:11, 333, your birthday numbers, or 666 the message is different.
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Seeing 666 does carry a message, but it's not ominous or foreboding like you might initially think. 666 most often appears as a spiritual wake up call from the angels!
Have you been solely focused on material matters, and ignoring your inner voice and spiritual path? If so, it's quite likely 666 may appear with a message for you. 666 meaning brings the guidance to listen to your heart, not your head.
Again, it's not a bad omen… It simply brings the message that you're a bit too focused within the illusions of the material plane. Quiet your mind, open your heart and tune into your intuition and the guidance and wisdom of your soul and spirit.
What your heart is really calling out for cannot be found by buying more material possessions and things, what you're looking for can only be found within you.
What Should You Do When You See 666?
#1: Return to Balance
666 is a call to return to balance, to refocus on being present in the moment and taking your next step on your personal spiritual path to heal your mind, body, spirit and emotions.
As 666 in popular culture does carry so much fear energy, seeing this number is also a reminder to release any fear and uncertainty over to your angels and into the light.
Seeing 666 is a prompting for you to take a look at your thoughts. Are they in alignment with authentic love and joy? Or are your thoughts out of balanced and focused on material things, worries, fear, lack and doubt which don't serve, and which likely aren't even true.
In a gentle and loving way, the angels may be communicating a warning message to you through showing you the number 666, but it's not warning that you need to fear, at all.
The meaning of 666 is to simply elevate your thoughts, return your focus to love, and through this, allow healing and increased joy and love into your life.
#2 Nurture Yourself
666 is a call to nurture yourself! This is your angels guiding you to back to self-love.
This means taking a step back and giving yourself time and space to take care of your needs. When you do this, you nurture your light and take the space to know what feels right for you. Ask yourself, what is something you can do now so that you can feel more energy, joy, and love?
Keep asking for help from your angels. Tune inwards to your inner intuitive guidance, take the next inspired step act upon it. When you do that, the next step will arrive.
#3 Being of Service for Others
The Life Path number for 6 holds the archetype for Nurturer, Humanitarian, and Healer. If you’ve been seeing this more often than there is a vibration within you that plays the role of a someone that looks after and cares for others. In what ways are you caring for someone or something else?
It could be the children of the future, animals, or plants! Seeing 666 is your angel number sign to do more of that, knowing that your loving actions will indeed create a ripple effect, planting seeds of light, love, and inspiration for others.
Your angels are showing you how your life path is linked to solving life’s problems and being of service to others in your community. Since 666 also signifies balance, it is a reminder for you to find balance in your life and your purpose. What habits can you change today so that you are both stepping into self-love, while at the same time serving humanity in your own unique, vibrant way? What can you do to create a lifestyle that honors a work-life balance?
Going deeper into 666 and looking at the different areas of your life, you can ask yourself this. Are the choices I make supporting me to fulfill my life purpose, or holding me back in fear?
#4 You Have Divine Courage
The Angel Number sign 666 isn’t a number for the faint of heart, it’s actually a wake-up call for you to have the divine courage to reach new heights. It’s a signal of ascension, and that you are indeed called to return to presence, so that you may receive the downloads to integrate your spiritual path.
Your angels want you to be of service, and that means stepping up to a whole new way of being and release any negative thoughts, emotions, and histories that pull you from the present moment. The angels are here to support you and remind you of your highest potential and ability to shine your light and live your most vibrant life.
Seeing 666 means that the Universe and your angels are working behind the scenes to raise your vibration, accelerate your timeline so that you meet divine beings from your soul groups, so that you may serve at a higher level than what you can possibly imagine. Hold the intention: “How can I be of greater service for the highest good of myself, and for all?”
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The Angel Number sign 666 is a reminder for you to look at life from a holistic perspective, from a bird’s eye view that your Higher Self would hold. Reaching to that vantage point allows you to know, with certainty that healing your mind, body, and spirit is integral to your soul purpose and what you came to this earth to do. Reach in, and evaluate what areas in your life are you still holding on to, habitual patterns, relational interactions, and unconscious thoughts that need to be brought to the light?
#5 Angel Number 666: Continue Walking Your Spiritual Path
Remember, your angels are here to support you on your personal spiritual path, but it does take a certain amount of courage, change, and awareness to wake up to your higher truth. Re-evaluate your life, knowing that the change you want to see in others also starts with you. You are in the perfect time for expansion, allowing all positive intentions and improvements to build up momentum and carry you into your present, divine self.
While this wake up call from your angels may seem overwhelming especially if you see this number as being correlated with “the mark of the Beast”, know that any resistances often come from fear of losing your old ego self, which has been there always, to protect you and keep you safe during your physical experience. However, your Angels and Spirit Guides reassure you that true safety and protection stems from ongoing personal empowerment and spiritual growth.
Be open to the love and light brought to you by your Angels and Spirit Guides, while intuitively felt through your soul’s desire to shine. Know that as you continue moving forward, a door will open, a window of opportunity will follow, and your next step will occur.
Whenever in doubt, always choose to return your focus on love, peace, and gratitude. More blessings will flow from there.
Ready to learn more about numbers and their vibrational meaning?
P.S. Do you ever see 666? Was this post helpful for you? Leave me a comment below and let me know, I love hearing from you!
about our creator: Melanie Beckler
Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation.
Ready to elevate your spiritual journey? Immerse yourself in the premium meditations and angelic activations inside of the Angel Solution Membership.
I appreciate this article, although I don’t know how to do any of these things. Worry and doubt don’t have a switch that can just be turned off. It is very draining. I hope I can figure this out. Thank you for being a bright light in the world!
My drivers license has three sixes in a row and the guy that I am seeing right now has three sixes in a row in his Social Security number and it seems like they are always following me I find them often in my life path.
I recently found out I am getting laid off from my job. Which has been the icing on what I’ve felt has been a never ending emotional rollercoaster. In the course of four years I had my first child diagnosed with a rare genetic mutation effecting everything from her appearance to her cognitive development. I went through an abusive, unhappy marriage, that carried into myself being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. There were a few months where I had to find acceptance with death, all while my wife has cheating on me. I divorced, tried to pick myself up, accumulated debt and a cutody battle. I’m not even 26 yet, and I’ve felt nothing but reaccuring depression and anxiety. Recently over the last few days I’ve seen 666 multiple times. I thought this was another sign of more to come, but reading your article – maybe something if anything good, can happen. Thank you.
This was a beautiful message and clarification for me. I WAS adding up some Bill’s and after I finished it totaled 666… And O have been seeking God strongly and my A angels gir my Devine purpose in life so when I read this I was overwhelmed in tears…so emotional…
If you communicated clearly to somebody from your left ear inside, how can you differetiante from a spirit or someone who can speaks by telephaty.
Just curious.
Thank you Melanie, it is my son ‘s date of birth, thinking about it referring from bible interpretation, I always feel worried thinking what his date of birth will brought into his life (he was born in 1992-6-6 ) I have saw this 666 numbers connect into his birthday because the day was saturday 15:30 early mornig, what has been worried me most, I got my son in a period of my grief after I had lost my first born son through death by car accident, feeling that emptiness inside my soul, I use his dad’s entity items, invoking his spirits in the method of his religion, it was not my religion but as we were staying together at that moment and he was desperate asking a child of his own, and I use to watch him working in this special place of his entity invoking his spirit concerning his problem in his life or problem we are facing at that moment, so I took my part with his knowledge take our request or wish of having a baby (even before my son pass on ) together, I remember putting a force through my invoke by saying if you don’t help me to concieve this month, that will be break up of us or I will give up in having babies by being put myself in sterilisation and forget about babies forever, and same month I did not see my period, and that’s how I got my second born son,so haunted by my action to get pregnant and after my son been delivered by this date, I can’t explain the feeling of regret of my actions and feeling guilty of bringing curse into my son’s life,thinking God was punishing me of disowned him and worshiping foreign gods because I grown up in Christian family,so that practice was akward in my growing up lifestyle, but my desperation with my partner lead me to act akward, I remember on the other day praying God and pleading God that whatever punishment thinking to put in my son’s life, let me bear it including mine which will satisfy God ‘s anger towards us and spare my son’s life, for I felt that he is innocent of my sins, now I feel better than the numbers 666 doesn’t actually defined black cloud or demon,although the explanation is familiar to my action because I can say at that time I didn’t use my mind in my thoughts, I only act being driven by my emotions,want to play family,thank God because until this time my son is 26 yrs old still on good path not drinking not smoking, well organised still focused in his future working and studying pursuing his career in electrical engineering , unfortunately his dad passed on when he was five years old, more bad news we break up with his dad while he was 1 yr old as a result he does not have a picture of his dad ,because after a break up with his dad, I return back home , which is distance miles away from the working place of his dad where I met his dad, which was also not the home of his dad, we both found ourselves there because of job search
Ok I am a very youth boy and I really wanted to to know that 666 isit a bad sign because some say thisis bad and some say good who do we belivel and why?
I have been seeing 666 literally daily, sometimes multiple times a day, for probably 3 months now. My husband went through a job change, we moved, and have had other changes. I thought the 666 sightings were an omen that I was making wrong choices and following the wrong path. After reading this and a few other articles, I’m convinced it’s a sign that I’ve been focusing way too much on material things and money, which has been very true as of late, and really not in my nature. I’ve had more anxiety than I ever really have had. This makes me feel like I shouldn’t worry and just follow what I know is right and trust that everything will work out. I am so relieved!
I have seen those numbers, I seen them appear on someone’s forehead and fade back away. This person I seen it on dabbled in some other religious beliefs that delt with spells and other stuff I didn’t understand. I prayed for gift of sight and immeditly looked over and it faded in and out on his forehead. No drugs, I don’t know if it was a halusination but I haven’t really told anyone for fear of look crazy. I had a few other experiences all close together, possessions and interrupted a exorsisom . And asked for things and received them promptly. Just very odd
I want to thank you to the bottom of my heart for this message about the number 666. Within the last 30-plus days those numbers have shown up to me. The first one is what I owe the IRS and since then two other times it showed up. I kept thinking why is this number showing up I’m not mean I’m not hurtful I love people and I started to get scared. I kept asking God please help me understand why these numbers keep showing up. After reading your description made me feel so much better. What I’ve realized is I do worry and I have fears and my angels do not want me to have those negative emotions. I just want to thank you again for this
My address is 666 and so many people tell me move i dont feel likebits haunted but i fell like alot of bad things has been happening in my life help me understand
It is true, when I saw the number 666, I received a message, and I didn’t know how it got into my mind, but just after I saw 666 I thought of something which was helpful to me, and the angels did give me a solution to my challenges.
I was seeing 666 everywhere at least 6-8 times a week . I did fear this number . But thank you I’m feeling a lot more better about it . Will be looking to change a few of my habits
hi my names daniel. thankyou for the help in my question. you see one day i was listening to the radio on saturday after i had been to church. i was with my two brothers,as we were talking about something the radio volume went up and the song playing was repeating the chorus and the wods were:the devils inthe detail. it kept repeating itself over and over. this scared me a little. as i went to my car shortly after i read the odometre on the dash and in the numbers apears 666. i got the medsage right away. What syncronicity i thought. i have been having many more angel messages since and i can almost go back in time and receive more insight that the Lord showed me in the pasr that connect to the time of the message. is this a true connection to angels of God? i sm very weary of dark angels also.but i dont want to be deceived through my foolishness. if you hear this then may God bless xou.
Saw 666 twice today at key moments, the second time reminding me to look it up. This reminder not to take my corporeality as gravely serious as I was, as the description on this site goes, came in the midst of a bad falling out with a loved one. It seems based on the timing that this description is accurate from my personal experience.
I have been reading about Angel numbers and other Angel stuff on your website. This is because i and am in search of some answers to some questions. It is difficult to know where to start, but i will tell you that all around me is negative energy and i don’t understand why. My instincts tell me i have to live the life i am living even though i feel Angels are letting me know they are with me, but only a little bit. Every day of my life i can find a coin, if only a penny or two. I don’t have to go long before i find a £10 note £20. White feathers too, or any colour to be honest with you. Last week at work i could smell a sweet scent and no one around me, except an Angel? I’ve seen flashes of light and in some really strange places. Butterflies too turn up to grab my attention. What i don’t understand is why. Here i am with no end of problems, feeling helpless and powerless to solve these problems, so why do they want my attention? They don’t appear to want to help me.
Also, i am into photography. Photograph landscapes, seascapes and cities. Nothing strange about all that, but there are strange images in my photographs. I reckon i have taken well over 200 images in the last ten years, but don’t keep them anymore. I don’t understand them and have decided they are evil. I believe it is the spirits trying to contact me. One or two i believe are angels, but not sure. I have one or two images i carn’t explain and i will get more. I have one image taken this year on holiday in Cyprus. The image is of my girlfriend, but she is doing the devil sign with her right hand. (little finger and thumb up all other fingers folded down)Get this! She didn’t do the sign at the time i took the photo. What is going on? Is my girlfriend evil and i have been given a sign to tell me.
Thank you, take care Chris
The past month it so I noticed my shoes that my grandma bought me were saying 666 on the lable and in games two.
Although when I was born, I was born in bed number 7 room number 7 and on the 7th of December, does that mean something?
I’ve been seeing 666 off & on for the last 20 twenty years. I thought it was a bad omen for me. But now I know its is a sign for me to take a step back and look inwards into myself
I’m 14, and I keep seeing 666 in youtube
Or year day and mother
June 6 2016
Everyone I see 666 I’ll take an screen shot and I want to show someone idk who if you want to see email me @
I’ve been seeing this number (66
6) very regular for a month now… Not worried, just intrigued by this serendipity and it’s potential meaning… I did not make a connection to angels… Interesting…
I only see the 666 when I am checking in on my kids or tight before I go to bed at night. It is only always on the digital temp monitor we have (even when the thermostat says the house temp is higher). I wonder why it’s just at these times?
Thank you for this it kind of helped me to open up my heart more.the 666 has been in my life all my life,even my daughters SSN last four numbers are 3666,and when I saw that I knew I was in for a long battle between good and evil, one night back on 2_25_2014 I was praying too constellation Orion and 30 second’s after finished a huge light showed up and showed me my soul,20% of light was bright light and the other 80% was black it showed me this for ten seconds and then shot off into eastern sky,so I know there here and watching,caring for humanity,I don’t want to discourage them.I also have a witness to this and he was a mile from me when he saw it.
i’ve been chased by this number all my life, it’s even in my personal number. i’ve always brushed it away, but i recently found faith and it’s been appearing more frequently. Thanks for making me aware that it’snot necessary a bad thing 😀
At work I work in retail this Monday that number come up on my till. If I can discretely I make sign of the cross or pray in my head.I hope it is not negative.
I just wanted to express my sincere gratitude for delivering this information.
I’ve been seeing the number 666 everywhere for almost a year now. It got to the point where I was afraid and in denial of the message, thinking it was the “mark of the beast” or a mere coincidence. But no matter how much I tried to not think about it and avoid the number, it continued popping up everywhere. Just now I saw a barcode 999 that was flipped around to make 666. It was starting to get ridiculous.
I read this and realized that over the past year, I have stopped soul-searching and doing spiritual practice and focused only on material needs. Over the past year I have had a lot of depression because of this and constantly felt imbalanced energetically.
Now I see the reason why I kept seeing the number 666, and I am not afraid of it anymore. I will continue spiritual practice and balance my life once again.
Thank you,now I understand why 666 kept coming up in the past! My life was filled with fear and anxiety although a lack of material things was not in my thoughts, survival yes! Also having been a care giver to two cancer patients I feared I would not cope!Then I feared the time when I would be old and needed care! Fear played an exhausting role in my life and looking back everything turned out fine! One also overcome the fear of losing loved ones eventually! I still have fear but not overwhelming anymore! Thank you for your explanation of numbers!
I was once given an interesting interpretation of 666 by a tarot teacher. She explained that 666 is the number of man (as in human being)and indeed Revelations does state that “for it is the number of a man”. 666 breaks down to the ‘9’ vibration which is the vibration of service to humanity. So this alleged great evil that is antithetical to Christ-like behavior will come from humanity, as in, a child born to human parents, who is human, will be taught to act in such a manner from his parents, environment, society, etc. or is in fact a sociopath that will rise to world power. In the last couple of thousand years, we’ve had quite a few megalomaniacs who fit that bill, haven’t we? That stated, only certain types of Christians believes in this particular chapter of their Bible, many other religions do not “buy” the story of Revelations and many interpret Revelations as relating to when the author wrote it during his times re: Roman invasion of the Middle East. On the other hand, there are many end of the world mythos (Norse, Egyptians, Greeks, Indonesian, Iranian, Chinese, Native American,to name a few)and more than likely these have all influenced (most especially in pursuit of the almighty dollar, the god of the modern world) current incarnations of the apocalypse mythology.
OMG !!!!
It was perfect for me.thank you so much melanie.pls let me knw abt 888..i dnt knw why but from few days numbers are coming to me many times in a day.what does it mean ?
Hi . I have been writing 666 down for last 3 month and been aware of it.
My ph charges over night and when get it in the morning it’s on 66%
I did enjoy and learn from your video thank you very much
I appreciate this article, although I don’t know how to do any of these things. Worry and doubt don’t have a switch that can just be turned off. It is very draining. I hope I can figure this out. Thank you for being a bright light in the world!
My drivers license has three sixes in a row and the guy that I am seeing right now has three sixes in a row in his Social Security number and it seems like they are always following me I find them often in my life path.
Jesus Christ reveals the true meaning of 666 in the book Healing dis-ease in the Mind of Christ by Maitreya Christos.
I recently found out I am getting laid off from my job. Which has been the icing on what I’ve felt has been a never ending emotional rollercoaster. In the course of four years I had my first child diagnosed with a rare genetic mutation effecting everything from her appearance to her cognitive development. I went through an abusive, unhappy marriage, that carried into myself being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. There were a few months where I had to find acceptance with death, all while my wife has cheating on me. I divorced, tried to pick myself up, accumulated debt and a cutody battle. I’m not even 26 yet, and I’ve felt nothing but reaccuring depression and anxiety. Recently over the last few days I’ve seen 666 multiple times. I thought this was another sign of more to come, but reading your article – maybe something if anything good, can happen. Thank you.
This was a beautiful message and clarification for me. I WAS adding up some Bill’s and after I finished it totaled 666… And O have been seeking God strongly and my A angels gir my Devine purpose in life so when I read this I was overwhelmed in tears…so emotional…
If you communicated clearly to somebody from your left ear inside, how can you differetiante from a spirit or someone who can speaks by telephaty.
Just curious.
Thank you Melanie, it is my son ‘s date of birth, thinking about it referring from bible interpretation, I always feel worried thinking what his date of birth will brought into his life (he was born in 1992-6-6 ) I have saw this 666 numbers connect into his birthday because the day was saturday 15:30 early mornig, what has been worried me most, I got my son in a period of my grief after I had lost my first born son through death by car accident, feeling that emptiness inside my soul, I use his dad’s entity items, invoking his spirits in the method of his religion, it was not my religion but as we were staying together at that moment and he was desperate asking a child of his own, and I use to watch him working in this special place of his entity invoking his spirit concerning his problem in his life or problem we are facing at that moment, so I took my part with his knowledge take our request or wish of having a baby (even before my son pass on ) together, I remember putting a force through my invoke by saying if you don’t help me to concieve this month, that will be break up of us or I will give up in having babies by being put myself in sterilisation and forget about babies forever, and same month I did not see my period, and that’s how I got my second born son,so haunted by my action to get pregnant and after my son been delivered by this date, I can’t explain the feeling of regret of my actions and feeling guilty of bringing curse into my son’s life,thinking God was punishing me of disowned him and worshiping foreign gods because I grown up in Christian family,so that practice was akward in my growing up lifestyle, but my desperation with my partner lead me to act akward, I remember on the other day praying God and pleading God that whatever punishment thinking to put in my son’s life, let me bear it including mine which will satisfy God ‘s anger towards us and spare my son’s life, for I felt that he is innocent of my sins, now I feel better than the numbers 666 doesn’t actually defined black cloud or demon,although the explanation is familiar to my action because I can say at that time I didn’t use my mind in my thoughts, I only act being driven by my emotions,want to play family,thank God because until this time my son is 26 yrs old still on good path not drinking not smoking, well organised still focused in his future working and studying pursuing his career in electrical engineering , unfortunately his dad passed on when he was five years old, more bad news we break up with his dad while he was 1 yr old as a result he does not have a picture of his dad ,because after a break up with his dad, I return back home , which is distance miles away from the working place of his dad where I met his dad, which was also not the home of his dad, we both found ourselves there because of job search
Ok I am a very youth boy and I really wanted to to know that 666 isit a bad sign because some say thisis bad and some say good who do we belivel and why?
In a dream l was instructed to subtract 66 from unknown number to arrive in order to arrive at 666. Woke up did the maths. What is meaning ?
I have been seeing 666 literally daily, sometimes multiple times a day, for probably 3 months now. My husband went through a job change, we moved, and have had other changes. I thought the 666 sightings were an omen that I was making wrong choices and following the wrong path. After reading this and a few other articles, I’m convinced it’s a sign that I’ve been focusing way too much on material things and money, which has been very true as of late, and really not in my nature. I’ve had more anxiety than I ever really have had. This makes me feel like I shouldn’t worry and just follow what I know is right and trust that everything will work out. I am so relieved!
I have seen those numbers, I seen them appear on someone’s forehead and fade back away. This person I seen it on dabbled in some other religious beliefs that delt with spells and other stuff I didn’t understand. I prayed for gift of sight and immeditly looked over and it faded in and out on his forehead. No drugs, I don’t know if it was a halusination but I haven’t really told anyone for fear of look crazy. I had a few other experiences all close together, possessions and interrupted a exorsisom . And asked for things and received them promptly. Just very odd
I want to thank you to the bottom of my heart for this message about the number 666. Within the last 30-plus days those numbers have shown up to me. The first one is what I owe the IRS and since then two other times it showed up. I kept thinking why is this number showing up I’m not mean I’m not hurtful I love people and I started to get scared. I kept asking God please help me understand why these numbers keep showing up. After reading your description made me feel so much better. What I’ve realized is I do worry and I have fears and my angels do not want me to have those negative emotions. I just want to thank you again for this
My address is 666 and so many people tell me move i dont feel likebits haunted but i fell like alot of bad things has been happening in my life help me understand
It is true, when I saw the number 666, I received a message, and I didn’t know how it got into my mind, but just after I saw 666 I thought of something which was helpful to me, and the angels did give me a solution to my challenges.
I dream about 666 number. What does it mean?
I was seeing 666 everywhere at least 6-8 times a week . I did fear this number . But thank you I’m feeling a lot more better about it . Will be looking to change a few of my habits
hi my names daniel. thankyou for the help in my question. you see one day i was listening to the radio on saturday after i had been to church. i was with my two brothers,as we were talking about something the radio volume went up and the song playing was repeating the chorus and the wods were:the devils inthe detail. it kept repeating itself over and over. this scared me a little. as i went to my car shortly after i read the odometre on the dash and in the numbers apears 666. i got the medsage right away. What syncronicity i thought. i have been having many more angel messages since and i can almost go back in time and receive more insight that the Lord showed me in the pasr that connect to the time of the message. is this a true connection to angels of God? i sm very weary of dark angels also.but i dont want to be deceived through my foolishness. if you hear this then may God bless xou.
Saw 666 twice today at key moments, the second time reminding me to look it up. This reminder not to take my corporeality as gravely serious as I was, as the description on this site goes, came in the midst of a bad falling out with a loved one. It seems based on the timing that this description is accurate from my personal experience.
Bought my car on 60/06/2016 accident happen 12/12/2016.
He did let me know ahead in my dream but I don’t believe.
Nina, the date above your comment just so happens to be 12-18, a concise combination of the two dates you mentioned.
Hi Melanie,
Hope you are well.
I have been reading about Angel numbers and other Angel stuff on your website. This is because i and am in search of some answers to some questions. It is difficult to know where to start, but i will tell you that all around me is negative energy and i don’t understand why. My instincts tell me i have to live the life i am living even though i feel Angels are letting me know they are with me, but only a little bit. Every day of my life i can find a coin, if only a penny or two. I don’t have to go long before i find a £10 note £20. White feathers too, or any colour to be honest with you. Last week at work i could smell a sweet scent and no one around me, except an Angel? I’ve seen flashes of light and in some really strange places. Butterflies too turn up to grab my attention. What i don’t understand is why. Here i am with no end of problems, feeling helpless and powerless to solve these problems, so why do they want my attention? They don’t appear to want to help me.
Also, i am into photography. Photograph landscapes, seascapes and cities. Nothing strange about all that, but there are strange images in my photographs. I reckon i have taken well over 200 images in the last ten years, but don’t keep them anymore. I don’t understand them and have decided they are evil. I believe it is the spirits trying to contact me. One or two i believe are angels, but not sure. I have one or two images i carn’t explain and i will get more. I have one image taken this year on holiday in Cyprus. The image is of my girlfriend, but she is doing the devil sign with her right hand. (little finger and thumb up all other fingers folded down)Get this! She didn’t do the sign at the time i took the photo. What is going on? Is my girlfriend evil and i have been given a sign to tell me.
Thank you, take care Chris
You have to ask the angels for help they wont just intervene because of free will.
The past month it so I noticed my shoes that my grandma bought me were saying 666 on the lable and in games two.
Although when I was born, I was born in bed number 7 room number 7 and on the 7th of December, does that mean something?
I’ve been seeing 666 off & on for the last 20 twenty years. I thought it was a bad omen for me. But now I know its is a sign for me to take a step back and look inwards into myself
The Bible will have to change the 666 for 616 because the oldest manuscript found that talk about the number of the beast is 616 and not 666.
I’m 14, and I keep seeing 666 in youtube
Or year day and mother
June 6 2016
Everyone I see 666 I’ll take an screen shot and I want to show someone idk who if you want to see email me @
Attention JOSEPH
My child last four are 3666…i would like to talk with you plz. Thanks
My last 4 are 0666. I’m 36 and I have had nothing but bad luck my entire life. My husband always tells me to get my ss number changed.
I’ve been seeing this number (66
6) very regular for a month now… Not worried, just intrigued by this serendipity and it’s potential meaning… I did not make a connection to angels… Interesting…
I only see the 666 when I am checking in on my kids or tight before I go to bed at night. It is only always on the digital temp monitor we have (even when the thermostat says the house temp is higher). I wonder why it’s just at these times?
This has really helped me, in fact made me cry a little bit as this is helped me make a very important decision. Thank you x
Thank you for this it kind of helped me to open up my heart more.the 666 has been in my life all my life,even my daughters SSN last four numbers are 3666,and when I saw that I knew I was in for a long battle between good and evil, one night back on 2_25_2014 I was praying too constellation Orion and 30 second’s after finished a huge light showed up and showed me my soul,20% of light was bright light and the other 80% was black it showed me this for ten seconds and then shot off into eastern sky,so I know there here and watching,caring for humanity,I don’t want to discourage them.I also have a witness to this and he was a mile from me when he saw it.
i’ve been chased by this number all my life, it’s even in my personal number. i’ve always brushed it away, but i recently found faith and it’s been appearing more frequently. Thanks for making me aware that it’snot necessary a bad thing 😀
I needed to hear this thank you
At work I work in retail this Monday that number come up on my till. If I can discretely I make sign of the cross or pray in my head.I hope it is not negative.
Thanks for this. I’ve always had a fear of this number and, lately, it’s been popping up everywhere. Even in the number of Facebook friends I had!
I have been going through a rough patch in work and this explanation will help me to rediscover my spiritual side.
Thanks xxx
I just wanted to express my sincere gratitude for delivering this information.
I’ve been seeing the number 666 everywhere for almost a year now. It got to the point where I was afraid and in denial of the message, thinking it was the “mark of the beast” or a mere coincidence. But no matter how much I tried to not think about it and avoid the number, it continued popping up everywhere. Just now I saw a barcode 999 that was flipped around to make 666. It was starting to get ridiculous.
I read this and realized that over the past year, I have stopped soul-searching and doing spiritual practice and focused only on material needs. Over the past year I have had a lot of depression because of this and constantly felt imbalanced energetically.
Now I see the reason why I kept seeing the number 666, and I am not afraid of it anymore. I will continue spiritual practice and balance my life once again.
Thanks again.
Much Gratitude,
Thank you,now I understand why 666 kept coming up in the past! My life was filled with fear and anxiety although a lack of material things was not in my thoughts, survival yes! Also having been a care giver to two cancer patients I feared I would not cope!Then I feared the time when I would be old and needed care! Fear played an exhausting role in my life and looking back everything turned out fine! One also overcome the fear of losing loved ones eventually! I still have fear but not overwhelming anymore! Thank you for your explanation of numbers!
I was once given an interesting interpretation of 666 by a tarot teacher. She explained that 666 is the number of man (as in human being)and indeed Revelations does state that “for it is the number of a man”. 666 breaks down to the ‘9’ vibration which is the vibration of service to humanity. So this alleged great evil that is antithetical to Christ-like behavior will come from humanity, as in, a child born to human parents, who is human, will be taught to act in such a manner from his parents, environment, society, etc. or is in fact a sociopath that will rise to world power. In the last couple of thousand years, we’ve had quite a few megalomaniacs who fit that bill, haven’t we? That stated, only certain types of Christians believes in this particular chapter of their Bible, many other religions do not “buy” the story of Revelations and many interpret Revelations as relating to when the author wrote it during his times re: Roman invasion of the Middle East. On the other hand, there are many end of the world mythos (Norse, Egyptians, Greeks, Indonesian, Iranian, Chinese, Native American,to name a few)and more than likely these have all influenced (most especially in pursuit of the almighty dollar, the god of the modern world) current incarnations of the apocalypse mythology.
OMG !!!!
It was perfect for me.thank you so much melanie.pls let me knw abt 888..i dnt knw why but from few days numbers are coming to me many times in a day.what does it mean ?