Raise Your Vibration and Transform Your Reality

Discover the Ancient Light Technology that aligns you with your highest vibrational timeline.

Are you ready to embark on a life-changing journey?

It's time to shift into the most radiant, empowered, and authentic version of yourself.

In this profound 5-Week Journey you will:

  • Raise Your Vibration with Light
  • Transmute Blockages
  • Vibrationally align with the abundant, joy-filled life you've always dreamed of.

Because, as you already know:

You create your reality

Its true.

But, you create your reality based on your inner state of being ...

Which contains layers and layers of old subconscious patterns and programs.

These old patterns and programs quietly influence your life in ways that contradict your conscious desires and intentions.

You may set an intention, and take steps in the direction of your dreams...

But then your old patterns, limiting beliefs, emotional wounds, and traumas act like an energetic undertow.

Keeping you from manifesting what you truly desire.

For example:

Have you ever felt like anytime you start trying to make positive changes in your life...

There's some invisible force that keeps trying to pull you down, and keep you stuck in a lower vibrational reality?

Like you're swimming against the tide?

And your reality, be it in the area of relationships, health, money, work, or spiritual growth, just feels stuck.

Regardless of what you do, you just can't seem to reach the level of happiness, joy, love and fulfillment you know is possible for you.

Every time you make progress, old patterns and programming drags you back down...

Or you allow self-sabotage to remain a recurring theme in your life.

Leaving you exhausted, frustrated, and wondering if you'll ever be able to break free and claim the life you know you're meant to live.

Thankfully, there's a powerful solution.

One that's been hidden in plain sight for centuries.

You see...

The truth is, to manifest your dream reality, you must first conquer the self-defeating patterns that keep you locked in limitation.

Then, you can activate a powerful inner source of Light that will transform your reality from within.

As you connect with this Divine Light your mood will be elevated, your worries will wash away and your manifestation abilities are enhanced.

Which is exactly what we're going to do together, in this powerful new
5-Week Journey to Raise Your Vibration with Light with my spiritual mentor Dayanand Das!

Together we'll go through a powerful combination of ancient wisdom and cutting-edge light work techniques that will raise your vibration to new heights, unlike anything you've ever experienced before...

You will be empowered to:

  • Infuse yourself and your life with Divine Light
  • Rapidly transmute old patterns & programming holding you back
  • Activate your highest potential
  • Shift into your highest vibrational timeline
  • Attract the joyful, abundant life you were born to live

    Without falling back into your old patterns!

By activating the light technology within ourselves, we embark on a transformative journey that leads us to the very essence of our being.

As we transmute energetic blockages, clear outdated programming, dissolve fears, and heal generational traumas at the deepest level ...

We open the doorway to a realm of pure bliss and ecstatic states of consciousness.

Empowering you to make the shift!

So you can raise your vibration, and transform reality in a very powerful way!

How do I know?

Because that's exactly what happened for me once I learned all of this.

Let me explain:

Just a few short years ago,

A transformative shift occurred in my life.

This came about from my chance meeting with Acharya Dayanand Das, a highly respected monk and spiritual teacher.

He revealed a profound light technology steeped in the ancient traditions of India, Egypt, and the Divine Feminine.

Through the transformative light technology, and the teachings Dayanand Das shared with me...

I was finally able to transmute blockages that had held me back for years.

He revealed the secret that dissolved limitations I once believed were inescapable.

This process sparked a profound shift in my life.

Igniting a newfound sense of clarity, purpose, and alignment...

And today, I am grateful to share this light technology with you.

Introducing A 5-Week Journey to

Raise Your Vibration with Light

Raise Your Vibration and Heal Your Life from the inside out.

In a series of video sessions, we will activate this ancient light technology to powerfully shift out of past patterns, transmute blockages, and step into a higher vibrational reality.

If you're ready to raise your vibration, this is your chance.

Over the course of 5-Weeks you will:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of yourself
  • Connect to your true purpose
  • Empower yourself to manifest your deepest desires
  • Develop mastery of this light technology that will continue to serve you on your journey

This immersive 5-Week Program seamlessly weaves ancient wisdom with cutting-edge transformation techniques...

Empowering you to unlock your highest potential, and experience a profound shift in every aspect of your life.

The effects of this 5 Week Journey to Raise Your Vibration with Light will ripple through every facet of your life... From your relationships and career to your physical health, wealth, and emotional well-being.

By simply following along with the video classes and practices...

You'll find yourself naturally radiating joy, attracting abundance, and experiencing a newfound sense of self-love, compassion, purpose and fulfillment.

As you embrace the light within you, you'll naturally become a beacon of positive change, inspiring others and contributing to the collective awakening of humanity.

Throughout this journey, you'll be guided with love and wisdom by Dayanand Das and supported by myself, Melanie Beckler.

You'll receive step-by-step guidance through every step of the process.

Each class builds on each other, creating a transformative journey that deepens with every session.

To help you with the deep inner work that leads to healing, and awakening, in such a beautiful and blissful way.

So you can finally transmute the blockages, subconscious patterns and past programs that are still holding you back.

Make the shift.

Join us for five weeks that will forever change the course of your life and empower you raise your vibration and create the reality you desire.

Click Here to Join the Raise Your Vibration Journey Now! >>

Here's What's Included In The 5 Week Journey:

The core of this journey is five powerful 90- minute video classes you can watch on your own time and pace, though we recommend one each week.

In each session, Dayanand Das will guide you through the process of activating the next piece of this powerful light technology within yourself.

You get lifetime access to all of the recorded sessions, meditations, and practices, too.

You're going to love activating this powerful light technology in your life.

But, keep in mind...

This program will not only guide and empower you to "Raise Your Vibration"...

It will also awaken your inner potential, empowering you to elevate in all areas so you can create lasting, positive changes in your life.

And there are no pre-requisites. This is all 100% beginner friendly.

All that's required of you is to watch the video classes.

Week by week, we'll build upon the foundations laid in each session, guiding you to elevate your vibration to new heights.

As you progress through the program, you'll find yourself consistently rising to higher levels of energy, awareness, and alignment with your true self.

Raise Your Vibration with Light

By the end of this powerful 5-Week Journey, you'll have undergone a profound transformation, one that will ripple out into every aspect of your life.

You'll feel more connected to your true self, more aligned with your purpose, and more empowered to create the life of your dreams ...

This is a rare opportunity to work directly with Acharya Dayanand Das, a gifted spiritual teacher who has dedicated his life to helping others awaken to their highest potential.

His teachings, rooted in ancient wisdom and adapted for modern times, have blessed and transformed my life, and now it's your turn.

Don't miss this opportunity to accelerate your spiritual growth, and raise your vibration by joining myself, and Dayanand Das, and this vibrant community of seekers.

5-Week Journey to

Raise Your Vibration with Light

Plus, When You Join the 5-week journey to Raise Your Vibration Today, YOU Get ALL of These Awesome Bonuses For FREE!

Free Bonus #1 : Blessings of the Ascending Earth ($37 Value)

In this brand new channeling by Melanie, the Ascension Council of Light connects with an immense energy of love and blessings ...

Offering you an energetic reset so you can harmonize, align with the ascending Earth and step into your Highest Divine Potential.

Simply relax, press play ...

And you will refresh and replenish your energy by deeply connecting to the consciousness of the Ascending Earth and the love of the Ascension Council of Light within.

Free Bonus #2 : 5 Steps to Vibrant Vitality ($97 Value)

Unlock the secret to boundless energy and vibrant vitality in this 5 Step Video Course with Acharya Dayanand Das.

Simply press play and listen as you energize your body and your cells with Universal Life Force Energy so you feel more vibrant and alive.

Don't miss this opportunity to harness the power of your breath to rejuvenate your body, regulate your nervous system, and work with your body, breath, and your mind to empower your health and vitality.

Free Bonus #3 : Diamond Light Activations ($167 Value)

Diamond Light refers to the highest crystalline light a person can access.

Get Instant Access to 5 Diamond Light Activation audio sessions with Melanie.

Heal and transmute blockages and negativity…

And through alignment with the Force of Love, restore vibrant well-being at the level of your Mind, Body and Spirit.

Free Bonus #4 : 3 Angel Energy Healing Sessions ($151 Value)

Instant Access to 3 Powerful Angel Energy Healing Sessions with Melanie in audio and video.

Simply press play and relax as you receive waves of Divine Light and Angel Energy Healing flowing effortlessly where you need them most.

Experience a powerful trajectory shift as blockages and density dissolve and you attract the vibrant health and light you deserve.

Free Bonus #5 : Ascended Masters Blessing & Activation Energy Session ($108 Value)

As an exclusive bonus:

Receive a powerful recorded Energy Session from Dayanand Das!

Quantum leap your spiritual evolution and receive the blessing and activation from the Ascended Masters meant for you.

Don't miss this rare opportunity to receive this Ascended Masters Blessing and Energy Session from Dayanand Das during our live 5-week journey.

How Much Does the 5-Week Journey Cost?

Personally, I've spent thousands of dollars and countless hours to discover these core light technologies that make all the difference.

But you won't have to make anywhere near that investment.

The total value of this 5-week journey with Dayanand Das is worth more than $3,881.

This includes:

  • 5 90 Minute Video Classes ($1,997 value)
  • Guided Meditation Recordings ($297 value)
  • Exclusive Light Activation Practices ($987 value)
  • Lifetime Access to the Recordings ($300 value)
  • Plus all the bonuses! ($523 value)

Today, you can get full access for just $555!

Click the button below and secure your spot in the Journey to Raise Your Vibration with Light!

This is your opportunity to raise your vibration and transform your life with Light.

And You Have Zero Risks With My

100% Money Back Guarantee

I'm so confident you're going to LOVE the 5-Week Journey to Raise Your Vibration, that I'm giving you my "no questions asked" 60-day money-back guarantee.

If you don't experience a profound shift in your energy by simply showing up to the classes...

Or, if you don't notice an increase in your vibration...

If for any reason if you are not 100% satisfied with the course or with your results, you can simply email me to get a full refund.

No questions asked!

I'm happy to take on all the risk so you can say YES, and join us in this powerful 5-Week Journey to Raise Your Vibration with Light!

Because I know how impactful these light technologies have been on my life since learning them from Dayanand.

But, you don't have to just take my word for it ...

Here's what people have to say about their experience working with Dayanand Das:

"I received so much more than I could have ever imagined."
-Mary Johanna Gleason

"These techniques, when practiced regularly, are no less than life-changing."
- Ankit Chander

"I felt so nourished on all levels, feeling the contentment in my soul, more flexibility and vitality in my body, feeling my chakras more open, more in balance, having more clarity and focus."
-Mette-Cathrine Poulsson

"All treasured practices were conveyed with positive and kind instruction. That atmosphere of compassion and kindness made learning a joy."
-Dudley A. Morgan

"I am a lot more in the moment and feel a joy I have never felt before about life."
-Suzanne Johnson

I can’t wait to do this workshop again and again, as I experienced a state of exquisite expansion and joy that remains with me when I consciously recall the learning and practices shared." -Trish Meldrum- Hannah

"Dayanand is the best teacher and I always grow from his teachings, wisdom and love." -Kerri Marriott

"I loved the way each class was a stepping stone for the next class, I had a wonderful sense of gradually building a stronger energetic core with each class. Thank you so much for your wonderful teachings Dayanand, I can't wait for your next course." - Katia Schlebusch

Imagine waking up each day feeling connected, inspired, and aligned with your highest purpose.

Picture yourself radiating love, bliss, light, and abundance, effortlessly manifesting your deepest desires.

This is the life that awaits you on the other side of this transformative journey.

While this is not a manifestation course, by unlocking the power of this sacred inner technology, your manifestation powers will be amplified.

The time for your awakening is now. The global shift is happening, and your inner light and Higher Self are calling you to rise and shine.

Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Join in this journey and invest in yourself, your growth, and welcome powerful transformation, and a higher vibrational experience into your life.

By joining us, you will:

  • Infuse yourself and your life with light.
  • Awaken the luminous power within you, igniting a profound transformation that will touch every aspect of your life
  • Align with your authentic purpose, and spiritual gifts so you can positively affect the world!
  • Unlock the secrets to effortless manifestation, aligning your energy with your deepest desires and watching them materialize before your eyes
  • Cultivate an unshakeable connection to your intuition, allowing you to navigate life's challenges with grace and wisdom
  • Elevate your vibration to new heights, magnetizing abundance, love, and opportunities that are in perfect alignment with your soul's purpose
  • Experience profound love and joy from connecting with the Divine within.
  • Cleanse out and transmuting old blockages, and limiting beliefs so your vibration automatically raises.
  • Break free from the chains of limiting beliefs, fears, and patterns that have held you back, and stepping into a new paradigm of personal power and freedom

Click the button below to secure your spot in the "5 Week Journey: Raise Your Vibration With Light" for $555!

This offer won't last long, so click the orange button below now and join in this powerful journey of elevating your state and unlocking the radiant, divine light and presence within you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I can't attend all the live sessions?

All good! All sessions will be recorded and made available to participants, so you can catch up on any missed sessions at your convenience.

Do I need any prior experience with meditation or spiritual practices?

No prior experience is necessary. This course is designed to be accessible to anyone, regardless of their level of experience. Dayanand Das will guide you through each step of the process.

How long will I have access to the materials?

You will have lifetime access to all course materials, including session recordings and guided meditation recordings, so you can revisit them whenever you need a refresher or want to deepen your practice.

Is this course suitable for people of all faiths and beliefs?

Yes, this course is designed to be inclusive and respectful of all faiths and beliefs. The teachings and practices are universal in nature and can be adapted to align with your personal spiritual path.

I don't have a computer... Will I will be able to access everything I need to complete the course on my iPad/ Phone?

Yes! We've worked hard to make this course accessible from phones, tablets, and computers alike... Once you purchase you will be able to login to the course platform area and gain full access to the videos and course materials regardless of the type of device you're on.

About Acharya Dayanand Das

Bridging Ancient Wisdom and Modern Spirituality

With over 30 years of experience in the realm of spiritual practice and teaching, Dayanand Das stands as a beacon of ancient wisdom and modern spirituality.

A devoted monk and a close disciple of H.H. Sai Maa, he has been trained by authentic spiritual masters, mastering the arts of yoga tantra, meditation, kriya, mantra, light work, and healing.

Drawing from these traditions Dayanand Das integrates ancient spiritual technologies with contemporary spiritual practices, making them accessible and relevant to those living modern Western lives.

This unique blend empowers individuals to navigate their spiritual journeys while thriving in today's world...

As a seasoned teacher and healer, Dayanand Das offers a diverse array of courses, programs, and teacher training worldwide. His heart-centered approach is imbued with love and compassion, aiming to help others fulfill their inner potential and manifest an awakened aligned life.

Dayanand Das’s dedication to serving humanity shines through in his ability to facilitate deep personal transformation. By harnessing the power of meditation, kriya, and mantra, he guides his students towards greater clarity, peace, and empowerment. His teachings are not just practices but pathways to a vibrant and fulfilling existence.

Join Dayanand Das on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening, where ancient wisdom meets modern spirituality, and where each step is taken with heart, love, and compassion.

Get Full Access To The Course Now For $555

What Happens Next?

1. Click the Order Now Button Above.

Click the Order Now button above... You will then reach our secure checkout page where you can enter your billing information and complete your purchase.

2. Login to Your Account.

Upon completion of your purchase you will instantly gain access to an online portal where you can access your bonuses, and the details for our live sessions. You will also receive an email right away that contains your login information and details about how to access your course.

3. Enjoy the Program!

That’s all! Once you’re inside your course portal, you will have access to the intro video and the bonuses, and further instructions about how to make the most out of going through this course! Just click play on the first video and then continue onward from there.

Here’s What Melanie's Past Students Are Saying…

“Priceless! I feel I have been set back on course. Powerful! Thank you sooo much!!!”

“This was a beautiful and uplifting course. Thank you Melanie. My heart is so full of love and gratitude” –Debbie

“I am noticing a change in my energy and life. I call angels sometimes and they always come and help me. In a few minutes I feel much better. My life is easier now than it was few months ago. Some positive changes happened and I have more faith now than before. I am progressing. I am so grateful for this! And I am so grateful to you as well 🙂 With love” ~Danijela

“Melanie, your guidance and presence leading me to the Light and Love, this has become invaluable in my life. Thank You!!” ~Lorraine

“Listening is like our spirit is being sent to heaven and it feels like angels are near us and that the presence of god is near us.” – Rachelle

I am at peace after listening to my 1st session. Thrilled to know what greatness is ahead thank you” –Lianne

“Just wonderful. Thank you, Melanie!” –Gracja

Thanks so much! I cant tell you how helpful this information is to me. God Bless” –B

“Thank you, you are helping me so much in a hard time that I’m having lately… The change is amazing! I really didn’t think anything could help me get over the deep sadness… And you made it happen. Thank you !” ~Limor

“Thank you very much that was wonderful. 🙂 love and light” ~Jess

Join us in this 5 Week Journey to Raise Your Vibration with Light here:

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