Are You Ready to Align With

Your Soul Purpose?

Activate Your Spiritual Gifts & Wisdom From The Akashic Record So You Can Fulfill Your Soul Purpose

Have you ever had the sense that you're destined for something greater?

A feeling that there's more for you?

Or perhaps you've felt a yearning to know your true soul purpose and activate your soul's light and wisdom from within?

You're not alone in this!

It's such a unique time on the planet right now as Mother Earth and humanity are in a phase of accelerated awakening.

As a part of this awakening process we are each being called to remember.

You are being called to remember who you truly are and why you're here so you can fulfill your soul purpose....

To bring forth your soul wisdom, gifts and light that are held within the Akashic Record.

The Akashic Record, also sometimes called the "Book of Life," is a cosmic library of all the knowledge and experiences from every soul, across eons, and across lifetimes.

Within this sacred library, you can unveil the profound wisdom, inherent gifts, and divine contracts that exist to empower and support your soul purpose.

So, this brings up an important question:

How do you access the Akashic Record to activate and bring forth your Soul Wisdom and Spiritual Gifts to empower your soul purpose now?

Acharya Dayanand Das can convey that power to you by showing you the technology and practices to unleash your infinite spiritual potential.

Introducing a Full Day Online Class & Activation:

Activate The Akashic Record
To Fulfill Your Soul Purpose

In early November, during the time when the veil between the physical and spiritual is extra thin ...

You have the extraordinary opportunity to immerse yourself in a profoundly transformative experience:

Join Acharya Dayanand Das with Melanie Beckler and with the Ascended Masters and Angelic Realm to:

Enter your Akashic Record to activate and bring forth your gifts and wisdom to empower your soul purpose.

In this powerfully immersive day, through four, 90 minute live video sessions you'll be guided to experience deep healing so you can activate the Spiritual Gifts, Light and Wisdom contained within your Akashic Record to empower your Soul Purpose!

Live On November 3rd 2024 at 8 AM Pacific/ 11 AM Eastern

In this Live Video Class & Activation led by Acharya Dayanand Das you will:

  • Activate your Akashic Records and bring forth the gifts and wisdom therein.
  • Experience deep healing as you open your heart and allow your soul's wisdom to emerge
  • Powerfully cleanse low-frequency energies and blockages that may be present in your Akashic Record, so you can fully embrace your soul's light.
  • Access, activate, and bring forth the unique gifts, wisdom, and soul purpose that is yours to express in this lifetime
  • Experience powerful breathwork and Kriya practices – advanced technologies to support your journey of awakening and enlightenment
  • Receive blessings from the Ascended Masters, Angels of Healing, and Angels of Love
  • Discover the sacred contracts your soul has made and how they shape your life experiences, and how to change or update what is no longer serving your journey
  • Understand the lessons your soul has chosen to learn and the growth opportunities they provide
  • Heal past traumas, release limiting beliefs, and break free from karmic patterns
  • Receive divine guidance and clarity on your life path and the choices that align with your soul's purpose
  • Embody your highest potential and create a life that truly resonates with your soul's essence

Can't make it live? No problem!

Even if you can’t join live, you’ll still receive all the benefits as you enjoy listening to the video replay - which we'll make available online for you shortly after the live event concludes on November 3rd. 

You will have permanent access to the class and activation video recordings, allowing you to revisit, repeat, or complete the course at your own pace and convenience.

This is your golden ticket to experience a profound shift in consciousness, activate the light within your Akashic Record, and powerfully know and align with your Soul Purpose.

Don't miss your chance to join this live transformative experience where you will activate your Soul Gifts and unlock your highest Divine potential to empower yourself to fulfill your soul purpose.

November 3rd 2024 8 AM - 4 PM Pacific 

Or Via Replay Through 4, 90 Minute Video Sessions

Here's the schedule for the Live Class November 3rd:

8 AM- 9:30 AM Pacific - Live 90 Minute Session #1

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM - 15 Minute Break

9:45 AM - 11:15 AM - Live 90 Minute Session #2

11:15 - 12:00 PM - Lunch Break

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM - Live 90 Minute Session #3

1:30 - 1:45 - 15 Minute Break

1:45 - 3:15 - Live 90 Minute Session #4

3:15 - 3:30 - 15 Minute Break

3:30 - 4:00 PM - Energy Session & Culminating Light Activation

Plus You Will Receive the brand new "Activating Light Within Your Akashic Record" Exclusive Channeled Meditation

When you sign up today for the Live Class to Activate The Akashic Record to Fulfill Your Soul Purpose, you'll also receive an exclusive new channeled meditation by Melanie Beckler!

This powerful session will guide you deep into your Akashic Records, activating the light within your soul so you can start to experience profound insights and awaken your dormant soul gifts, today!

Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your spiritual journey—sign up now and unlock the hidden wisdom of your soul!

Click the button below and reserve your spot in the live class and light activation now:

Activate The Akashic Record

To Fulfill Your Soul Purpose

PLUS 10 FREE Bonuses!

Only $297 For A Limited Time

Click Here Claim Your Spot Now >>

Remember, you have zero risk with our

100% Money Back Guarantee!

Order Now And Gain Exclusive Access To

10 Awesome Bonuses ($371 Value) Including:

8 BONUS High-Frequency Soul Awakening Angel Activations Channeled by Melanie Beckler

(Total Retail Value: $236)

Free Bonus #1: Gateway to Radiance - Align with Your Soul - Audio Activation with Melanie Beckler (Instant Access) – ($27 Value)

This beautiful 35 minute audio session with Melanie Beckler guides you to connect with your unique soul signature, align with the awakened Crystalline Heart of Mother Earth and open to receive the Cosmic Light pouring in from the Cosmos.

Feel the nurturing support and presence of the Archangels and Ascended Masters supporting you in unlocking the gifts within your Akashic Record and DNA ...

Stimulate your innate wisdom, healing energy, and intuitive abilities. Finish the journey feeling deeply connected to the Earth and the cosmos, radiating peace, love.

Welcome your radiant soul alignment.

Free Bonus #2: Aligning With Your Soul Presence - Audio Activation with Melanie Beckler (Instant Access) – ($27 Value)

Archangel Michael connects to guide you in this powerful journey to align with Soul Presence within.

Enter into the place within where pure potentiality resides.

Ignite your soul light and merge with the infinite light power and peace of the One Source Presence accessible within you.

As you relax and receive this powerful transmission from your soul and from Archangel Michael the chakra energy centers within your physical body are illuminated.

By allowing your awareness to elevate, you enter into a higher state of divine consciousness from which you are able to access the downloads of truth, of angels, and of your highest self; you are able to access your soul truth now.

Free Bonus #3: Soul Essence Illuminated - Audio Activation with Melanie Beckler (Instant Access) – ($27 Value)

This powerful angel activation will help you to see deeper into your soul's essence and understand your purpose here as you dive into inner space.

Awaken your heart light to heal, bless and nurture you on every level leaving you connected to the love and compassion of The Divine Source of All That Is.

Your soul presence will rise to the surface to reunite with you… To be made known to you…

All you need to do is listen and allow your natural state of Divine oneness to re-emerge through this powerful spiritual experience contained within the audio session.

Your vibration will rise to new heights as you bask in the shimmering waves of light that cascade over you, cleansing your energy, and raising your vibration.

Free Bonus #4: Ignite Your Soul Light - Audio Activation with Melanie Beckler (Instant Access) – ($27 Value)

The timing now is perfect, to anchor a higher level of your authentic truth, and to realign with your highest Soul Light.

Reconnect with and embody the Divine Template for your Soul Embodiment in Physical Form…

Step into more fully embodying your soul and your divine blueprint in this life.

This realignment with your Divine Soul Blueprint not only helps you to live in greater harmony, balance, joy, love, and abundance now…

But also to access the new level of gifts, awareness, and higher consciousness available as you step into the next phase of your highest mission and destiny.

Free Bonus #5: Awakening Your Soul Brilliance - Audio Activation with Melanie Beckler (Instant Access) – ($27 Value)

Archangel Uriel connects with the Divine Flame of Awakening to assist you in uniting with the higher light of Spirit and the higher dimensional qualities of your Soul.

As you listen you will ignite the light of your heart, expand into Source Consciousness, and step into the highest level of your light.

Integrate higher dimensional light, restore your full radiance, and anchor your ascension light and manifesting the highest qualities of your Soul Brilliance.

Free Bonus #6: Archangel Raphael Energy Healing Session - Channeled Energy Healing Session with Melanie Beckler (Instant Access) – ($47 Value)

Simply relax and listen to receive waves of light and powerful Angel Energy Healing from Archangel Raphael, channeled by Melanie Beckler.

The Emerald Healing Light of Archangel Raphael works on every level to bring healing to your body, emotions, and energy field.

As you immerse yourself in this divine healing energy, you'll feel a deep sense of peace and rejuvenation washing over you.

Allow yourself the gift of this transformative energy healing experience with Archangel Raphael and the angelic realm.

Free Bonus #7: Gateway of Soul Light - Audio Activation with Melanie Beckler (Instant Access) – ($27 Value)

Connect with your team of Teams of guides, angels and ascended masters of the highest Christed light in this profound Gateway of Soul Light Transmission.

As you relax and listen you will receive Blessings of Diamond Light to assist you in raising your vibration and syncing with the highest Divine Possibilities for your life.

Reconnect with and embody the Divine Template for your Soul Embodiment in Physical Form…

Reharmonizing with your highest Soul Light on every level.

And syncing with the energy of blessing at your very core.

Free Bonus #8: Step Into A Higher Level Of Your Purpose - Audio Activation with Melanie Beckler (Instant Access) – ($27 Value)

Relax, listen and lift as you’re gently cleansed with crystalline diamond light…
And lifted on wings of love in this incredible new frequency transmission with the Council of Angels.

As you simply relax and listen you will be guided through an effortless process of clearing your mind and opening your inner vision to reconnect with an expanded level of Divine Consciousness so you can clearly perceive the higher realms of spirit.

Plus, You'll Receive These 2 Special Bonuses from Acharya Dayanand Das ($135 Value)

Free Bonus #9: Embrace the Light of Your Soul Guided Meditation with Acharya Dayanand Das (Instant Access) ($27 Value)

Embracing the light of your soul through meditation can profoundly impact your daily life, bringing greater peace, love, and a sense of belonging.

Although we are always connected to our soul, we may feel disconnected when we are not aware of this divine essence within us.

In this short 11 minute guided meditation, Acharya Dayanand Das guides you to move beyond the physical body and connect with the subtle energy of your soul, allowing you to deepen your connection with your divine essence.

Free Bonus #10: Energy Session with Acharya Dayanand Das
($108 Value)

As an exclusive bonus, during the Akashic Records and the Journey of Your Soul Program Acharya Dayanand Das will be offering us a special group Energy Session and Activation with the Ascended Masters and Divine Mothers.

Simply open and listen and you will be blessed with light and energy to empower a quantum leap in the journey of your soul.

Don't miss this rare opportunity to receive an Energy Session from Acharya Dayanand Das.

Read What Our Students Are Saying
About Their Experience:

"I received so much more than I could have ever imagined." Mary Johanna

"Dayanand is the best teacher and I always grow from his teachings, wisdom and love."
Kerri Marriot

I can’t wait to do this workshop again and again, as I experienced a state of exquisite expansion and joy that remains with me when I consciously recall the learning and practices shared." Trish

“This was wonderful, thank you so much! I’ve never felt so much joy and gratitude, it was phenomenal. Thank you! I’m so grateful to have found you as I’ve cleared so many blocks after being stuck with my awakening for so long. Thanks to you and your light, I’m finally moving again. Forever grateful!” – Katie W.

“The energy has been so powerful and amazing. These practices are changing my life. The light gets brighter and brighter within me.” Tani

“Thank you both, and all so very much. This has been such a touching and Graceful experience and I feel so happy and grateful to have had this opportunity. This has been and continues to feel profound and beautiful.” ✨🪷💗🙏🌟🖤🌈🌌 Hailey

“Through all the chaos in the world, I have felt more grounded and more self-love and love for the world with all its beings. Patty

This has been absolutely incredible, beyond words... So much gratitude for both of you!💗🙏 I am not the same person "stuck" in fear of moving forward in my purpose anymore." Brittany

It's been so opening, elevating, I'm pulsating! It was exactly what I needed right now. Can't wait for more!!” Amy

“I am going to do it for many days. I can feel how expansive and powerful and phenomenal and growth-inducing this is. I absolutely LOVE it!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!”

Hannah F.

"Dayanand Das and Melanie together were like being given an express ticket straight to the heavens! Thank you, always." Lori Abbot

"The most phenomenal uplifting and enlightening experience, Thank you, Blessings! " Kym

"Amazing. It was like I shifted as a person." –Jonathan

“Gratitude 🙏🙏🙏 amazing. So incredible beyond words. 🙏🙏🙏. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️”


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. There are no words…💖”

"I feel the unity consciousness much more now." - Karine 

"This has been absolutely incredible, beyond words... So much gratitude for both of you!💗🙏 I am not the same person "stuck" in fear of moving forward in my purpose anymore."


"Its been so opening, elevating, I'm pulsating! It was exactly what I needed right now. Can't wait for more!!" Amy 

"Thank you both, I feel like a new person full of hope, living in my heart is the only way to live from now on." Karen 

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I can't attend the live sessions?

All good! All sessions will be recorded and made available to participants, so you can catch up on any missed sessions at your convenience.

Do I need any prior experience with meditation or spiritual practices?

No prior experience is necessary. This course is designed to be accessible to anyone, regardless of their level of experience. Dayanand Das will guide you through each step of the process.

How long will I have access to the materials?

You will have lifetime access to all course materials, including session recordings and guided meditation recordings, so you can revisit them whenever you need a refresher or want to deepen your practice.

Is this course suitable for people of all faiths and beliefs?

Yes, this course is designed to be inclusive and respectful of all faiths and beliefs. The teachings and practices are universal in nature and can be adapted to align with your personal spiritual path.

I don't have a computer... Will I will be able to access everything I need to complete the course on my iPad/ Phone?

Yes! We've worked hard to make this course accessible from phones, tablets, and computers alike... Once you purchase you will be able to login to the course platform area and gain full access to the videos and course materials regardless of the type of device you're on.

About Acharya Dayanand Das

Bridging Ancient Wisdom and Modern Spirituality

With over 30 years of experience in the realm of spiritual practice and teaching, Dayanand Das stands as a beacon of ancient wisdom and modern spirituality.

A devoted monk and a close disciple of H.H. Sai Maa, he has been trained by authentic spiritual masters, mastering the arts of yoga tantra, meditation, kriya, mantra, light work, and healing.

Drawing from these traditions Dayanand Das integrates ancient spiritual technologies with contemporary spiritual practices, making them accessible and relevant to those living modern Western lives.

This unique blend empowers individuals to navigate their spiritual journeys while thriving in today's world...

As a seasoned teacher and healer, Dayanand Das offers a diverse array of courses, programs, and teacher training worldwide. His heart-centered approach is imbued with love and compassion, aiming to help others fulfill their inner potential and manifest an awakened aligned life.

Dayanand Das’s dedication to serving humanity shines through in his ability to facilitate deep personal transformation.

By harnessing the power of meditation, kriya, and mantra, he guides his students towards greater clarity, peace, and empowerment. His teachings are not just practices but pathways to a vibrant and fulfilling existence.

Join Dayanand Das on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening, where ancient wisdom meets modern spirituality, and where each step is taken with heart, love, and compassion.

Join us in this Powerful Journey:

Activate The Akashic Record to Fulfill Your Soul Purpose
Only $297 For A Limited Time!

Remember: You have zero risk with our 100% Money Back Guarantee!

We're so confident that you'll LOVE the "Activate The Akashic Record 
To Fulfill Your Soul Purpose" Program that we're offering a no-questions-asked 100% money back guarantee.

What this means is that you can go through the ENTIRE Live Program, and all the free bonuses, and if for some reason you're not satisfied, or you decide its not for you ...

Just email me at within 30 days of purchase and request a refund, and we'll process that for you ASAP with no questions asked.

We're taking on ALL of the risk for you, so you can confidently say "Yes!" and jump in to join us now.

Discover how to access your Akashic Records, and activate the light and wisdom available for you there.

Bring forth the soul gifts, and light from your Akashic Record to bless and uplift every aspect of your life.

Get ready for a profound journey into the depths of your soul's wisdom.

Join us in this Powerful Journey:

Activate The Akashic Record to Fulfill Your Soul Purpose
Only $297 For A Limited Time!