Lunar Eclipse Angel Message!
I'm happy to share with you this Free Angel Message with you which was recorded amidst a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.
The eclipse energy offers a beautiful window to go deep within, look inside your heart and find your answers. The answer is within… not outside of yourself!
Connect with the Angels of the Light, with your inner power and authentic truth in this uplifting angel message… Relax as you listen and lift, and remember to breathe!
Many Blessings of Light and Love and Total Well-being!
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June Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Angel Message Transcribed!
Beloved one we are indeed here, we are the angels of the light and we greet you in this very moment with our warm embrace. Allow this energy of Divine love into your experience. Relax and breathe to fill your body with the vitality of your breath.
So often in stress and turmoil you forget to breathe and your breath has the power to cleanse your energy and to re-strengthen you with vitality and with well-being. And so breathe in the light, the love frequency, the crystalline energy around you to cleanse and purify your aura, to lift you in vibration. And when you exhale let go, let go of the tension, the negative thinking, the doubt, the concious and unconscious blocks, beliefs and limitations, let go.
Breathe in well-being, vitality, abundance and light and exhale releasing pain and suffering and doubt.
Beloved one, in this now you are empowered to let go of your limited scope of thinking, your judgement about humanity and yourself, let go of your limitation once and for all, and now as you breathe in and step into your light, your magnificence, your authentic nature as a spiritual being.
Open your heart, feel the presence, the light, the power of your inner being, your authentic self, fill yourself up with light, with frequency, with well-being.
Lift your vibration, merge totally and completely with the angelic spiritual being that you are. Allow this presence, your higher self, your authentic self, your spiritual self to enter into your awareness, into your body, into your energy and merge connect, open to this incredible power, to your light. And know that with this connection indeed you are able to manifest, to create, to make changes in your physical world from within, open your heart chakra, your powerful energy centre of light to tune into your inner light, your power, your divinity in this now.
Feel your energy lighten, lift, allow yourself to float and to fully experience the bliss of you, of you as spirit unlimited by the restrictions, and doubts and fears, of your physical mind and world. In this now tune in to your higher spiritual nature where unlimited possibility, where love, gratitude and complete and total well-being rule your experience, aligning with the divine, aligning with the divine in you to bring about that which you most desire – love, well-being, abundance, health, joy, peace. You have the ability to create great and positive change in your experience, release forcing things to happen, release trying to change, breath out and let go of any and all struggle in your experience across all lines of time, past, present, future, now. Struggle and doubt, destructive tendency and limitation are released, and in their place allow the light of your divine being to flow, total well-being, radical joy and self love, authentic connection with your heart, with your mind, with all whom you encounter. Allow your vibration to lift, allow yourself to relax. Know that the energy now indeed encourages you to create profound change, to move every aspect of your life back into connection with love. Feel this divine love around you now.
Breathe to awaken your energy, to flow vitality through your being. You are dearly loved and blessed and all things are possible for you in this now, the astrological energies of eclipse and full moon urge to complete your transformation, a final release of all that no longer serves you and the welcoming of your true nature and power and light. Allow yourself to dream today, to envision the reality you desire and there is great power in your manifesting this now. Believe, have hope, trust and return to your vibration of love and gratitude time and time again, you have all you need inside you to complete your transformation, dive within your depths. Enter your inner world, feel the pain, the resistance and let it go, opening to your bliss, your light, your well-being. This is the gift of eclipse, to challenge you yes, but to move you, to reconnect you with your authentic nature and path and purpose. Authentic being of light and joy and peace radiate and shine. Open your heart to allow your full energy and vibration to be felt and experienced in your life, share you light with others give thanks for all the blessings of your life, the connections, the synchronicities, the well-being and release limitations knowing that you are supported now in fully and totally stepping into your joy, your authentic being, your true nature. Manifesting the life on Earth of your design, be willing to change, be willing to trust your guidance, your light, your heart. And boldly step into your becoming, into your power, into who you really are.
Do this and alleviate the struggle on your path. Open to the blessings, the divinity, the joy of your authentic being and nature, spiritual divine angelic being that you are. Return to this space of your heart and open it wide, allow your truth to flow through and indeed your truth shall set you free.
We bow to the divine in you, we honour your light, we lift and illuminate your vibration and urge you to be authentically you, authentically light, authentically love. All things are possible for you now, trust, breath and flow with the new energy on the planet now.
We leave you with our blessing and reminder to breathe.
thank you <3 much love
Dear Melanie,
Thank you 🙂 God Bless you! And your Angels :). Thank you for existing! Thank you for such a beautiful heart :). Thank you!!! So grateful for your guidance :). Thank you for your love 🙂
With love,
thank you so so much for this awesome message and guidance.
Thank you for everything!!!