Activate Your Inner Ascension Codes So You Can Step Into Living In Alignment With Your Personal Light Mastery
What Are Ascension Codes?
Ascension codes help to awaken your spiritual gifts and abilities, strengthen your intuition, co-creation, and manifestation abilities… And they support you in aligning with your highest level of light mastery.
Activating your ascension codes empowers you to start living as the aware, awakened, enlightened, abundant, spiritual being in physical form you're meant to be here and now.
Ascension Codes to Activate Your Personal Light Mastery
This incredible new session is set to beautiful meditative music to help you relax deeply, so you can blissfully experience the incredible frequency transmission present throughout.
You will receive a gentle cleanse before lifting in an incredible light to activate ascension codes you've always carries within…
Ascension codes, that have always been within you, and are just waiting to be activated, and brought to the surface, so they can make a difference in your life.
Right now you can more vibrantly shine, and create a powerful ripple of Divine light throughout everything…
This session will support you with just that!
Ascension Codes from Metatron, Shekinah, and the Central Sun
In this new session you will also receive ascension keys and codes directly from Archangel Metatron, Archangel Shekinah, and broadcast through the light of the Central Sun… These codes of awakening will empower you to start living as the spiritual light master you really are…
The entire session is filled with incredible light and a high vibrational frequency broadcast that will uplift you and activate your ascension codes so you can step into your vibrant, abundant, empowered self…
Tune into, and bring to the surface the incredible crystalline light, healing, and high vibrational frequency that is present and available to you right here and now with:
Activating Your Ascension CodesAn Activation with Archangel Metatron and Archangel Shekinah
Channeled by Melanie Beckler, Now Available For Only $17!
Click “Add to Card” below to get instant access to this powerful Archangel Activation.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
I know you’re going to love this activation and the incredible energy that's broadcast throughout.
If for some reason you don't love it, or feel that it's not for you, just send me an email letting me know and I'll refund your entire payment, no questions asked.
But… You're going to love it!
Because it's pure love and light, and will help you to shine with more love and light right now.
P.S. Curious What Others Are Saying About Activating Your Ascension Codes so far?
Here's some of the feedback from people who have listened…
“Wow! That was amazing! I feel all tingly and energized! I will do this one again and again! Thank You Melanie and Metatron!” ~Kathy
“Activating Your Ascension Codes is freaking phenomenal.” ~Brad
Dear Melanie Beckler, just now did the ‘Activating your ascension codes' meditation. It was amazing. Thank you for this wonderful meditation.” ~Aruna
“That was powerful.My hands and feet were like i put them into a socket.I felt a super charge from the top to bottom and warmness of the golden light flowing down over me. Thank you all for a amazing ride. Much love and light.” ~Bonnie
“Oh wow oh wow oh wow!!! Thank you! Thank you! That was incredibly powerful and so beautifully uplifting. I felt that across all energetic levels. I love Melanie and our divine light source and Angelic realm. Love & Light to all you Angels here too.” ~Marie
“This meditation is a work of art!” ~Alan
“I did the meditation and it was phenomenal! It took me a good 5-7 minutes to come out of it because it was so intense and beautiful! Thank you Melanie.” ~Christine
“Amazingly powerful ! Thank you so much! Bright blessings dear heart.” ~Vanadis
Copyright 2019 - & Melanie Beckler