Channeling is a healing art. A channel is a messenger, who has been trained and initiated by the ascended masters.
The main role of a channel is to help spiritual seekers make contact with their Higher Self, and divine path.
Archangels, ascended masters, and spiritual guides speak through the channel to convey their teachings, messages and prophecies in order to guide and assist individuals and humanity.
A channel receives messages, or “dictations,” from ascended non physical beings, by the power of Spirit. During a dictation, the channel experiences a significant increase in vibration as well as an expansion of consciousness, allowing them to convey the words and energies of the spiritual master who is speaking.
Channeling provides access to higher frequencies from the spiritual dimensions, accurate guidance and specific answers in regards to your personal life, the world awakening events, or even cosmic knowledge for those seeking to explore.
While channeling, the messenger is in a heightened state of consciousness which occurs when they allow this higher consciousness to align with them for the purpose of communication, healing, and the sharing of information.
Spirit guides can read the energy around you and the areas you inquire about, and lovingly provide you with guidance based on what they see. Channeling gives you the opportunity to directly connect with very powerful, wise and loving guides who can motivate and heal you in miraculous ways.
A channel is different than a psychic, for a channel does not interpret the information or energy that is received from Spirit. It is simply given to the seeker just as it is received from the guide.
Not all psychics are channels, but all channels are psychic. Channeling helps to create positive transformation in those who hear the messages, and you are invited to explore this now.
Dreams can do everything, Spirit can do everything, Realize the matrix source, realize the inescapable design of nature, and the consequences of it’s banishment, and purpose with nature for it’s design, all are responsible for what they do, but there has been prejudice and innocent punishment, God, would not have created, and it’s time you can see it for real? The truth is, if you told a preacher to slow down in tongues, it could get intense, because that is not funny? The matrix must have a source, so only by the power of a lucky reality it exists. Time to know what God is really? all on the way of reality, and it shall take it from here. What about governmental donations from the willing, or charities where old goods can be brought, or food, etc, or even receptivity to world innovations from public? Reality? Can’t available rehabilitation drugs and personal responsibility with nature’s intent not be accepted, and those with cravings not get genetically altered or rehabilitative drugs if they feel like quitting problematic addictions personally, and planting not spare all of us?! Let God, and the real one show you in it’s own way, if God can. Thank you. Also, there is no sexual abstinence from masturbation, or austerity, and the higher self would verify that there is a problem with such views, heatache, and with all negative views, time to set the true higher self spirit free.
Barry, are you attuned to reiki? That is a simple and easy place to start because once you have the attunements done, it will lead you elsewhere. As far as your guides, create the intention of getting to know them, sit in your fav place, and ask who they are and what they do for you. Because the intent was set, you may suddenly hear or feel a name come to you. Don’t question it and don’t let your logical mind interfere 😀 just say thank you and tell them that you ,look forward to further communication and getting to know them 😀
Hey Barry…
Check out our course on Angel Energy Healing. It will teach you to channel the healing energy of your team of guides, angels and ascended masters… As well as direct Divine love and light.
I know I am a healer I just do not know where to start.BB
I am seeking my Angels, Spirits, Masters, Guides.I have let them know I am not afraid to have them come forward if I when I hear voices I will know I am not going mad. I know I have Angels and Guardians with all that I have done in this life and am still in 1 piece I now Thank my Angels Daily, I do not know there names or how many of them but I am open to learn. Semper-Fi
Barry B