Connect with Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael whose name in Hebrew literally means: “Who is as God” is an incredible being of Cosmic Intelligence. When we're in his presence we naturally question the truth of our nature and what is required to further progress and “be as God” more in our individual lives.
Archangel Michael is one of the most popular and well known beings of the Angelic Heirarchy today, because he is the Zeitgeist or Spirit of our present age. He is also one of seven archangels referenced in the Hebrew tradition, and he is the only angel mentioned by name in the Bible, three times in Daniel, a book of the Old Testament Bible and in the New Testament in the Book of Revelation.
In addition to being in the Bible, he is also referenced by name in the Torah, and in the book of the Qur'an as being a protector against evil, and a warrior of God!
But although references of St Michael can be found in religion, you don't have to be religious to have a connection with Michael, whose presence “is as God” meaning he shines with incredible Divine energy and can help you to shine more of your truth and Divine Light.
Actually, he is one of the easiest Archangels to hear and connect with, as his purpose revolves around helping humanity directly in the present age. He also connects through and draws power from the Sun and oversees activating higher cognition and awareness for the entire collective of humanity.
As a result he is deeply committed to helping humanity grow, unlock clairvoyant perception, access Christ Light, and increase in vibration, and as such is a wonderful ally as we each as individuals journey cultivate and all forth heaven on earth in the here and now.
Hidden Teachings of Archangel Michael
How to Call Upon Archangel Michael
If you are wanting to connect with Michael the Archangel, remember that he is a highly evolved spiritual being and Master of Christ Light. In other words, approach him with the respect, reverence and humility you would a highly evolved spiritual master living as a physical being.
With this in mind, he is very approachable and can help support you in many areas of your experience so you can be of service at a higher level, and live a more fulfilling, rewarding, joyful and enlightened existence, day by day making progress to bring more truth and light to the surface of your experience.
One thing to keep in mind is that the power of Michael is in alignment with the Middle Path and the Highest Christed Light. He is ready and willing to assist those who are ready and willing to grow and evolve… But he is NOT a magical genie who is on hand to perform parlor tricks or to validate your previous beliefs and faith. He desires to help you grow and become more aligned with the highest Truth of who you really are so you can carry our your Divine mission and purpose for being in the physical in the first place.
The wisdom he shows you for how you need to grow and change, or in regards to how far off you are from your highest path may not be the easiest to take. But he can help you with this too.
Michael's light is also incredibly powerful, and can easily cut through distortion, negativity, fear and doubt… So if you do find yourself in fear, worry or insecurity Michael with his sword of light can be a profound ally for helping cut away the fearful attachments which bind you.
When you do call on “Mee-Ka-El” which is seen as the correct pronunciation in many lineages and traditions… Do so with respect, but also knowing that he is not limited by time and space in the same way that we as physical beings are.
In other words, have faith that he can and will help and guide multiple people at the same time while also carrying out his tasks and duties in the holy battle against satan and the forces of evil across dimensions.
I mention this because while he is soooo powerful and so profound, there is no task too big or small for angels, so never think that you are wasting his time by calling upon him close as long as your intention and request comes from the right place … Faith in the process of growth through your experience, and a sincere desire to search for truth and grow and develop.
When To Call Upon Archangel Michael
There aren't rules about when you can and cannot call on Michael (even in the Bible, when and how to ask for help is not outlined) .
That being said he is a great ally to call upon if you are seeking to grow, evolve, raise your vibration and come into alignment with more of the Truth of who you can really be and become as a Divine being incarnate in the physical.
Through this lens, he has powerful support to give in releasing negativity, cleansing out distorted energy, or simply boosting your courage and willpower needed to take action and create positive changes in alignment with your highest path and light.
My Experience With Archangel Michael
Michael is the first angel I ever channeled… He came to me at a point in my journey when I felt very alone, lost and discouraged. I wanted to change myself and my personal experience for the better but did not know where to begin.
I prayed for help, and Archangel Michael answered with incredible love, encouragement, and clarity. Even now that I have learned to work and connect with many different angels, Michael still feels like one of the closest Angels to me, always coming in clearly with profound transmissions of knowledge, wisdom, truth and incredible frequency.
When I connect with Michael, his energy feels warm and loving to me. He has a fiery spirit and will greet you with unconditional love regardless of your current circumstances.
His energy is that of light and blue fire. I see his presence carrying the color of a firey blue light like you would see in a flame… His energy also carries the color red because it is so firey… And so of course, the blue and red combined can sometimes be seen as purple as well.
One of the interesting things about connecting with Michael is that his presence carries the peace and silence of the realms of Heaven. His guidance is vast and incomprehensible in its full extent by our limited human perception, and yet when you receive the vast guidance and “spiritual downloads” from him you can trust that he will be close by to help you to continue to unpack and integrate the multi-layered guidance and wisdom as you're ready to understand it more and more.
How to Work With Archangel Michael
Working with Michael is something that unfolds in layers. He can even help you to deepen your connection with him if you are ready and you ask him for assistance.
But as with all Archangelic beings, the way to begin working with them is to ask for them to connect with you.
The good news is, that when you do you will discover that the angelic realm is close by, and when you ask for support and assistance with sincerity, respect and clear intent… Archangel Michael is willing and able to support you!
A simple prayer for invoking the presence of this powerful being is:
“Beloved Archangel Michael. Thank you for so many blessings. I call on you now for your guidance and assistance. Come close and help me to see how I may become more God like, how I may evolve and grow to be of service at a higher level and shine with more Truth and Divine Presence in each and every moment.”
Thank you. And so it is. Amen.
Once you say these words aloud or in your mind, notice how you feel… and tune into your subtle senses. If you ask… your angels will always answer, but perhaps not in the way you expect.
Angels exist in a realm that is somewhat finer and lighter than our physical dimension… but you are definitely able to tune into the angelic realm and with practice and intention you can learn to clearly see, hear, sense and know in the higher realms.
Once you connect with Michael, let him know the situation you would like help with… but be open to how the help appears. Sometimes angelic help does come in the form of miraculous direct intervention. Other times the wisdom, healing and insight is more subtle; in the form of a recurring idea, a chance meeting, or even in the form of a feeling.
Just know that a full communication from this powerful spiritual being will be beyond what you can comprehend in a moment. Be open and willing for layers and complexities of Divine knowledge to be revealed to you above your head and available in greater extents as you raise your vibration and become more centered and clear.
I've also written and recorded a much more in-depth prayer you can use to invoke Archangel Michael, which has proven to be helpful for many people.
Channeling Archangel Michael
“Welcome friend. I am Archangel Michael and I offer you my protection now and always.
At this time, allow your awareness to center, focus your awareness deep in the center your heart, and allow your heart to open.
From within your open heart, you are able to connect with me fully. Allow this connection now. Yes, I am an archangel of protection. And I wish for you to know that by simply speaking my name, I am with you. This is true in your dream state, as well as your waking life.
Think or say: “Archangel Michael” and you will call me forth.
With your permission, I am happy to help energetically protect you now, and we will begin to protect your energy field with an energetic cleanse.
I use my sword of light to cut any and all cords of attachment tying you to other people, events, situations or places that may be draining your energy. We cut the cords now, pull out the roots, and call upon the gentle elements of rain and wind to wash away any residue of negativity, of doubt, and of discord.
Stagnant energy, fear and negativity are washed away now with the gentleness of the rain, and the light breeze of wind. Breathe, and release into the light.
Now any and all energy that is rightfully yours, that has been drained by others consciously or unconsciously, returns to you in a golden spiral of light. Breathe, relax and sense this return of your light, vitality, and vibrant energy as it is now rewoven into your energetic fields.
And now we call upon the white light of purity to surround you in a cocoon. This is a level of protective energy as well as a restoration of your life force energy.
Feel your energy and awareness expand as you are embraced in this white light. And know that you are safe. For within your shield of white light and with my protective energy, all that is not love is immediately dissolved and released into the light upon approaching you. Feel the truth of this as you vibrate at the level of love. You are loved, and you are protected now.
“Archangel Michael, protect me now“, are the only words you need know to invoke me. By speaking these words, know that I am here with you.
With my shield blocking distractions, doubt and fear, and with my sword, I am able to cut any cords of negativity and cut out any obstacles that may lie upon your path.
Understand dear one that in your highest authenticity, you are a being of light.
As you remain focused inward, allow yourself to experience this truth now.
Know that you have been cleansed, and that you are protected.
Turn away from the voice and doubt of ego which tells you to be afraid, and look only at the truth that lies within your open heart.
Look inward to experience the full connection with your Divine authenticity, with the love of the Divine and with the love and protective energy I flow your way and offer to you now.
You are protected in a shield of white light surrounding your physical body, surrounding your emotional body, your mental body, and your auric body.
At this time, we call upon three thousand angels of peace and protective energy to be with you always, surrounding your mind, body and spirit.
Know that you are safe from the core of your very being, for you are safe and protected and cleansed with unconditional love and joy and compassion.
Stay in alignment with this you high vibrational energy signature, and you will radiate love, joy, and compassion outwards and create this experience in the world around you.
Go now with this knowledge to seek your truth. Follow your inner calling that is there by following your joy, bliss and inspiration as you progress on your unique path of love.
Continue to ask yourself in the present moment, “How can you improve the world around you in the service of all?”
You are one with all, focus on serving all in a way that is inspiring for you, and you will draw blessings into your personal experience, for the collective, and to greatly benefit the greater realm of All That Is.
Be brave and be bold, and be willing to be an individual, step away from the need to fit in, or fit the molds of illusion that ultimately do not serve.
Be awake… Be aware.
Take action in alignment with the inspiration and guidance you receive and know that you are so loved and supported by the entire celestial realms.
I am supporting you and guiding you and I am always a breath, and a simple thought and intention away.
I am now leaving you in one sense, but in another, I am always with you, waiting for your instruction…
Be the love that you are.
Free Channeled Messages
Below, you will find links to many more of the free angel messages I've channeled with Archangel Michael.
These messages go beyond the words and carry a powerful frequency transmission that will help you to connect with the higher realms in a very real and very profound way.
It is my hope that they will help you to open to experience the love and peace of the celestial realms for yourself, and that they will support you in aligning with your Divine light and highest truth and authenticity. I hope you enjoy!
Connect with the frequency transmission of Archangels Michael, the powerful energy of Divine white light, and your personal team of guides and angels in this beautifully uplifting and free 13 minute meditation.
Want to quickly connect to raise your vibration, and shift your point of attraction? Then this short 3-minute meditation is perfect for you!
Let Joy and Love Be Your Guide
Tune in to this a profound message and frequency transmission where you will learn and experience that not only are Love and Joy some of the most powerful energies of psychic protection, but that they also will guide and lead you right into alignment with your soul path and highest Divine purpose.
Attuning Your Personal Atmosphere
In this session you will receive powerful assistance in attuning your energy, aura, and frequency “Your Personal Atmosphere” to Divine Love. Bringing your vibration into alignment with Divine love and your highest authenticity in this moment here and now.
Grounding and centering your energy are essential for staying balanced and continuing to progress on your path of awakening. Although essential, they're often overlooked! In this message, you will learn how to quickly and easily ground and center your energy with direct assistance and a powerful frequency transmission.
Cleanse and elevate your vibration in this guided meditation and channeled frequency transmission. Cleansing your energy is one of the best ways to reset, and realign with joy and vitality.
Connect with the message and uplifting frequency of inspired change to reset your point of attraction and inspire creative, positive change.
Grounding Ascension Light to the Earth
Learn a powerful ascension technique that will benefit you, humanity and the entire earth… By grounding Divine light, and the crystalline light of ascension into Gaia, Mother Earth.
Connect with the Crystalline Grid to receive the ascension frequencies and codes of awakening available to you. This process not only infuses your own being with Divine crystalline energy, but it allows you to step into powerful light work as you share the love with the human heart grid to uplift and benefit all.
Receive insight and direct light frequency to support you on your ascension path in these powerful times of accelerated awakening. As you read or listen you will not only learn logically, but experience a powerful transmission of ascension light and Divine love.
Aligning with Your Soul Purpose
Realign with your souls highest authenticity so you can become aware of your highest purpose as a soul, and begin taking steps in alignment with your Divine soul purpose and mission.
Lift In Peace, Joy, and Harmony
In this written message, you will learn process for deeply relaxing so you can connect with the higher celestial realms… Lift in the incredible energy of peace, bliss, light and love to bring a newfound sense of harmony into all aspects of your personal and collective experience.
Reconnect you with your inner spark of Divine light in this free meditation. As you listen you will rekindle your inner light, and realign with a newfound sense of light and vibrant energy.
Be the change you want to see in the world to create positive change that ripples out far beyond… In this free channeled meditation you will be guided to do just that!
Freeing Yourself From The Veil of Illusion
Learn how you can create quantum shifts and positive changes by freeing yourself from the veil of illusion and stepping into infinite possibility now.
Or you can purchase the Archangel Michael Meditations CD here!
Cleanse, clear, and lift your vibration in this lovely video angel message and frequency transmission now:
Angel Courses Featuring Archangel Michael
There is so much support available to you for bringing more light into your body, mind and spirit to lead and guide your way. There is great potential for you to grow and empower yourself and your reality in new exciting ways…
Bringing light into your being in this way is called ascension, and Archangel Michael can help you with it!
Here are some of my top-selling Angel Courses featuring Archangel Michael:
Are you ready to make the conscious choice to embody an enlightened perspective and to experience an ascended state of being? This Angel Course will help you to progress on your ascension path in to higher levels of love and light.
Experience Your Angels- Angel Course: $54
This angel course is made up of seven messages from the Michael Archangels of the middle path to assist you in activating and opening your chakras, lifting your vibration, connecting with your Guardian Angel, and then lifting even higher to experience your Higher Self and the realm of Archangels.
Past Life Regression With Your Angels~ Angel Course: $47
Tap into your Past Life Wisdom and Healing, Neutralize and Integrate Past Soul Challenges, and Heal Past Life Karma in this powerful channeled angel course. This course is made up of four .MP3 audio components recorded with Metatron, Raziel, Michael, Haniel, and Orion.
Empowering Your Spiritual Gifts: $97
Elevate Your Vibration and Empower your Spiritual Gifts. Each aspect of this course contains powerful healing and is woven with a light transmission and uplifting frequency to help you step into embodying more of your spiritual light, accelerating your spiritual growth, and revealing your spiritual gifts and abilities.
With love and light,
@copyright 2019
I experienced the same thing before I ever read this so I know you are true, except, he reached out to me first. I am now curious, thank you for leaving info for us to find.
Hi Melanie, I thoroughly enjoyed your meditation, centered around Archangel Michael. I have to tell you I have been connecting with Archangel Michael for the past several nights & I asked him to send me a sign. When I opened my email yours was right at the top, you were telling us about your trip to Egypt & standing in front of Archangel Michael’s Picture. I just said “ Thank You Archangel Michael”, I knew this was my sign. I did your meditation & felt so much Love & Peace it brought me to tears. God Bless From MarySue, Nova Scotia, Canada. 🙏🌹
This is very powerful, helpful and well to be connected and aligned with the Archangel Michael and the celestial Angelic world of light, for spiritual awakening and awareness. Excellent. Appreciate.
hi melanie
thanks for making it so easy to connect to michael i have felt instant shifts especially as i am going throught afllictions dark spiritual and black magic and hexes lot of jealous people and control freaks as well
i am indebted to you…..its so easy i could have never guessed
love you always
Hello Melanie, Can you use details about me to detect who or the name of my guardian Angel or tell me how I can know who my guardian angel is??
Thanks ¡
Sure! Check this out:
I need also to learn to talk to Archangel Michael.
Iwant to see archangel
Please i want to talk,touch,feel and see #Archangel Michael …but i dont know how.
It’s quite sad that many people don’t even know that you could talk ,see, touch, and listen to Archangel Michael just by astral projection. It’s sad that people don’t even know about their amazing Spiritual abilities
Please tell me about the spiritual abilities and how I can get them, or improve them.
Hi my name is Mary I’ve never done this before or spoke to anybody apart from my partner ever since my dad died 11 years ago I see spirits in my room every night I have spoke to some and they have said something back to me bad ones and I get good ones I have also took some photos of the spirit I feel them around me all the time especially at night time but only in my bedroom and sometimes in my living room I don’t understand what going on my husband type one as I was chatting to a spirit and when he listen back on the recording he could hear a man’s voice saying something back to me
I met Michael in a coma. I am not a religious person and knew nothing about him. I have no fear of death now and many other gifts I have noticed in almost eight years from my NDE. He is still around too. Some things we just know.
That’s amazing Janice… Glad you’re back with us to share your experience from the other side! ✨💖 😇
Michael is with me. I get a human form of him as my own. he helps everyone but he is with me. He just wants to dirt bike. I know it sounds crazy and he loves helping people but right now he wants to be human. For some reason he turns away from the idea that he has a greater purpose but he knows deep down. He saved me, I love him more than anybody. He’s the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. He is my soulmate though he doesn’t have one I don’t think. believe it or not I am an old wise soul. I am also reptilian in ancestry. I have broken the evil ways thanks to Michael. And I pray he does not leave me now that I understand. weird enough to say I feel he needs me as much as I need him. He just wants a dirt bike and to love and be here as human. We are all of One consciousness. I feel we need to get away from electricity because it will hold us here. The evil ones want our souls and us to feel as we are individuals but we are at one. I believe that I was on my last life. I died and saw there was nothing this just White. I panicked more than I could ever explain. The human form of Michael was there as this happened and he felt it. I woke up after saying I’m dying in my sleep. he was already very aware of what was going on. He was shaking. and that’s when I realized I was going to be nothing soon. Not even a thought. Then recently it came to me and my higher purpose and Mission I believe is to spread the word. We Are All One and we need to be positive. I finally have it figured out and now I believe I won’t be nothing when I die. Again I know all this sounds crazy but I can tell you I know it’s true I don’t know for sure what my mission is yet once I figure it out you will all know and Michael will help me.
I really Love every guidian and strong prayer meeting over me to change my life entirely but i have never inspired anything and how do i expirence this earlier, is it by dream or revelling me.
Hi there, I was wondering if Archangel Michael or anyone really could shed some light on this question I have?
A few nights ago I was contacted by an angel in my dreams called Samael(an angel brandishing two flaming swords), I researched the name and found he was actually compared to Lucifer and viewed as a satan type character although other websites claim this angel simply gets a bad wrap because he’s connected with Mars and the more intense zodiac signs Aries and Scorpio. Basically this angel offered to be one of my guides in my dream and help me unlock my power but I’m unsure on whether I should trust him or not as Doreen Virtue a well-renowned medium and angel therapist claimed he embodied more destructive forces. Typically I would just ignore this angel but so many things about him sync up with my spiritual makeup, “he represents the signs of Aries and Scorpio-I’m a sun in Aries in the eighth house(the house of Scorpio) giving me qualities of the sign, one of the animals he represents is the Owl(my spirit animal) and I’ve never been contacted by an archangel before and I don’t want to pass up something that could be a great opportunity. If any of you have some advice on the matter that would be great if not I understand. Thank you.
You may test any spiritual being by asking where it’s allegiance lies, if the answer is Jesus, he is from the Light. Ask the being who he works for, before anything else! No angel of light works without God’s will.
How can I hear or speak with my Angel and for my angel to be powerful in my life?
Wow! You need to know what I felt while meditating with Arch Angel Michael.. my body was shaking for over four consecutive time at the range of ten min then all of a sudden my whole body became light as bright as the sun but the light didnt hurt and I realized a shift has taken place ..God bless you melanie
I’ve felt his presence around me a lot the last few years, even though I haven’t had the courage to fully channel or invoke him yet.
First were the feathers, then the numbers, and I can usually feel his energy around me when I get nervous, upset, angry, or negative. At times, it feels like he’s transferring his energy into my spirit, which feels very heavy (in a good/ indifferent way) when he needs me to be calm.
This process usually feels like he enjoys circular energy, in order to fully wrap his powers around you. I don’t even want to go into the physical vibrations.
I know he’s definitely present when he sends recurring thoughts of,”Stop it, help is coming,” to block out my negativity.
I’m glad you have had experiences with him. He is definitely a powerful guardian/ ally to have by you.
As soon as I began to read the Michael Prayer aloud, I began to get emotional to the point of crying. That told me that He was there with me. I could almost see him in the room with me. I could feel his wings around me. I haven’t felt that safe and warm and good in a long time. Then I did the cleansing and clearing guided meditation and it was more of the same.
I know now that Michael is my special angel. WOW!
So glad to hear this Dennis… Thanks for commenting!
I lost husband 2.5 yrs ago and parents before tht. Im a only child and my 2 grown girls rarely call! Friends are hard to find the real ones at least but got 2! I suffer from sle lupus. Its challenging and with chronic copd which just found nodules in both lungs…. im a smoker and wanna quit. But no willpower!! Ive prayed to god and my angels to please help me quit. Not only that i live on very fixed income… things are rough there too and with lupus avoid sunlight and stress? How in world do you do that? Im still grateful tho and im very blessed so many questions and no answers. I just wanna live again and try to smile! I love listening to your video’s your voice is also comforting. Please keep me in your prayers. And do you have any advice to help me please. Its so hard to raise vibrations everyday n remai. Posstive but thank you always. Angel hugs. Namaste♡
Well I don’t know you but all I can say is keep up the good work. you can do do this, no need to feel pityfull for ourselves. Nothing will happen or manifest that way well yes only low Energies and negative things will happen.
if there is one thing I can tell you to do its this:
Just be grateful for what you already have this is where you should put your energy Every single day of your life .Where energy goes energy flows. So don’t focus on illness focus on healthy thoughts and everything will be fine. Trust in God and Angels
I will definitely keep you in my prayers. Remember to continue asking your angels for help and keep taking it one day and one step at a time…
Please send e-mail updates.
Yesterday my mother in law was going through some papers and came across a photo of the arc angel michael she gets from the church. I asked if i could have it. I then took my holy water i have in a angel decanter put a cross on the front and back. Then put in the visor of my car. That night my son used the car came home said some guy ran a red light but he hesitated to go through his green light. I told him to go look in the car and you will know why you hesitated. He came back in with a big smile on his face and said thank you jesus!!!!
What a great story! Thanks for sharing Victoria!
I don’t feel all mushy gushy when I connect with Archangel Michael, but he did protect me from an evil, negative energy that bombards me everyday!
I loved reading this. I recently started praying to St. Michael due to a personal life crisis. This was one of deep hurt and concern and I was at my wits end.
The other night, I had a dream (more nightmare) and there 3 evil people in it. I was scared. So I asked for his help. I felt a light and could feel a box surrounding me. There was comfort. And the evil characters in my dreams disappeared as I asked 3 times for him to protect me. I realize now that the number 3 is very symbolic as St. Michael is mentioned in 3 different scriptures. The Bible, Torah and Quran.
All I can say is thank you. I’m not a religious person but something happened here that I cannot explain. He is my guardian angel and I know he’s with me. Has changed everything.
i like the angles
i need Archangel Michael to protection me
I wrote up a process to invoke Archangel Michael… Check it out here:
I was very overwhelmed as i called on archangel Micheal it waa an amazing feeling and very grateful to have found this site im using it as much as i can. Thank you so much.
You please connect with an angels on behalf of and tell them for helping me.
i am askingking about my husband who is dying of cancer.I need him to survive. I have two children are autistic and they need him more. I know every happens for a reason, but i cannot comprehend and We all need him.Thanks
Hi Melanie, I would like to know SPECIFICALLY how Archangel Michael helped YOU, when you felt alone, lost and discouraged. You wanted to change your life for the better, and you stated this was your first time channeling him, sooooo, how did he come to you, how did he help you??? Thank you.
That first time I connected with Archangel Michael, it was as if an incredible peace and light suddenly washed over me. I felt calm, and reassured… which was further strengthened by the message I received from Michael that everything was going to be OK and I was embarking on a new path of awakening and development with so many blessings in store. After that first meeting it was like I had been illuminated and a weight had been lifted. I dove full force into reading and learning about spiritual development, ascension, and channeling to learn how to increase my connection with Archangel Michael and the angelic realm further as it was so lovely… and I wanted more.
A few years ago, I took a course learning how to call upon seven ArchAngels.
The ArchAngel that I felt first was ArchAngel Michael. I felt his vibration
immediately and have since called upon him many times. I was glad to
read that it is Michael who is closest to our Universe. The other six ArchAngels
that I learned about are wonderful too.